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  • edited October 2013
    Give it 10 more years and science will have achieved full on tactile holographic boobs, butts and penis.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • I never understand the claim that "the internet is depraved" or similar to what you guys have posted here. The internet isn't one thing! The internet is what you make it for you, just like individual services like twitter or tumblr are full of the things you follow. I never accidentally see porn or anything remotely depraved, except sometimes when I follow a link from threads like this on this very forum. Nothing I do on the internet ever makes it appear. And that's not just me.
  • So you're incurious maybe. The things I've been hit with, I've never gone seeking.
  • Most of the bad things I've seen on the internet were brought to my attention by my asshole friends.
  • So you're incurious maybe. The things I've been hit with, I've never gone seeking.
    I'm intensely curious about all kinds of things. However, none of the things I've ever been curious about have ever led me into any depravity or porn. Really!

    I perform a lot at comedy shows, and one had a headline act from Canada (who was terrible, to be honest) who, after opening with a tired old joke about Chinese people having small penises (which bombed) opened his main bit with the tired old line about "The internet being full of pornography" and "Germans having the best/dirtiest porn."

    And the nobody in the audience went for it! It fell flat. Partially it was because it was old and not funny, but I think mainly because, with the crowd at the show, most people grew up with the internet, and for them it simply has nothing to do with porn!

    It's like saying all magazine shops are full of porn, or all book shops are full of porn, or all video shops are full of porn, or that even all of Amsterdam is full of porn. That just isn't true. The people who think the world is full of porn are those who spend time looking for porn. The people who think the internet is full of depravity must be those who spend their time looking for depravity.

    I just searched for Big O. In the first four pages of Google results? No porn. Big O Torrent? Nothing that looks like porn (though I'm not going to download it to check).

    This makes me think of the time I brought up that people calling anime characters "underage" when they mean "children". Surely you know you don't represent the entire internet or the entire world?
  • German porn is the dirtiest? When was that true?

    German porn is the most realistic, the actors are not plastic enhanced.
  • I don't get porn when I don't want it, unless I'm on 4chan or tumblr or someone is browsing my downloads folder.
  • You see, I can't remember the exact quote from the terrible comedian. My point is that for middle aged Americans, Germans are known for porn and/or German porn is known for being something specific compared to porn from other places. For 90% of the people in the audience of this comedy show (myself and my friends included) they had no knowledge, experience or opinions about German porn. It just isn't a thing for them.

    But I guess now I understand how this comedian can do so well in America. He can do racist jokes and material about porn and still have a large enough audience to be successful.
  • I think the depravity has moved to the former eastern block countries. Regardless I get your point.
  • I don't think finding garbage on the internet is an American thing, but since the likelihood of accidentally stumbling across undesired content is sort of hard to quantify, I guess I can't really adequately counter your sweeping generalization about a huge population of people.
  • It used to be far worse, everyday my email was full of porn mail (unsolicited). Eventually all of that just stopped.
  • I too, don't get American comedy. A friend of mine was in this episode of Jimmy Kimmel (Skip to 10 mins in. Rick's in blue.) and I thought this wasn't too far out of the norm for American comedy but then I talked to him and some other people and they found it just as demeaning so I suppose it might not be so normal.
  • That is normal for shitty American comedy.
  • edited October 2013
    I want to be like "hey it ain't all like that!" but dude's got a late night TV show, and that's certainly what's popular. However, I don't know any decent human beings who think shit like that is funny.

    This, on the other hand:


    Is what I'm into.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • edited October 2013
    I never find late night talk shows to be funny in any sort of consistency. Even any frequent comedy shows like Daily Show and Colbert are amusing but only actually funny some of the time.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Best comedy on American TV is going to be found on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network.
  • I too, don't get American comedy. A friend of mine was in this episode of Jimmy Kimmel (Skip to 10 mins in. Rick's in blue.) and I thought this wasn't too far out of the norm for American comedy but then I talked to him and some other people and they found it just as demeaning so I suppose it might not be so normal.
    Blocked outside of the USA. What is said that is demeaning?
  • Sorry but due to international treaties we can't let that stuff be exported. Suffice to say the words were spoken with an American accent and people laughed.
  • I too, don't get American comedy. A friend of mine was in this episode of Jimmy Kimmel (Skip to 10 mins in. Rick's in blue.) and I thought this wasn't too far out of the norm for American comedy but then I talked to him and some other people and they found it just as demeaning so I suppose it might not be so normal.
    Blocked outside of the USA. What is said that is demeaning?
    Mostly it's crass jokes made at the expense of a group of blind people.
  • I too, don't get American comedy. A friend of mine was in this episode of Jimmy Kimmel (Skip to 10 mins in. Rick's in blue.) and I thought this wasn't too far out of the norm for American comedy but then I talked to him and some other people and they found it just as demeaning so I suppose it might not be so normal.
    Blocked outside of the USA. What is said that is demeaning?
    Mostly it's crass jokes made at the expense of a group of blind people.
    Two minutes into that section, and it's just awful!
  • Ah, I thought I'd be able to go back and edit that one, but I had to eat figs with my in-laws.

    Anyway, I only got a few minutes further into that segment. Worse than it being super ignorant and insulting, it's ignorant and insulting without being even slightly funny.

    The line "5 for 5, right through the heart!" wasn't funny the first time, but then it was repeated three more times. It could have been made to be funny if the first person to shoot was told they got 5 for 5, and then the next 1 for 5, and then the next 6 out of 5... or something... or ANYTHING except the same joke four times.

    I can laugh at jokes about blind people, or even jokes at the expense of blind people, but only if they are funny.
  • Y'know, when colleges say "we have a dorm for 'healthy living' students, who don't drink, smoke, or do drugs" I get that they're trying to say "squares are welcome here" but in practice they're saying "there's so many freaks here, its more notable if you aren't one than if you are."

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  • It's basically just the kind of floor for people who don't want to deal with drunk assholes. They are admitting that college is full of drunken antics, and the floor is simply for people who are unwilling to deal with that.
    The people on that floor are all highly possible to consider doing these things, they just don't want to deal with loud and annoying drunken/high people at any point when they are in their dorm.
  • Well Iike some American comedy, it is probably just a personal preference kind of thing but a few shows I like are "Parks and Recreation", "Brooklyn 99" and "South Park". I actually like "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" but no longer keep up with it.

    However I especially enjoy when Jon Stewart gets interviewed by a Fox Network show. I find it amazing that one of the most intelligent politically focused commentators is a comedian. Actually I take that back, in Australia we have a similar situation with the "Chaser" team who go split up for drawing too much poor press to a Government owned TV station (I think).
  • Well Iike some American comedy, it is probably just a personal preference kind of thing ...
    Of course! I'm not saying that there is no good comedy coming out of America. My point is that there is a big or wide enough audience in America that comedians who only perform old/tired/offensive/unfunny/demeaning/sexist/racist/ableist/etc comedy can still get by and earn a living. Omnutia's example of Jimmy Kimmell's blind people at a shooting range is a perfect example of this, though I know it doesn't represent all American comedy.
  • edited October 2013
    Redneck comedy is a beast unto itself.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • I never considered Jimmy Kimmell to be redneck. Also the bad comedian in Berlin last week was French Canadian. It's the insidious political incorrectness more than the blatant that I find disturbing.
  • edited October 2013
    Sorry wasn't referring to Jimmy Kimmel. I don't even consider him a comedian. Just that guy that was in The Man Show. Redneck comedians are like Jeff Foxwothty and Larry the Cable Guy.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Then I'm glad I've never heard of those comedians.
  • Jeff Foxworthy isn't so much offensive as embarrassing to listen to.
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