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  • Amp said:

    Have you been to London! Its a shithole, nothing works, piss everywhere and it costs an arm and a leg to do anything. The only saving grace is its architecture and museums. Every friend of mine that has moved to "LAndAn" as they call it has turned into a stonking great hippster nob.

    I spend a lot of time in London, and I can't disagree more strongly. I find London pleasant, the mass transit is fantastic, the non-beef food is great, and the general urban culture is enjoyably cosmopolitan.

  • AmpAmp
    edited March 2015
    How bad is are your tubes and buses if you think London has a fantastic system? Trains are delayed daily, often dirty or suspect as fuck, and don't get me started on buses. I mean its a running joke how crap they are.
    It depends on where you go for food, if your willing to shell out a load of cash then yeah the food is great but your spending a ton. If you have a realistic budget then its a night mare, everything is double in price and hardly worth it.
    Where did you go in London? Check out Shoreditch or Camden market to see what I mean. They are micro cosmos of Portland's hippsters.

    Edit; Also the Themes is literally a river of shit.

    The kicker is there are some great cities/towns in the UK that do all the things you say London does but with out the pretentiousness.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • How is London pretentious?
  • AmpAmp
    edited March 2015
    Ask any person who lives there and they will tell you its the best. The rolling hills of the Cotswolds pale in comparison to Wandsworth Common, food is obviously better then any other restaurant could possibly be, the night life makes Edinburgh look crap and don't forget that no matter what you do its always done better in London. The city, the buildings, are ok nothing special. Yes they have some interesting bits but so does York, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Dublin, its not the only place in the UK that has museums or culture it just thinks its the best. Hell in terms of architecture Oxford wipes the floor with it.

    It takes people and gives them an over inflated opinion of themselves that because they live in London everything is better, for no reason then they are in London.

    Edit; Also how bad are your trains!
    Post edited by Amp on
  • Yeah London isn't pretentious.
    Everyone around the country just wants to be there or knows to go there for some sort of central meet, everywhere else just doesn't count.

    Then you reach it and the outer 7/8 of the city is trash the middle is pristine.

    However the discussion was on global economic influence / power.

    Similar to London Sydney is an utter shit hole except for the very internal and I also have bias for the inner west because I had great friends and and house mates in that area when I lived there.

    Maybe Amp's comment on how there are cities that do the same thing as London does can be related to how Melbourne thinks it's an important city when in reality is incredibly insular and jealous of Sydney. When I moved there from Sydney I was assigned multiple negative labels from people who had never lived in Sydney. Melbourne would be just like Adelaide except that the State government buys all the major live events and sports looking to come to Australia. However it is really not that important when it comes to global reach.
  • I'm dubious of anyone who doesn't love the place they live unless they truly want to leave.

    I loved Beacon when I lived there. But it didn't have enough for me, so I moved to New York. I love New York. London has all the things for me that New York does except 24/7 trains.

    You keep harping on the trains. You do realize that basically no city in the US outside of New York, maybe Boston, has real mass transit at all, right? New York's is amazing, and on a broad scale puts most of the worlds' urban mass transit to shame. It's been running basically continuously for 100+ years, and it runs 24/7. It goes basically everywhere.

    London has similar reach (see also: Paris) in terms of where the tube goes, but only really lacks capacity and night trains.
  • I totally get what you mean Rym, I strongly considered moving to Singapore just to use their mass transit system again, I didn't care that it was cramped, only that trains were super fast and arrived every 2 minutes during peak hours plus never shut down. Also the bus system was fast and on time.
    (I didn't move because they wanted me to do 50-60+ hour weeks for half the hourly rate I was getting in Australia.)
  • In New York, I can go find people to play weird German board games with any day of the week if I really want to.

    In Beacon... we drove north 30 minutes to play with sub-optimal people if we were lucky.
  • Amp said:

    How bad is are your tubes and buses if you think London has a fantastic system?.

    Well, about that bad.

  • My kid... Failing high school by not even trying. Block League of Legends ports at home and instantly begins research until a way to bypass my port blocking is found just to play a game... Not smart enough to cover tracks.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    My kid... Failing high school by not even trying. Block League of Legends ports at home and instantly begins research until a way to bypass my port blocking is found just to play a game... Not smart enough to cover tracks.

    Probably not the best approach, if my parents tried that I would have tried the same thing.
    Is it just school in general or a particular subject?
    Plus can your kid do this work on a non networked / Internet accessible machine?

    Also might try positive reinforcement with the game, if he / she gets an A in the class he/she is struggling in you can buy an Ultimate skin (about $25 or so).
    Would he/she find it weird if you took greater interest to play with him?
  • Tried an online course (gym, the least favorite real course). Passed the course well enough to get credit but every essay/projection was done poorly. One or two sentences turned in as an essay.

    I changed the WiFi password for the day. Also offer red a chance to get access back by writing a five paragraph essay on any subject. No essay was written.
  • How do they have gym online?
  • Greg said:

    How do they have gym online?

    Yeah that's weird, maybe it's on the honor system
  • Greg said:

    How do they have gym online?

    Yeah that's weird, maybe it's on the honor system
    As someone who's doing online courses, I can vouch that almost everything you do is on the honor system.
  • Well gym aka physical education. You can go probably go over things like health, physical fitness, stretches, and things like that.
  • edited March 2015
    Rochelle said:

    Well gym aka physical education. You can go probably go over things like health, physical fitness, stretches, and things like that.

    Pretty much. Assignments cover aerobic vs anaerobic, sports history, rules of baseball, etc. There is also a section where you log your actual exercise and activities.

    One assignment was to play the part of the announcer in a baseball game and write out the play by play. She picked an old Roger Clemens game... I think you can guess what happened.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Rochelle said:

    Well gym aka physical education. You can go probably go over things like health, physical fitness, stretches, and things like that.

    Pretty much. Assignments cover aerobic vs anaerobic, sports history, rules of baseball, etc. There is also a section where you log your actual exercise and activities.

    One assignment was to play the part of the announcer in a baseball game and write out the play by play. She picked an old Roger Clemens game... I think you can guess what happened.
    Wow that's quite different to the physical education classes I attended, all we did was play sports, cross country running, swimming and a trivial amount of in class stuff.

    Very interesting.

    Essay structure can be abstractly difficult to understand as you are often just given a subject and told go rather than given a structure and how to approach a problem (which I didn't learn till I got good Year 11 English Literature and Economics teachers).
  • It blows my mind that Display Port has taken so long to become pervasive.
    The monitor I bought in 2008 had Display Port but had to wait till 2015 to connect it to a graphics card.

    The auto lock mechanism by it self is so useful regardless of the extra bandwidth. I do look forward to wireless display connections though, it remove the headache of cables to projectors.
  • Two or more intelligent players might be able to dick one player over, but one intelligent player and one asshole who's never even heard of game theory will never win.
  • "Live everyday like it’s your last. But wear a condom and pay your bills, just in case it isn't."
  • I just a new game.


    It's called Unbelievable Macho Bullshit and, basically, the players are all the villains from Commando. Your objective?

    Be killed last.
  • HMTKSteve said:
    Yeah this has been coming and it was a bull shit thing to happen. Most "good" ISPs were against it. My ISP is a Telco that grew from a tiny provider in Perth and is now nationwide (iiNet). I've personally spoke with the owner and CEO and both don't care what I do with the Internet, as long as I use them over the bigger companies who don't understand Internet access. The owner is firmly against this and is fighting it but I'm not sure what he can do beyond waiting till next election.

    Malcolm Turnbull is the most inappropriate choice to put in charge of telecommunications and Internet things. He has been made a fool of (not hard since he does it to himself on a daily basis). Especially when trying to defend any tech position, his defence of not implementing fibre to the home was the the most transparent circular argument I have ever heard. The problem is talking to brainwashed idiots who believe everything he says.

    I know how to get this roughly on lock down with VPN but it will slow my already slow connection.
  • Monsanto's making headlines again. I'd like to take a minute to remind everyone that they found the toxic properties in their most famous herbicide, Agent Orange, in the mid 50s, but continued to manufacture it and sell it to the USAF for as long as the President would allow them.
  • Greg said:

    Monsanto's making headlines again. I'd like to take a minute to remind everyone that they found the toxic properties in their most famous herbicide, Agent Orange, in the mid 50s, but continued to manufacture it and sell it to the USAF for as long as the President would allow them.

    IBM made computers for the nazis. Are you going to refuse to buy their products today?
  • Apreche said:

    Greg said:

    Monsanto's making headlines again. I'd like to take a minute to remind everyone that they found the toxic properties in their most famous herbicide, Agent Orange, in the mid 50s, but continued to manufacture it and sell it to the USAF for as long as the President would allow them.

    IBM made computers for the nazis. Are you going to refuse to buy their products today?
    Monsanto is more like if IBM had manufactured the gas chambers.
  • Monsanto tips the evil scales all over the place. Defending them is dangerously ignorant at best.
  • muppet said:

    Monsanto tips the evil scales all over the place. Defending them is dangerously ignorant at best.

    They aren't angels, but who is? The amount of evil they have actually committed is no worse than sweat shop Apple. The only difference is that hippies spend a lot more time spreading anti-science messages, especially against agricultural and pharmaceutical companies, so there is a perception of greater evil.
  • Apple didn't use chemical weapons against both Viet Cong troops and US troops alike. Apple never gave anyone cancer. Apple didn't cause waves of birth defects for generations.
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