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Random Comments



  • Ikatono said:

    Hethalos said:

    Since this is the random comments thread, phi is better than pi.

    The probability of two random positive integers being relatively prime is 6/π^2. Ball's in your court.

    By the way, e wins because of Euler's formula.
    i is also pretty cool. I've heard it has plenty of mysterious, arcane, mathemagical properties.

  • Hethalos said:

    Ikatono said:

    Hethalos said:

    Since this is the random comments thread, phi is better than pi.

    The probability of two random positive integers being relatively prime is 6/π^2. Ball's in your court.

    By the way, e wins because of Euler's formula.
    i is also pretty cool. I've heard it has plenty of mysterious, arcane, mathemagical properties.

    Pretty sure they are just mathematical properties from all the times I've used e.
  • Eh, i isn't really special, it's pretty much just like any other imaginary number. Unless you consider 1 special. Which it is, but it's still boring so fuck that.
  • Ikatono said:

    Eh, i isn't really special, it's pretty much just like any other imaginary number. Unless you consider 1 special. Which it is, but it's still boring so fuck that.

    Nah. 1 isn't boring; it's just cool in a humble way. :smile:

  • When I was young, I formed powerful number biases that to this day are difficult to shake.

    6 is basically the best single-digit number. It multiplies nicely, divisible by both 2 and 3, and has a pleasing shape.

    12 is more unwieldy, but is basically the super-powered form of 6. Multiples of 12 were always very pleasant to work with. Divisible by 2, 3, 4, and 6. The "complete" form of 6.

    Whenever possible, I'd construct large numbers or counts with 6 as my basis.

    6 + 6 = 12
    12 + 12 = 24
    24 + 24 = 48

    So you can nicely combine into the largest block you need.

    7 can EABOD. It's slightly larger than 6 (which was annoying to my child brain), but weak due to its asymmetry. I visualized it as a 6 with a useless appendage: an extra dot. At least 8 has the decency to be two fours, forming a solid double square.

    2 and 3 were cool, but too elementary.

    9 was just a weak 10.

    Powers of 10 were boring.

    Interestingly, despite being odd, 5 was still symmetrical (visualized like it is shown on a d6). Two fours (an eight) and two fives (a ten) visualized the same way essentially.

    I was a weird kid.
  • edited February 2015
    The Minds of Terminus game is totally happening (taking our old podcast ( and making it into an interactive narrative.) Now all I have to do is learn Unity (possibly Gamemaker, but hopefully Unity) and come up with enough seed cash to hire artists who don't suck (art is expensive, yo, and isometric game assets are WORK...)

    We're going for Zelda-lite combined with a Choose Your Own Adventure book, there are no game overs, the world just changes based on what the player does (there will probably be 4-6 distinct timelines based on what the player does where even the levels you'll visit will change utterly by the second half.)

    It's ambitious on purpose so that people will care. I've got like 35% of the writing done, have already hired a concept artist, and have two VAs onboard.

    Post edited by muppet on
  • You know I always took that gif to mean the somethings "that's happening" is going to be a totally misguided venture, bound to fail, with the only remarkable feature being how much money will be spent/wasted on see it attempted despite clear evidence of future disappointment.

    But, you know, maybe you see it as a good way to announce your project.
  • Irony intended. :) There are a shit ton of variables, the project is ambitious, and there's lots to learn and nail down.

    Nevertheless, I think this turkey is gonna fly.
  • edited February 2015
    Rym said:

    I was a weird kid.

    Don't worry Rym. I played with calculators and thought that punching in numbers all day long was fun. To this day, I still have a fascination with calculators.
    Post edited by Hethalos on
  • Rym said:

    I was a weird kid.

    I used to take every multi-digit number I saw, like license plates and addresses, and add the digits together, hoping they would make a multiple of 5. I didn't like it when they didn't, so then I would bend the rules by counting letters or subtracting 1 for dashes. Also I still tap out the pattern:

    3 1 4 2


    5 1 8 4
    6 2 7 3

    with my teeth or fingers. I think I have some strong OCD-type symptoms from my ADHD.
  • That's definitely OCD like, I think. I've never been diagnosed, but I've been obsessed with the number 4 since I was like, 9. I still tap the deadbolt latches 4 times each at night, front and back door, before going to bed, but I used to blink my eyes to a rhythm in multiples of 4 like, all the time.
  • I have no sympathy for Mac people who don't know and can't figure out how to access files in formats not supported by Mac.
  • muppet said:

    That's definitely OCD like, I think. I've never been diagnosed, but I've been obsessed with the number 4 since I was like, 9. I still tap the deadbolt latches 4 times each at night, front and back door, before going to bed, but I used to blink my eyes to a rhythm in multiples of 4 like, all the time.

    Yeah, I definitely have a lot of the symptoms (or at least stereotypes) of OCD, but I'm not about to self-diagnose and don't really care enough to get it checked out so whatever. Also I have been diagnosed with ADHD and that apparently frequently leads to similar symptoms so it's possibly just that.
  • Greg said:

    I have no sympathy for Mac people who don't know and can't figure out how to access files in formats not supported by Mac.

    I find this hilarious when I encounter it.

    Last year a University kid asked me how to use something on their word processor and they were using Pages. I declined to have any knowledge as I honestly had never use the word processor even though it would have been trivial to work out.

    More recently one of my family friends wanted an instant fix for a virus or malware on her Macbook, it was the first time anybody has asked me about security problems for any computer for years and didn't know what to tell her nor did I have the time to research and fix her problem.

  • I love my Mac, but then, I know how to work on it and handle crap from Winders when I must touch it.

    iPhoto is a killer application for me. Nothing on Windows really measures up. Picasa is a hot mess, too.
  • I tried out using Word Online to make a document. It works quite well apart from the part where I was looking for features of Word that I depend on, only to see these features not present.

    I ended up just opening the document on my computer which has the full version of Word installed on it and finishing it up there.
    It is clear that the Office Online stuff is just there to do superficial changes. For full documents I'll still use Google Docs and the full version of Word.
  • I often associated emotions with numbers. 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 were angry, for example, whereas 6, 2, and 8 were happy. 4 was very "chatty", and 10 was bossy, because it was the base.

    I also have a strong prediliction for adding 7 and 18 to make 25, because of Yu-Gi-Oh.
  • Pages sucks, and breaks backwards compatibility for old files. Got a file from 2007 you want to look at again? Won't even open!

    Neo Office, which is based on Open Office, is free/cheap, almost as fully functional as Word from a few years ago, and opens anything you throw at it. It's the best mix of Windows and Mac feelingsythings.
  • I've been getting away with Google Docs forever, but I very seldom ever have to edit documents for work at home.
  • If you are a juggler who has learned the siteswap notation system, any string of numbers is tested, immediately, for being a valid juggling pattern.

    Pretty much any number plate I see, my brain is doing this:


    And any section of any phone number my brain starts up with this:


    For house numbers I'm all like:


    You'd think that letters in a sequence would throw me off, but after 9 comes a, b, c, etc, so I'm thinking:

  • Neito said:

    I often associated emotions with numbers. 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 were angry, for example, whereas 6, 2, and 8 were happy. 4 was very "chatty", and 10 was bossy, because it was the base.

    I also have a strong prediliction for adding 7 and 18 to make 25, because of Yu-Gi-Oh.

    Hmm...that is interesting. I always thought that odd numbers felt much more aggressive than even numbers.
  • Weather's looking a little sour down here of late.

    I was chatting to my sound gig boss today about the new year festival, since the one we were meant to be working tonight and tomorrow was cancelled, which is pushed back to next week. If it's cancelled next week too, then "Fuck it, we'll just stay in 2014."
  • It's weird, since I've been using a headset I've been using voice search on Google when using my desktop. I guess I got use to using Google Now on my phone.
  • New Simon Pegg movie looks pretty alright.

  • Churba said:

    New Simon Pegg movie looks pretty alright.

    Second movie trailer I've seen which shows a VOD release before the theatrical release.
    I would have personally filed this under "Thing of my Day" :D .
  • sK0pe said:

    Churba said:

    New Simon Pegg movie looks pretty alright.

    Second movie trailer I've seen which shows a VOD release before the theatrical release.
    I would have personally filed this under "Thing of my Day" :D .
    Probably because it's an Australian film. It's not like it's getting a wide release otherwise.
  • Okay, been having sound problems all day, bashing at it to fix it for most of that, finally just fixed it. I have literally no idea how. It just kind of happened.

    Bonus - I somehow overfixed it, where previously I was getting 5.1 surround, and now I'm suddenly getting 7.1. Still don't know what the fuck I did, but whatever it was, worked a treat.
  • Wait a day, you will have 3.1
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Wait a day, you will have 3.1

    If that happens, I think I'll just give up and go fishing.
  • And then it stopped detecting my onboard sound entirely. Wonderfuckingful. Fuck it, I'll deal with it tomorrow.
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