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  • Maybe reversible covers? One side could be the version legendary, and the other side could be one of the starters.
  • edited January 2011
    Maybe a kiosk that burns your game then gives you a blank case and prints the label for you (Fukken patenting that shit!.. oh wait, physical media..).
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited January 2011
    It flooded less than expected today. I volunteered down at an evac centre, mostly just handing things out, giving out hugs and kind words, and keeping the peace and walking the floor. Mostly quiet, and I'm still tired, and dirty. I'm a bit beat up.. Thinking about some of the people I saw, and stories I heard. One bloke who was volunteering is a fruit-seller, and had been out to toowoomba to buy fruit, and was stuck there for a while. Managed to get out again today. His house is gone - washed off it's foundations and away. His wife and two kids are missing, presumed dead. And he was still helping other people out, instead of just giving up, and he's only one of the hundred stories I heard today like it.

    ahm...fucking dusty in here, lads.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Today's magic password is "blood libel" brought to you by Sarah Palin.
  • I really don't want to do the student teaching thing tomorrow.
  • edited January 2011
    Fight Club is just Calvin and Hobbes all grown up
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Some of the new Beatles stereo remixes are so awful. They unnecessarily panned almost every channel so hard to one side or the other, it's like the engineer is yelling in your ear going "HEY THIS IS IN FUCKING STEREO DID YOU NOTICE."
  • If they could make Sour Cream and Onion flavored cashews, I'd be set for life...
  • If they could make Sour Cream and Onion flavored cashews, I'd be set for life...

  • Footage from the floods, for those who have not seen it already.

    And footage from a boat going around in my city.

    And I don't mean in general - I mean literally in the Main part of the city and the CBD.

  • Some of the new Beatles stereo remixes are so awful. They unnecessarily panned almost every channel so hard to one side or the other, it's like the engineer is yelling in your ear going "HEY THIS IS IN FUCKING STEREO DID YOU NOTICE."
    Oh god I hate that....
  • Some of the new Beatles stereo remixes are so awful. They unnecessarily panned almost every channel so hard to one side or the other, it's like the engineer is yelling in your ear going "HEY THIS IS IN FUCKING STEREO DID YOU NOTICE."
    Weren't a lot of the old stereo records like that, though? Like, one channel would have, say, the bass and the guitar, and the other would have like the drums and vocals, or something like that?
  • Footage from the floods, for those who have not seen it already.
    Wow, if I lived in that apartment complex, I would have moved my Fing car at the beginning when the water looked pretty bad.
  • (Edit:In case you didn't know, you should read this. All of it.)
    This comic reminds of another one of two guys in a post-apocalyptic/war zone. I forget what it's called. I was reading it for a while, then it got blocked at work.

    If anyone knows of the comic I'm referring to, please let me know. Thanks.
  • Methinks you mean this.
  • Methinks you meanthis.
    Yes, that's it. Thank you.
  • One of the more awkward things about student teaching is asking where and when you should go to the bathroom.
  • My hat keeps me warm, but it is also very soft~
  • My hat keeps me warm, but it is also very soft~
    I demand a photo.
  • Wow, if I lived in that apartment complex, I would have moved my Fing car at the beginning when the water looked pretty bad.
    It came on pretty suddenly there, in Towoomba - the part where those cars were washed away is during a big flood surge, just a wall of water coming along fast.

    Though, credit to the guy who ran out there, locked his wheel hubs, and drove off to escape. That took some balls, or stupidity, either way.
  • What did Kenshiro say to the flour?

    You are already bread.
  • edited January 2011
    What did Kenshiro say to Schrodinger's cat?

    You are already dead, or possibly alive.

    Wait, I don't understand the rules of this game.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Kenshiro picks up a book, says "You are already read", then hits the pressure point of the book that allows him to instantly absorb all the knowledge contained inside it.
  • Kenshiro looks at an FBI trainee and says "You're already a Fed", then changes the man's clothes into a suit, tie, and sunglasses faster than he can blink.
  • Kenshiro solved world hunger with one phrase "You are already fed!"
  • In response to everyone claiming Obama was making the government socialist, Kenshiro simply had to point out, "You are already Red!"
  • In response to everyone claiming Obama was making the government socialist, Kenshiro simply had to point out, "You are already Red!"
    Are you saying we live in a socialistic society?
  • There are certainly socialist elements e.g.: welfare, medicade, medicare, social security, etc. but nobody seems to mind those things.
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