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  • HMTKSteve said:

    Doesn't Australia still have data caps?

    Yes, but I'd say it's pretty likely that they'll work out deals with ISPs.

    For example, if you look around online in games, sometimes you'll see Australian servers with labels like "Bigpond unmetered" - basically, there's a deal going on there that means traffic to that server isn't counted by your ISP, because it's local to local.

    Though, I'm not sure how much it will matter either way - we already have services like Quickflix, which don't have metering deals, but still survive, and services like ABC and SBS's streaming services. Our caps have gotten more generous over time - for example, I've got a terabyte cap at the moment, so I could watch Netflix at 1080P for literally every second of the month, and still not go over my cap. (Assuming that the measurements of netflix using a gig an hour at 1080P are accurate.)
  • If they do as they do elsewhere they will install Netflix servers in the ISP offices. They pretty much have to or else all of your links with the rest of the world will be saturated with Netflix traffic.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Doesn't Australia still have data caps?

    Yes but it depends on your plan and ISP. You are correct the overwhelming majority have caps.
    However for me the speed of transfer is the problem as I only have DSL available on my street.
  • Why isn't there a conspiracy theory to Nixon killing Bobby Kennedy? Given his paranoia regarding the Kennedys and the election of '72 in general, it would make a certain amount of sense for him to hire Sirhan Sirhan.

    However, I refuse to start this conspiracy theory, not because I don't believe in it, but because the actual conspiracies of Nixon in '72 (Watergate, of course, but more his direct order to Kissinger to extend the war because it was "politically advantageous") that any Kennedy conspiracy would distract from the well documented and proven crimes he committed.
  • Somebody is running my dumb harem anime RPG using Tsudere Sharks, it hasn't even started yet, and it's already the greatest thing.
  • edited January 2015
    My brother moved back to the US from France and was given and Xbox One while he was there. It looks like all he has to do is replace the cable plug. Or does have to replace the power brick as well?

    Edit: oops posted in the wrong random thread
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Somebody is running my dumb harem anime RPG using Tsudere Sharks, it hasn't even started yet, and it's already the greatest thing.

    I think I finally found another reason besides fanfiction to care about SV.
  • Banta said:

    Somebody is running my dumb harem anime RPG using Tsudere Sharks, it hasn't even started yet, and it's already the greatest thing.

    I think I finally found another reason besides fanfiction to care about SV.
    I run my tabletop game development thread there, if you're interested.
  • I created a White House petition asking the Library of Congress to buy the copyrights to MLK's speeches and make public.

    Probably won't amount to anything, but what the hell.
  • Why? The copyright will eventually run out.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Why? The copyright will eventually run out.

    Not in your lifetime.
  • @HTMKSteve You're also assuming Congress won't extend copyright lifetimes again.
  • Things published in the US after Mickey Mouse cartoons started being made will in all likelihood never leave copyright.
  • It has more to do with when Walt died than when they were published. There's lots of stuff from the '30s '40s and '50s available in the public domain. I remember when researching for American Tezukas, I found some of Iwerks' post-Disney works copyright free, and my dad's been digging through archives of old comic books as recent as WWII that fell into public domain.
  • Death Parade episode 4 is going to include a Death Arcade. I am excite.
  • It's hard to not use facebook. I constantly find myself back at the login page, and I deactivated my account nearly a month ago. I don't even have a reason, it's just a reflex action to boredom.
  • Retrain those reflexes.
  • I'm being a white, cis-het male and there's nothing Tumblr can do to stop me.
  • So apparently "thug" is a racist term now.
  • So apparently "thug" is a racist term now.

    Any term that is commonly used to refer to a race of people in a derogatory fashion is a racist term. If we decide between ourselves to start calling Chinese people "trees" when talking about them in a negative fashion, then even as boring a word a tree would become a racial slur.

    Many people have been using the word "thug" to refer to a stereotyped caricature of a black criminal/gang member. Because the literal definition of the word does not imply any particular race, racists could use the word in place of existing slurs to make racists statements and then deny being racist.

    That's a trick that a Kindergartner would come up with. I didn't say a bad word Mrs. Hoover, it says "UFCK" which isn't even a word at all. It doesn't work on adults.
  • So apparently "thug" is a racist term now.

    PB&J sandwiches are racist, didn't you know?
  • So apparently "thug" is a racist term now.

    When was the last time you heard it used to describe somebody who wasn't black?
  • So apparently "thug" is a racist term now.

    When was the last time you heard it used to describe somebody who wasn't black?
    Crime fiction. Russian and Italian thugs, or just general thugs of some boss or another.

  • So apparently "thug" is a racist term now.

    When was the last time you heard it used to describe somebody who wasn't black?
    Like, two days ago, my friend David used it to describe Jesus (I know people like to say that Jesus was black, but really he was a Semite; he was a PoC, but not black). He uses the term like this regularly, and is the only time I hear the term used.
  • So apparently "thug" is a racist term now.

    When was the last time you heard it used to describe somebody who wasn't black?
    My boss uses it to describe corporate lobbiests. While some corporate lobbiests are likely black, I would bet that some are not.
  • I think it becomes confusing in the North American region as large media outlets are comfortable with mild to moderate racist views and convey their messages using particular words (urban, thug, not sure of other things as I don't watch trash media).

    North American broadcast media has a racist undertone which is ignored or not obvious. This method (to me anyway) is more irritating and unnerving than what we have in Australia where someone is clearly racist or completely not racist, there are far fewer shades of grey.

    However using those words repetitively in jest and humorously removes their power or at the very worst makes cats and white kids aspire to be thugs, breaking the boundary for the word.

  • sK0pe said:

    North American broadcast media has a racist undertone which is ignored or not obvious. This method (to me anyway) is more irritating and unnerving than what we have in Australia where someone is clearly racist or completely not racist, there are far fewer shades of grey.

    At least our aboriginals have been legally people since we got independence. It took you guys until the 1960s to get that together.
  • To be fair, while we may (or may not, I'm honestly not sure) treat our indigenous population better than others, we certainly haven't treated them *great*...
  • muppet said:

    To be fair, while we may (or may not, I'm honestly not sure) treat our indigenous population better than others, we certainly haven't treated them *great*...

    We didn't, but Australia criticizing our racial problems is like the Germans decrying the history of Jewish oppression in Russia.
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