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  • edited October 2013
    Sorry wasn't referring to Jimmy Kimmel. I don't even consider him a comedian. Just that guy that was in The Man Show. Redneck comedians are like Jeff Foxwothty and Larry the Cable Guy.
    The sad part is, if you here their "non-redneck" stick then they are really good. Bill Inval was the closest to a real comedian and tends to shy away from the redneck in his sets and focuses on more real issues.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • Redneck comics aren't all bad. There's Ron White, and... Ron White.
  • edited October 2013
    Ron White is kinda a dickhead and doesn't have many jokes. That being said he is by far the best out of the band that is the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. He also isn't much of a redneck. He's just a sleazy drunk Texan.
    Then I'm glad I've never heard of those comedians.
    I'm somewhat surprised you haven't at least heard of Larry the Cable Guy. The others haven't done anything ever but Larry was in Cars which is known internationally. Not that I enjoy either of those things.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited October 2013
    Jeff Foxworthy isn't so much offensive as embarrassing to listen to.
    If one gets offended by Jeff Foxworthy then they probably HAVE made change in the collection plate.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on

  • I like Bill Engvall too. Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy (except as Tow Mater) annoy me.
  • I just watched a few clips of Ron White's comedy. I quite enjoyed most of it.
  • Ron White is kinda a dickhead and doesn't have many jokes. That being said he is by far the best out of the band that is the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. He also isn't much of a redneck. He's just a sleazy drunk Texan.
    Right, I was confused. I didn't mean Ron White, I meant Tater Salad.
  • Man, Welcome to the NHK hits a little too close to home.
  • Man, Welcome to the NHK hits a little too close to home.
    Hit me when I was in college. Now hits me in regards to friends of mine.
  • We've got a former chair of Bronycon on out weekly trivia team. He's pretty good too.
  • Yay, iPad Mini with Retina screen. Sign me up!
  • Yay, iPad Mini with Retina screen. Sign me up!
    I want it also. It has even higher resolution than my monitor. That's just incredible regardless of any other factor. The problem is the price is a little bit high, and it's only 16GB, where my iPhone is 32GB.
  • A full size lighter iPad sounds pretty appealing. Still think I will go for the new mini though.
  • Honestly, the seven-inch size is the perfect zone for tablets. It fits great in your hand, is bigger enough than a phone to matter, but small enough that it's not like carrying a dinner plate.
  • Hows the battery life on the iPad mini? Im looking at getting something that could be an ereader/tablet. I was looking at the kindle fire but was put off by the 10 hour battery life.
  • New mini also has a 10 hour battery life.
  • Buurf Im I being crazy thinking that is a bit short?
  • Tablet won't ever be able to match a e-reader battery life. 10 hours is pretty good for a tablet.
  • Blast thats what I thought. I suppose I should look into recharge times as well. I might be moving over seas for a couple of years and can't take my books and junk with me. So Im looking at getting a new laptop and tablet/e-reader to cover the media side.
  • They're hard to compare. A tablet can be used for reading ok but even my basic Sony 505 will run rings around it for battery and possibly the display type, but it's probably not worth giving up all the other functions of a tablet for unless you are both a heavy reader and will have use of a smart phone where you are.

    Luke is an iPhone + iPad guy so ask him.
  • Blast thats what I thought. I suppose I should look into recharge times as well. I might be moving over seas for a couple of years and can't take my books and junk with me. So Im looking at getting a new laptop and tablet/e-reader to cover the media side.
    Check deals woot and similar sites because I've seen kindle and nook readers go for like $40 sometimes.

  • No, I only have an iPhone. It has a retina screen. I just want an iPad mini but I can't deal with non retina screens for reading any more.
  • Rather than say Retina (an apple marketing term) why not specify your pixel density and resolution requirement?
  • My pixel density and resolution requirements are such that I can't see individual pixels under normal use conditions. As this is the definition of Retina screens, the term Retina has become a useful shortcut, despite staring life as a marketing term. It's especially useful for referring to a device called, literally, "iPad Mini with Retina".
  • My Nexus 4 has a pixel density of 320 (Retina is 326 at similar size). Even when Apple started calling their screens by the marketing term "Retina" other manufactures were selling devices with pixel densities superior to that of the "Retina" line.
  • My pixel density and resolution requirements are such that I can't see individual pixels under normal use conditions. As this is the definition of Retina screens...
    The 'Retina' displays are not nearly high enough yet to 'truly' be out our eye's resolution. First off, they highly overestimate the distance you hold your device from your eyes. (You do not hold an iPhone with an outstreched arm). Secondly, even at that resolution, it simply isn't enough.

    The resolution of their screens is higher, sure. But it's not nearly high enough. It's like the difference between a 20 frames per second videogame and a 40fps one. It'll look a lot smoother, but it's nothing compared to 120 frames. You can still 'see' the individual pixels (If they didn't bleed into each other), it's just really hard.

    Source here (and another article I can't find right now).
  • One year ago the Nexus 10 released with a pixel density of 300 (iPad was at 264 and called retina). Retina means nothing outside of Apple's marketing. Even among their own products the pixel density is not consistent yet they all carry the name.
  • Still waiting for retina desktop computer monitors. How come the new iPad mini is 2048x1536 and my 24" monitor is 1920x1200. How come the new Mac Pro they bragged about supporting 4K displays, but where is the 4K studio display?
  • Still waiting for retina desktop computer monitors. How come the new iPad mini is 2048x1536 and my 24" monitor is 1920x1200. How come the new Mac Pro they bragged about supporting 4K displays, but where is the 4K studio display?
    So many of my dollars....

  • Okay, to be clear: the stepup from my iPhone 3GS to 4S in terms of screen resolution is the same step I want from the iPad Mini model from last year. The new Mini is called "with Retina". That is good enough for MY eyes under MY use cases. If you don't like the term, great, but that is the name of the product, and you understood my meaning even before clarification.
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