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Random Comments



  • Can we get this flamewar started yet?
    Glass parking lot.
  • There's something really comforting about being near the pit at a concert and being able to go legless and have the swell of people keep you upright.
  • I think doing "storylines" involving my friends as actual people as opposed to mouthpieces for jokes is a bad idea.
  • I can not draw fairies as well as I thought I could.
  • This one goes out to all the restless and the brokenhearted (P.S. Not Streets of Fire related)
  • Once we get the cars that drive themselves, you'll be able to rent a campervan, load it up with stuff, and then hang out in it, like you would in your house, while on your way to your holiday destination.

    Sup dawg, heard you like holidays.

    Stupid laws requiring seatbelts while in transit.
  • Once we get the cars that drive themselves, you'll be able to rent a campervan, load it up with stuff, and then hang out in it, like you would in your house, while on your way to your holiday destination.

    Sup dawg, heard you like holidays.

    Stupid laws requiring seatbelts while in transit.
    Fuck that. I'd rather drive myself about.
  • He fought for love!
  • Gambling manga scenario: Two men dunk biscuits into their tea; First one to take their biscuit out or have it break before it gets to their face is dropped into lava.
  • Gambling manga scenario: Two men dunk biscuits into their tea; First one to take their biscuit out or have it break before it gets to their face is dropped into lava.
  • Transparent teacups and regulations on the amount of biscuit to be dunked are required.
    Also, dunking science.
  • Transparent teacups and regulations on the amount of biscuit to be dunked are required.
    Each contestant must supply his own baking supplies to have the baker supply him with biscuits. If the contestant does not bring enough flour with him to meet the ridiculously high biscuit ante, flour will be loaned to him from the house's own reserve of the finest unbleached wheat flour at an incredibly high mark-up with tremendous interest.
  • I just put an ad on chainsawsuit. I feel so proud of myself.
  • Sounds like a .22 just went off on my street about a block from my apartment...
  • He fought for love!
    So do the nonmen.
  • They Might Be Giants got ROBBED by not winning the Grammy for Best Children's Album. Here Comes Science is a masterpiece.
  • Possums are the Devil's minions.
  • Okay, I think I'm addicted to making ads. I've made at least 5 today.
    I'm too poor to support this addiction.
  • Why are you taking out ads if you don't have the financial ability to support them?
  • Why are you taking out ads if you don't have the financial ability to support them?
    I do have the ability to support them, I was just being silly.
    But I can see how this would get me in trouble. I guess it makes me feel like I'm important on the internet?
  • Mirror's Edge 2 canceled? Boo. I enjoyed that. I really like games where you are grossly outgunned but super nimble.
  • A good half of the mothers in the PTA for my brother's school are SUPER HOT. I mean "wow why are there models here" level of hotnesss. I found this out while donating my time and DJ-ing a school event. It was taking three of them to move a table, so I demonstrated a feat of strength and carried the table over my head to where they needed it.

    I wonder if any of them are cougars...
  • Protip: Actual fashion models aren't that hot. They aren't employed for their attractiveness.
  • Protip: Actual fashion models aren't that hot. They aren't employed for their attractiveness.
    You know, colloquialisms exist for a reason. Generally, when someone compares another's level of hotness to a model, they are trying to convey that their level of attractiveness is significantly higher than average.

    However, that being said, I can understand how you would miss that particular use of cultural subtext, what with your lack of ability to read past the most shallow interpretations of any given phrase. With any luck, you should be able to understand the meaning behind that last sentence, but please feel free to speak up if you need further clarification. :)
  • edited February 2011
    You know, colloquialisms exist for a reason. Generally, when someone compares another's level of hotness to a model, they are trying to convey that their level of attractiveness is significantly higher than average.
    Both of these are the same 19-year-old model from Melbourne, by the way.

    Also, I've noticed something odd - there are some models which are just not terribly attractive in person, but are INCREDIBLY photogenic - Looking at them through a lens is about the same as looking at them through twelve pints, they're suddenly FUCKING AMAZING.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I could totally imagine you dating an older woman, Sonic. Then again, for a long time I used to think that you were much older than me.
  • edited February 2011
    Also, I've noticed something odd - there are some models which are just not terribly attractive in person, but are INCREDIBLY photogenic - Looking at them through a lens is about the same as looking at them through twelve pints, they're suddenly FUCKING AMAZING.
    There's nothing odd about it, that's completely intentional.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • There's nothing odd about it, that's completely intentional.
    Well, yes, that's true - however, I meant that it is an odd physical quality to posses, considering genetics rarely take the optical properties of cameras into account.
  • I could totally imagine you dating an older woman, Sonic. Then again, for a long time I used to think that you were much older than me.
    How old did you think I was?
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