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  • I feel it should be noted that the only prop or badge replica request that I've absolutely turned down was to make a ersatz Blue Peter badge.
    I think that is a given. Those things are gold.
  • On a school laptop for Chinese Comp. This computer needs an OS reinstall so bad. It's not even that it's old (I'd guess it's only two years old or so), but the kids who used it last year were apparently real dumbasses. Kapersky Internet Security, Kooz Kids, Bing Bar, Ask Toolbar... why is any of this shit on here? It's a complete wreck. Windows keep randomly de-selecting, everything takes a long time to respond, how did this even happen?
  • edited October 2013
    Augh, toolbars.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I can't remember which thread it was in so I'll mention it here - latest itunes update (11.1.1) fixes that stupid "Can't delete any podcasts" problem that was occuring with 11.1.
  • [Nerds Externally]
  • * Double spacing after periods
    Whenever I write something down I use double spaces.
    Let me guess. You also pronounce "gif" as "KOTOL GIEV MANNA" and hang the toilet paper vertically. So obviously you disgust me.
  • Wow. I trolled someone so bad on FB that when I post in a thread he has been posting in he deletes his posts and goes away!
  • Jesse Ventura is a certifiable crackpot.
  • The average daily attendance at all 4 Walt Disney World theme parks on a given day is around 118,000 people. That's just the parks, not including people who aren't at the parks on any given day and are instead hanging out at the pool, golfing, at Downtown Disney, etc.

    So, 118,000 is a low estimate of how many people are on the resort.

    The average daily bowel movement total is around 450 grams. That's roughly a pound.

    Also, everybody's eating pretty rich food while they're there, so you can probably bump that up a bit, but we'll assume a pound.

    This means that on any given day, AT LEAST SIXTY TONS OF SHIT is being flushed down Disney plumbing. I wonder where all of that goes. Sixty tons.
  • It's probably shipped to a landfill with the rest of their solid waste. That or they compost it with the animal manure. Their "environmental fact sheet" says: Disney’s Animal Kingdom provides some unique forms of “waste.” In 2011, more than 4,500 tons of manure from Disney’s Animal Kingdom and the Tri-Circle D Ranch was sent to the compost facility and produced more than 8,800 tons of compost throughout the year.
  • If I was a chick, I would totally get a tramp stamp of the lions from the Ishtar Gate.

    Three on the left facing right, three on the right facing left. Classical (or, I guess Ancient if we're going to be picky) tramp stamps just seem like something that should exist.
  • You mean the lions from the Tigris and Euphrates board?

  • Not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure that I saw Katie Rice run by me on my way home from work.
  • Traded in the last of my Magic Cards for a copy of Settlers of Catan and Puerto Rico; time to learn how to play some goddamn boardgames.
  • edited October 2013
    Traded in the last of my Magic Cards for a copy of Settlers of Catan and Puerto Rico; time to learn how to play some goddamn boardgames.
    I've been looking for more specific advice on how or if I should get rid of my M:TG cards. What did you do?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I just showed them the cards and let them know I wanted to trade them in for some boardgames. They priced them out and let me know how much I had to work with, and then I went shopping. I definitely didn't get the best value for the cards I gave them, but I didn't care about that.

    Depending on what cards you have, and their condition, I would recommend getting rid of them. The market for MtG cards has bubbled, exorbitantly so for certain cards printed before 2003. I would strongly recommend going through your entire collection and checking each and every card against this site. Anything that retails for over ten dollars is worth setting aside and trying to get maximum value from. Anything that retails between one and ten dollars is not worth the effort of the pricier cards, but can still net you something. Anything that retails for under a dollar is basically trash; stick those cards in a shoebox, and take them to whichever gamestore will give you the best price - usually $0.15 or $0.25 per thousand cards - for them.

    For all the cards that aren't bulk, how much work you want to put into it will determine how much money you will get out of it. There are plenty of retailers, both online and physical stores, that will happily buy your cards at roughly 50% market price. Depending on the store, you might be able to get more if you're going to do a trade-in for something else. If you sell it yourself through Ebay, or another site, you'll have a better chance of making more money, but you have to pay attention to more stuff in regards to the market for these cards. If you're set on doing it yourself, this list will help in determining what you should be asking for your cards.

    Hope that helped.
  • I think he might be running just a little rich.

  • edited October 2013
    The thing that annoys me most about conspiracy theorists as a group is that they just so fucking boring. It's always the same goddamned thing. It's the same JFK theories that have been kicking around since before the body stopped bleeding. It's the same moon landing conspiracies that we've had since the 80s and 90s. Even we a new event happens, like Sandy Hook, it's the same fucking story, just with different names plugged in to the conspiracy theory mad-lib.

    For fuck's sake, you'd think that at least one person out of the thousands of conspiracy theorists around, you'd see a new conspiracy theory that maintained the same level of superficially plausible delusion, rather than descending even further into "The queen is secretly a shapeshifting lizard" territory. I don't know, how about something like "The CIA knew Oswald was cracked, and allowed him to kill the president", or "The CIA took advantage of Oswald and manipulated him into killing the president without his knowlege" - I mean, they're superficially plausible, there's no evidence of them, and there's just enough woo-spooky-stuff-kids-government-is-bad mixed with "We're smart enough to figure it out, unlike those sheeple" to get it off the ground. Hell, it even fits the available evidence better than any other JFK conspiracy so far, because all the evidence points to Oswald being the shooter!

    But no, all we ever get is "Herp Derp CIA snipers Oswald was innocent, impossible shots and inaccurate rifles, psyops and secret plots!" Urgh. Be interesting, you bastards.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Wanna know an awesome JFK assassination conspiracy with relatively decent evidence: The FBI/CIA/Grassy Knoll theory was spread by undercover KGB agents, trying to create distrust in the American government.
  • Oh yeah, the Mitrokhin archive. Still more reliable than 99% of other conspiracy theories, as large parts of the archive have been corroborated either by evidence, demonstrable accuracy, or from other defectors with no connection to Mitrokhin himself. We haven't proved the JFK conspiracy theories bit, but it's pretty plausible.

    My favorite bit is that one of the fathers of the JFK conspiracy movement is implicated, but calls it all lies, despite his theories at the time matching the description if what he was allegedly fed. While he might be telling the truth, I prefer to think someone's shredder got a good workout when that came to light.
  • 'ye' is pronounced as 'the'
  • As Dracula commented: "Don't be boring!"
  • New favorite Engrish (from my Chinese Comp teacher): "Project 1 -- On-Lined Submission."
  • edited October 2013
    "Please take our freedom."
    I saw that on a label on a water cooler in a hotel in Japan; it's still my favourite.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Proselytizers, Proselytizers everywhere. One at the bus stop at my college, and then one on my street on my way home. Got a nice pocket edition of the New Testament though.
  • edited October 2013
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • dafuq?
    This is why we can't have nice things.
  • Enjoy Ro!
    I'm essential and working, but not getting paid. I don't think I qualify.

    Thanks, but that also doesn't look like any "fun".
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