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  • A dildo that has Congress written on it would be more in the spirit of things.
  • ...because it's fucking the Federal workers?
  • That's like... a collectors item.
  • ...because it's fucking the Federal workers?
    Up the ass with a sandpapaer condom.
  • I didn't think this would happen, but... I'm kind of lonely.
  • Which kind of lonely. The cool kind or the annoying kind?
  • Which kind of lonely. The cool kind or the annoying kind?
    Aria is gone today, visiting family. It's just weird not having him here, I'm used to it. I miss him.

  • Dick in a toaster.
  • Ever have one that feels so satisfying you begin to wonder if receiving anal sex might be enjoyable?
    My general feeling is that I like things coming out of my butt, not coming in it.
  • Ever have one that feels so satisfying you begin to wonder if receiving anal sex might be enjoyable?
    My general feeling is that I like things coming out of my butt, not coming in it.
    I've no personal experience, but I have it on reliable authority that it feels pretty good.
  • image
    Rym and Emily could take the cable car to work in the morning!
  • Man, I would not wanna be on one of those during the winter or during hurricane season.
  • Nyko released a Wii U pro controller in Xbox configuration. Yes, I purchased it.
  • I'll never understand why people like their joysticks diagonal from eachother.
  • I'll never understand why people like their joysticks diagonal from eachother.
    muscle memory.
  • That's not an actual reason. That's just saying you like it that way because that's what you're used to.
  • edited October 2013
    You should put the most used interfaces directly above the thumb joint for least strain.
    You can pop and swap this guy.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • My main gripe with the Nintendo one is that the buttons are below the right stick.
  • I'll never understand why people like their joysticks diagonal from eachother.
    muscle memory.
    In my case, I find the controller actually easier to grip with diagonally opposed sticks. When they're together as on the Playstation, I feel as though my thumbs are going to collide and I subconsciously reduce my movement range to avoid it. Then again, I don't like the build of the PS controller either as its much too narrow and sharp for my larger hands.

    Then there's the very small range of motion on the analog triggers...

    So yeah I'm sure a lot of it is habituation but damned if the PS3 controller doesn't feel like it's just gonna shoot out of my hands like a wet bar of soap...
  • I've got the enormous spider hands but the PS2 controller is still the second best to the N64. Hey, at least I'm not one of those freaks who thinks the Dreamcast controller is the best.
  • You know, I was a fan of the Original Duke Xbox controllers
  • I still love the old PS1/2 analog controls they were golden for my hands.
  • The original XBOX controllers were perfect in my opinion with the one exception that the white and black buttons should be changed to shoulder buttons as on the 360. The size, shape, heft, were all great for me.

    (and I swear the analogs were more responsive on the XBOX 1 than on the 360.)
  • Just got a letter from my publisher. Looks like Quartile will be getting a license extension and they want to know if I have any more game designs for publication.
  • What do you think about traditional game publishing vs going solo on Kickstarter or similar? I didn't know you had a game published, that's neat.
  • edited October 2013
    That's sweet. It's always awesome when something you created is given the heads up for production.

    Re: Xbox hueg controllers, I can't stand the PS2/3 controllers. I used the originals on the first playstation. The one with no sticks, and then the Dual Shock. They were ok but then once the box came out, I couldn't ever go back.

    That is the primary reason I never owned a PS2/3
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • I bought a PS3 and ended up selling it at a pretty hefty loss about a month later. I tried a few XBOX-alike controllers but all had some dealbreaker issue or another.

    I really prefer Sony's dashboard if only because it's not riddled with ads. I'm pretty fucking tired of launching my XBOX 360 to go put on some Dora the Explorer for my 4 year old, only to have a screen full of large horror movie/show/whatever ads pop up all over the screen.

    Yes, there's a few tedious ways to block the ads, but I shouldn't have to resort to those.
  • What do you think about traditional game publishing vs going solo on Kickstarter or similar? I didn't know you had a game published, that's neat.
    Depends on lots of things. Like most industries if you hook up with an established player you are trading off financial win for commercial exposure.

    I made a lot more money per copy when I was self publishing but with a license deal I don't have to do anything.

  • Everybody's always so cagey about this stuff. :-)

    Sure, there's lots of variables, but which has been better for you personally?
  • I'll give a longer response later. On my phone now.
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