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  • I noticed the SD streaming on my Chromebook from the play store. I thought that was weird but as long as I can download an HD file...

    I'll buy a Chromecast today.

    Only time before Xbox becomes the Microsoft box. Generic terminal box. One box to rule them all

  • edited March 2015
    HMTKSteve said:

    I noticed the SD streaming on my Chromebook from the play store. I thought that was weird but as long as I can download an HD file...

    I'll buy a Chromecast today.

    Just cast everything and it is so tiny you can take it to a friend's house plug it in and have your entire library there if you want it (as long as you bring your phone).
    Dazzle369 said:

    Only time before Xbox becomes the Microsoft box. Generic terminal box. One box to rule them all


    It's just a PC so they are demoing the fact to people who don't understand what a console is to the general public - a poorly specced PC.
    The greater demo would be showing Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi. (edit which is also a tiny computer but for some reason it seems more impressive to me).
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • Bought the Chromecast.

    I just realized something. Digital HD with Chromecast is like BD without all the annoying piracy warnings and slow menus/load times.
  • OMG! Earthquakes! Since when are buildings allowed to do that?!
    (Earthquakes are scary)
  • edited March 2015
    It's the one thing I'm wary of about California. Not the earthquakes themselves, but the first one I go through I'll probably be instantly under a table in the fetal position, waiting to die, and Californians will laugh at me.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Churba said:

    Greg said:

    Here's my favorite example: one question on their FAQ is "You say "You'll Eat Your Babies" and you have a beautiful, eye-catching sign with a baby on a hamburger bun that says "Bitch Burger." What does that mean?"

    Let me show you.
    Ooh. Halloumi.
  • They're pretty fucking good.
  • Got my footrest today and after setting it up alongside adjusting my task chair and the comfort scale went through the roof.
    I thought my chair was great before but now at an appropriate height there is virtually no physical stress when typing or just doing computing for long periods of time. Totally worth it but it makes sitting on other setups feel like crap.
  • edited March 2015
    In tech news today, we've got another wide-reaching OpenSSL vulnerability. It's not as fun as the previous one, but it allows a middleman to force a connection to downgrade to "export-grade" encryption, which can be brute-forced. This being yet another reason why the USA's encryption export rules are freaking dumb.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Talking to my mom in FL, she is in her 70's.

    Me: I have a spare room, move back north.
    Mom: I'm old, I only have few years of independence left in me.
    Me: so move up now.
    Mom: I don't want to be a burden.
    Me: then move up now before you become a burden!
    Mom: nervous laugh.
    Me: learn the layout of the house before you go blind.
    Mom: funny....
  • I've just stopped playing local music on my desktop too, it's just easier to roll the dice on Google Music, it seems to figure out what mood I'm in after a song.

    I'll try to see if it can work out that I just want soundtracks when I'm studying or programming.
  • This was on the radio today:

    Out of the list on the website 13 out of the 15 would not get bipartisan support, the other two have already been on US coins.

    Got me to thinking, other than Betsy Ross what historical American female would get bipartisan support to have her face plastered on a US bill?
  • Betsy Ross doesn't deserve to be on a bill. All she supposedly did was design the flag, and she didn't even actually do that. Barton would be a good candidate, as would Tubman (it's hard to argue against nursing the military and/or hardcore abolitionists with a genocidal autocrat like Jackson). I'd love for Liz Cady Stanton to be on currency, but she doesn't have the brand power. Same deal with Edith Wilson, who is probably the most deserving of currency, but is so niche that she didn't even get on the ballot.

    Also, while we're replacing figures on currency, can we take Franklin off the 100? He didn't do much. I can think of a dozen better figures from American history off the top of my head.
  • Yup, Betsy Ross is mostly myth but she is a safe myth. Most of the woman on the list can be labeled feminist and there is your partisan fight.
  • edited March 2015
    Woooo, Get your hands off Ben Franklin. Philly will Fing cut you.

    Also would ruin a million songs that talk about Benjamin's baby.

    Also Ben Franklin is tot's awesome, how about getting rid of Andrew Jackson on the 20, McKinley on the 500, Cleveland on the 1000, Salmon P Chase on the 10,0000 (who the F is he).

    The question you should be asking is what did Ben Franklin not do?

    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Yeah. I love Chisholm, but she's a doomed cause. How would Barton or Tubman be labeled as feminists?
  • Andrew Jackson should move to the $5 bill.
  • Jackson shouldn't be on currency. Period paragraph. I say that as the biggest Andrew Jackson fanboy on these forums. Dude was a murderer. Besides, if Lincoln gets taken off the 5, and the anti-penny movement succeeds (which it will eventually), Lincoln will be off currency altogether, and that's not fair.
    Cremlian said:

    Also Ben Franklin is tot's awesome, how about getting rid of Andrew Jackson on the 20, McKinley on the 500, Cleveland on the 1000, Salmon P Chase on the 10,0000 (who the F is he).

    Are the 500s+ even still in print?
  • I'm pretty sure we don't maintain regular circulation for anything over the 100.
  • It's all about the Salmon's baby.
  • I just want a Jackson Five! You of all people, Greg, should have seen the joke.
  • Uh, would Rosa Parks be a good candidate, or was her stunt too preplanned to count?
  • edited March 2015
    HMTKSteve said:

    I just want a Jackson Five! You of all people, Greg, should have seen the joke.

    That's worthy. Swap Lincoln and Jackson then, and kick Grant off the fifty.

    EDIT: One of my favorite manga, Voynich Hotel, is ending, supposedly on chapter 68. If true, that's a missed opportunity.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • After like eight goddamn months of writing this dumb magical girl RPG, I finally made the thing a logo and started the book layout for real.


    I based it pretty heavily on the best Sailor Moon logo, the S season on.

  • Had the world's longest IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meeting this morning. The school psychologist referred to a test where I was shown pictures and had to come up with stories for them. He said my depression was evident because my stories were fairly grim. While I wouldn't argue that I don't have depression, I would argue that grim stories are perfectly reasonable if you use pictures like this:

    Or this:
  • How are those pictures grim? Clearly those couples have been banging all night long and are now tired.
  • Dunno what it says about me, but my first thought on both of those was "Shit, someone died".
  • First one: walk of shame
    Second one: Test results came in.
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