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  • edited January 2011
    There are certainly socialist elements e.g.: welfare, medicade, medicare, social security, etc. but nobody seems to mind those things.
    Sorta my point, we do have various socialized aspects of our government/economy. We are not fully socialized, but Obama hasn't made us any more socialist than we already were.
    More importantly, I'm just being silly.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Right on page 1, Kenshiro walks up to the protagonist of Wizard of Earthsea and says "You are already Ged."
  • edited January 2011
    My mind was blown in class today. Bacon and eggs was NOT always considered an all-American breakfast. It was invented by propagandist Edward Bernays when the pork industry asked him to find an excuse to sell more bacon as a breakfast meat (lunch and dinner were already covered). Other notable works: popularizing Dixie cups because "only disposable cups were sanitary", fluoridating American drinking water, and overthrowing a democratically elected leader of Guatemala and thus coining the term "banana republic". All using the psychoanalytic techniques pioneered by his uncle Sigmund Freud.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Currently @ an RIT LAN party. It is the shit.
  • edited January 2011
    Thoughts on this setting, please: The cold war, but instead of nuclear weapons, it's time machines.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Well, my day started great. My parents have been arguing all morning. It seems my father is now a cold, callous person. It's not everyday my mother cries, but he managed to get her to cry for ten straight minutes. Now my mother is inconsolable, and despite my begging him not to, my father continued his tirade.

    What was this argument over? The way my brother was dressed to go out to the mall. My father thought my mother was being overbearing when she was only providing constructive criticism. (I'll point out my brother seemed to be dressed okay. Not perfect, but he didn't look like a bum.) Now she thinks she'll die poor and alone as she was a homemaker and never had a job. She honestly believes my father will divorce her. I personally can understand how she would feel this way (although I think it's unlikely), but I don't know what to do. Despite all I've been through, I still pity them and am in a rock and a hard place.

    I give up.
  • Thoughts on this setting, please: The cold war, but instead of nuclear weapons, it's time machines.
    Since time machines are impossible...

    Well, adding suspension of disbelieve there is still the problem that as soon as someone travels into the past to change the present, the changes will be instant and the other side has no recourse. There is absolutely no reason not to use a time machine for warfare as the opposition gets no possibility to react, implement countermeasures or execute an act of retaliation. The Cold War was possible because there was a time frame between the launch of nuclear missiles and their detonation at their targets, thus giving the victim a chance to launch its missiles in retaliation guaranteeing mutual annihilation. Since a Time Machine takes time out of the equation, this scenario just completely falls apart.
  • Right on page 1, Kenshiro walks up to the protagonist of Wizard of Earthsea and says "You are already Ged."
    At the beginning of "The Sixth Sense", Kenshiro walks up to Bruce Willis and says "You're already dead".
  • Starting a new game of Pokemon, Kenshiro appears and says, "You're already Red."
  • edited January 2011
    The page for Heavenly is what results when retarded power metal fans clash with pretentious twee snobs.
    I can't bear to see these ugly photos of a shit power metal band on my profile. Such a trouble. I want the English twee Heavenly.
    power metal heavenly kill the indie fag shit
    Ugh, what is this garbage power metal shit doing on a legendary indie-pop band's profile? Power metal? Seriously? I can't think of a more embarrassing genre of music to be associated with such an important band.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ugh, I can't believe still doesn't have any solution for artists with the same name. Not even a crappy clunky solution, just nothing.
  • edited January 2011
    A simple Artist/Genre/[A-Z] would do.

    As would Artist/Genre/Date.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited January 2011
    It's really not that hard to check which artist someone's listening to, either. If the song is a Heavenly (power metal) song, then tag it as the Heavenly (power metal) entity. Duh.

    Edit: What kind of metal band names themselves "Heavenly" anyway?
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited January 2011
    What kind of metal band names themselves "Heavenly" anyway?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Possible scheme to chop mugu dollar: I was talking with a Japanese friend of mine about what star-signs we were, which came up because we were talking about the animal zodiac due to the new year. My plan is to make a zodiac system that uses a grid with your animal zodiac across the top and star zodiac along the side and get astrology fans to think that it's much more accurate then keep adding layers of complexity until you got to the end of the book and it says "In the time you spent reading this, you could have developed a basic grounding in statistics.".
  • This bears an uncanny resemblance to Detroit Metal City's dichotomy.
  • Good point, by the time we pull out (Though it may have gotten too profitable at that point.) the movement may have gained too much steam or someone who actually drinks the kool-aid may try to one-up us.
  • Does anyone know of a good Twitter-news cast? Where you can get the gists of a story in [twitter char limit] characters. You know, like if you were to tell your friend about something you read somewhere.
  • I think I spent about an hour speaking complete rubbish before finally falling asleep during the middle of the LAN party. The only words that I can currently remember is said was "Chinese Yoda".
  • Why is a Los Campesinos! a Budweiser commercial?
  • A friend is selling his Sailor Moon S (Season 3) DVD set. I wonder how much I should offer him. Any suggestions?
  • A friend is selling his Sailor Moon S (Season 3) DVD set. I wonder how much I should offer him. Any suggestions?
    Online you can find various editions of it from $120 used to $30 used. So offer him $26 and see where to go from there.
  • A friend is selling his Sailor Moon S (Season 3) DVD set. I wonder how much I should offer him. Any suggestions?
    Online you can find various editions of it from $120 used to $30 used. So offer him $26 and see where to go from there.
    Those are probably knock-offs that are on the low cost end vs. the region 1 US release. I have other people bidding on it too, so I'm contemplating on how bad do I want them.

    I also am buying a bunch of comics from him for cheap, so I really need to figure out how much I want to spend all together.
  • A friend is selling his Sailor Moon S (Season 3) DVD set. I wonder how much I should offer him. Any suggestions?
    Online you can find various editions of it from $120 used to $30 used. So offer him $26 and see where to go from there.
    Those are probably knock-offs that are on the low cost end vs. the region 1 US release. I have other people bidding on it too, so I'm contemplating on how bad do I want them.

    I also am buying a bunch of comics from him for cheap, so I really need to figure out how much I want to spend all together.
    All those prices are from amazon, I'm pretty sure they check their third party vendors to make sure they arn't selling bootlegs.
  • All those prices are from amazon, I'm pretty sure they check their third party vendors to make sure they aren't selling bootlegs.
    Nope. My mother once ended up with a bootleg Peter Pan DVD. At least the seller gave her a refund, but still.
  • Bored Thursdays on the Geek Nights forums! -____-

    On another note, I haven't seen much of Funfetus lately. I miss him. :(
  • On another note, I haven't seen much of Funfetus lately. I miss him. :(
  • He's probably too busy being a badass.
  • Yeah, I like Funfetus a lot. Come back!
  • On another note, I haven't seen much of Funfetus lately. I miss him. :(
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