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Random Comments



  • That's a good thing, all the other meme generators are awful to use.
  • I'm so glad this forum allows people to say stuff without everyone thinking it is a personal attack or an insult. Telling someone they are wrong is an opportunity for them to grow as a person... or at least an opportunity for a fun discussion.
  • Final Fantasy VII on Steam has...Cloud saves.

  • edited July 2013
    ignore this
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • edited July 2013
    ignore this as well
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Happy Independence Day.
  • Somebody started following me on tumblr. Their entire tumblr consists of pictures of people with incredible abs. I went back like twenty pages. That's the entirety of it.
  • Link..?
  • edited July 2013
    I've been watching fireworks invented in China, driving a car made in Japan, eating food who's concept was invented by the Mesopotamians and Mezoamericans, and now I'm typing on a computer probably made in Vietnam. Probably the only real American thing was the longhorn steer in my burger. Multiculturalism is part of America.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • There is one thing your using invented by America: freedom.
  • I was looking to both practice my note taking skills and do it while learning new techniques. This might be a good idea Caption Tube create close captions for youtube videos.
  • Attack on Titan would make a good game if they did it right. Like it could be a combination of Spiderman and Shadow of the Colossus with some Tower Defense/Rampart action at the beginning of each level. Unfortunately so far the only games we're getting are visual novels :/
  • Attack on Titan would make a good game if they did it right. Like it could be a combination of Spiderman and Shadow of the Colossus with some Tower Defense/Rampart action at the beginning of each level. Unfortunately so far the only games we're getting are visual novels :/
    Does this count?

  • So, FB is asking me if I've worked at RIT because so many of you have.
  • I once worked there. I did a juggling show.
  • I was looking for Sigils of Malcador on Google and the top page was the cosplay thread on this forum.

    In other news I will be DM'ing in the battle interactive for FandomFest Friday and Saturday.
  • I really wish they'd make a GTA game set in the 1970s, in the style of Taxi Driver.
  • "All skeletons are against me. Even as a child, I was always hated by skeletons."- Cleverbot
  • Skeletons hate me too. Always shooting at me with their bows and sending their spider mounts at me.
  • A martini without vermouth is just a glass of gin with an olive. And that's not a goddamn cocktail.
  • I prefer vodka.
  • Then it's even worse, but since I prefer drinks with flavor I like gin.
  • Gn tastes like gross pine needles. Vodkas can have flavor.
  • A martini without vermouth is just a glass of gin with an olive. And that's not a goddamn cocktail.
    Why, in bogs name, would you ruin a good glass of gin by putting vermouth in it?
  • A martini without vermouth is just a glass of gin with an olive. And that's not a goddamn cocktail.
    Why, in bogs name, would you ruin a good glass of gin by putting vermouth in it?
    Some people are just weird, man.
    Gn tastes like gross pine needles. Vodkas can have flavor.
    Do we even know you.
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