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  • Don't do your history homework while clip hunting for the "every time Chevy Chase makes a Franco joke" montage. I nearly wrote "Spain was unified under a Christian rule when the two monarchs Queen Isabella and Generalissimo Fancisco Franco were married."
  • A GIF to summarize Giant Bomb:
    Man, even after all this time, I expected Ryan Davis and his majestic pelt to pop up in that gif.

  • You don't notice how good something was till its gone. There is something there about being able to go back and see all the videos and podcasts he was on that is important. I just can't express it at quarter to six in the morning.
  • At PAX AUS, every time I saw someone with Giant Bomb merch or talking about giant bomb enthusiastically, I'll always call them out and say something like "Yo man - Fuck Ryan Davis." Usually met with fist-bumps and a returned, sad "Fuck, Ryan Davis." A few people cried, we hugged it out. A few talked and told stories. He was an influential dude not just for Giant Bomb/Whiskey Media, but to a worldwide audience.
  • edited September 2013
    Throughout high school, I used to do a lot of inking of my artwork. I actually carried around a second bag with a portable lightbox in it for years to ink with. It was frustrating but very rewarding work. After I got my first tablet, though, the lightbox stopped seeing use for the most part.

    Well, I've been sitting on Manga Studio 4 since forever, so I decided to finally install it and give it a go. To my surprise, it feels exactly like inking on my old lightbox with a massive pile of technical pens. The emulation was so close that that weird scent-memory thing started kicking in; I felt like I could smell that unique odor of crisp paper and ink being heated ever so slightly by the lightbulb in the box. Though I'm super out of practice with that kind of work, the way lines go down, the ease of crosshatching and the awesome sketchy lines... what a fantastic program.

    It also emulates something I had forgotten from my inking days: after just a few hours, my hand is cramping up something crazy. It doesn't help that I had my pen pressure detection set more "firm" to get better photoshop lines...
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • 90% of the time, when someone claims they do "intellectual" commentary about video games, this is the image that pops into mind as soon as they start.
  • Just finished a 80 minute game of Natural Selection 2, where the Marines were on the cusp of victory, having taken us down to one hive. It was then when we slowly pushed back, progressing one room at a time while defending against their increasingly desperate attacks. By the end of the game, the marine team had twice as many kills as the aliens, yet we emerged victorious, leaving me with a strange sense that I really accomplished something. I've never seen a comeback like that.
  • That is what NS2 is missing a lot of from NS1.
  • edited September 2013
    Is 'unauthorized' the new 'illegal'? I keep hearing news stories about 'unauthorized immigrants' in the news.

    Is thievery now going to be reported as an unauthorized transfer of valuables?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • It certainly puts unauthorised autobiographies in a resque light.
  • Neither of which is a good light!

    Will this be an illegal or an undocumented biography?
  • I like the idea of an illegal biography. The writer stalking the person with a note book and genealogy.
  • An undocumented biography could be very entertaining.
  • It certainly puts unauthorised autobiographies in a resque light.
    I've heard of unofficial autoboigraphies but that's ridiculous.
  • Dissobeying authority is the new breaking the law?
  • edited September 2013
    Dissobeying authority is the new breaking the law?
    Disobeying authority has always been breaking the law; just a matter of whose authority.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • So, for my Environmental Science class, our homework takes the form of Google Forms, and so far in every one I've needed to link to an XKCD.
  • There's been a lot of Cowboy Bebop music in Running Man recently.
  • I love the trebuche its a wonderfuly simple yet very affective peice of seige equpment. I mean its abilites are over exagerated but still its pretty cool when you think about it. Also read a really interesting peice on blind people in the middle ages. Big work for them on scafolds and tredmills.
  • There's been a lot of Cowboy Bebop music in Running Man recently.
    There has always been.
  • Why is it always the astronomy club in anime and manga? I was reading Last game and for no reason people are up in the astronomy club and it got me thinking, everyone joins the astronomy club. Is that what the cool kids do? or is this some strange moe/love dream that couples are into this stuff.
  • I want to create an adventure mode map for minecraft with dungeons, treasure chests and monster spawners. The problem is that on vanilla servers any spawner you create will spawn pigs.

    What can I use to easily create maps and spawners?
  • I want to create an adventure mode map for minecraft with dungeons, treasure chests and monster spawners. The problem is that on vanilla servers any spawner you create will spawn pigs.

    What can I use to easily create maps and spawners?
    Get Feed The Beast mod.
  • Not what I am asking for. I am looking for a direct world editor.
  • Tonight's schedule - PAC-MAN CE DX+, SaltyBet
  • I wish I could take all of first term off school. My meds are messing with me so much, I'm barely even useful. My biggest stress right now is Chinese Comprehension, widely regarded as the easiest class in the school. How the fuck does this even happen.
  • I think there's a command to convert spawners into other types. I can't recall it if requires Bukkit and/or Bukkit plugins, though. Are these maps for distribution as single player or can it be on a server?
  • I am working on a server map. I wanted to take the Caves of Chaos from B2 and recreate them as a Minecraft adventure map.

    I can make pig spawners using the give command but I cannot change them. I found a zombie spawner in the wild but I can't clone it using the mouse wheel button.
  • I know Feed the Beast addresses this problem. In Tekkit, I used a console command to fix them, but I don't recall what it was. It might have been a WorldEdit //replace command using the ID:metadata.
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