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  • I've just come to realize that if an anime occurs in a school, it is almost invariable the case the main character (or one of them if there are multiples) has the seat next to the window in the second to last row.
  • Wait - In Tron Legacy, flynn's computer has been running since 1989, with no internet connection, or any way to access the outside world. Daft punk are in the movie as MP3 programs. Wait, WHAT?
  • Daft punk are in the movie as MP3 programs. Wait, WHAT?
    If a new form of life was able to be evolved out of Flynn's system, I guess a file format could have autonomously evolved as well?
  • Daft punk are in the movie as MP3 programs.
    Were they expressly mp3's?

    Also, mp3's had been in development long before the actual standard was adopted. I can believe that Flynn was smart enough to incorporate that technology.
  • Daft punk are in the movie as MP3 programs. Wait, WHAT?
    If a new form of life was able to be evolved out of Flynn's system, I guess a file format could have autonomously evolved as well?
    The truth is that there is no grid. There is no way a computer that old a crusty could do any of that stuff. The gun that digitizes people actually just shoots you with a syringe of drugs. Notice how Flynn is a huge stoner, "dude!" Then when you're all fucked up you hallucinate the grid. That explains all differences between the original Tron grid and the Legacy one since Flynn and his son will have completely different hallucinations.
  • edited January 2011
    That explains all differences between the original Tron grid and the Legacy one since Flynn and his son will have completely different hallucinations.
    Maybe visually, since Flynn's son seems to have a much better imagination, but plot-wise there are actually pretty few differences. Allow me to explain the plot of both movies drug trips: Guy gets zapped into computer, gets captured by Recognizers, is put into a battle suit, has a disc fight, has a light cycle fight, escapes from the grid on said light cycle, returns to the grid in order to gain information, hitchhikes on a cargo ship across the Sea of Simulation, goes through the portal.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Maybe visually, since Flynn's son seems to have a much better imagination, but plot-wise there are actually pretty few differences. Allow me to explain the plot of bothmoviesdrug trips: Guy gets zapped into computer, gets captured by Recognizers, is put into a battle suit, has a disc fight, has a light cycle fight, escapes from the grid on said light cycle, returns to the grid in order to gain information, hitchhikes on a cargo ship across the Sea of Simulation, goes through the portal.
    Well, simplify anything enough, and you can make it like something else. Example -
  • It just dawned on me just how thrifty the people I hang out with are. When I woke up from my nap three people were discussing the strengths and weaknesses of different thrift stores around Orlando.
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah so I just won a bid on a pretty accordion :>
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Anyone remember that one flash game-thing where you're a robot who's supposed to save the earth from a meteor, or something? The one thing I remember is that it's just one long intro cutscene, and eventually the meteor just comes and destroys everything. I'm pretty desperate to find this game, anyone?
  • Yeah so I just won a bid on apretty accordion:>
    That accordion. It's so pretty!
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah so I just won a bid on apretty accordion:>
    High five, dude!
    Post edited by Walker on
  • That accordion. It's so pretty!
    i kno rite?
  • edited January 2011
    It feels like drag-racing time machines.

    Caffeine and Ham would be a funny name for pets/a band/a coffee shop.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • So, on this forum a while ago, someone brought up this cool online game where you built a ship out of tiny blocks that were jets and lasers and such...You got stronger and stronger and build better ships as you fought other people's ships.
    I can't find it. Anyone remember what it was called?
  • Captain Successor
  • Anyone remember that one flash game-thing where you're a robot who's supposed to save the earth from a meteor, or something? The one thing I remember is that it's just one long intro cutscene, and eventually the meteor just comes and destroys everything. I'm pretty desperate to find this game, anyone?
    Tada. Took me a while, all I could remember was one tiny snippet from the song, but it's pretty damn funny.
  • Watch out for that gravity, gravity is gonna kill you. It's time to learn about astronomy, it's time to learn about astronomy, it's time to learn about astronomy, heeeeeey! Asteroiiiiids are smalleeeeer than planeeeeets.
  • I've always wondered, what happens when you make your bucket list, and you accidentally go through it too fast, and suddenly, you're forty, and you've got nothing left you want to do. Do you just shoot yourself or something?
  • You calculate your burn rate part way through and make sure to keep adding. You could also take a holiday at the end and use it to think up more stuff you want to do.

    Alternatively, put "World Domination" on the end as an afterthought.
  • I just discovered Peanut Butter Creme Oreos. The end is nigh.
  • I just discovered Peanut Butter Creme Oreos. The end is nigh.
    As great an idea as that sounds, I can't stand them. The peanut butter creme just tastes...wrong. Best Oreo remains the Double Stuft original.
  • I just discovered Peanut Butter Creme Oreos. The end is nigh.
    Stick with the Trader Joey Joe Joe cookies. Also bring some to PAX East for tradition.
  • Nutter Butter > all
  • I just discovered Peanut Butter Creme Oreos. The end is nigh.
    Stick with the Trader Joey Joe Joe cookies. Also bring some to PAX East for tradition.
    I'll bring them.

    @Ruffas, I enjoy the peanut butter creme. It seems to be less sugary than normal kind.
  • Nutter Butter > all
  • Tim-Tams > all
  • Cool Mint Oreos are the best Oreo, no contest.
  • I kinda wish they'd go back to putting the final evolution of the starter Pokemon on the cover instead of the legendary.
  • I kinda wish they'd go back to putting the final evolution of the starter Pokemon on the cover instead of the legendary.
    They should just sell multiple covers. Spiritomb bitches!
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