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Atomic Trivia War 9000: The Podcast: The Game



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    I'm serious when I say that would be an awesome Halloween costume.
  • Alright, this year it's a toss up between that guy and The Man in Black from the Princess Bride.
  • edited February 2011
    Relevent to today's episode:
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • edited February 2011
    I just had a thought of Omar and Jason as Connery and Trebek from Celebrity Jeopardy.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I just had a thought of Omar and Jason as Connery and Trebek from Celebrity Jeopardy.
    Ruff! Just the way your mother likes it, Trebek!
  • So whenever I check my blog's stat information I always check out the search engine terms they use to find it. Today I saw "atomic trivia war 9000 ro" as one of the terms. Interesting.
  • Hooray for stalkers!
  • In the most recent episode, I think it would have worked better had you cut out the banter at the start of the episode up to until you introduce the show and put said banter at the end as a stinger.

    For the Revenge Round, I'd suggest that each of the contestants submits a category like in the Hot Seat and Jason chooses one of those categories and gets asked 5 questions pertaining to it.

    And before I forget again because I meant to ask it for weeks now: What's the name of the outro. I think I know it from somewhere, but I just can't remember.
  • What's the name of the outro. I think I know it from somewhere, but I just can't remember.
    It's a piece of public domain music and I don't recall where I downloaded it.
  • I like the idea of us all picking a common theme for Revenge Round.
  • I like the idea of us all picking a common theme for Revenge Round.
    Yeah, that's a good idea.
  • I like the idea of us all picking a common theme for Revenge Round.
    That requires coordination and collaboration of people. I enjoy figuring out my question at the last minute. :P

    I really don't mind either way. I'm down for whatever.
  • So after listening, I became inspired to rewatch that Arrested Development episode "Good Grief" with the Charlie Brown Christmas music theme.

    I then noticed this:

    Gotta love those little things in the background.
  • Wow! You kind of miss those details watching it on your iPhone on the bus in the morning :D
  • Omar is coming to be the show's resident grumpy old man.
  • New show is called, "Stop Brain-Banging My Wife, JASON." It features Scott Rubin and topics about fruit, rap, anime, video games, presidents, cartoons, and Chuck Norris.
  • Totally called the title! :3
  • Jason, considering that you watch the animated DC shows, you should have been able to guess AT LEAST Starfire and Blackfire. Seriously.
  • Ryan, considering that you're my bitch, you can lick my balls. Seriously. :D
  • Jason, considering that you can't make an adequate insult, you can copulate with a farmyard animal. ^_~
  • Way to change your icon and be a shill Jason. :P
  • A little behind on podcasts (currently listening to the Feb 17th episode of ATW9K), so I just wanted to poke my head in and say I'm continuing to love the show. In related news, Chris Hardwick (who I still am skeptical about jumping on the geek bandwagon), had decided to launch a trivia podcast under his Nerdist label. Copycats!
  • Way to change your icon and be a shill Jason. :P
    He used to be a shill for Atari, now he's a shill for his podcast.
  • "Jason used to be all about the trivia until he sold out." - tonight on VH1 Behind the Trivia.
  • Way to change your icon and be a shill Jason. :P
    He used to be a shill for Atari, now he's a shill for his podcast.
    YOU ARE A CHEESE SCHILL. And it is working. I am hungry for cheese.
  • YOU ARE A CHEESE SCHILL. And it is working. I am hungry for cheese.
    You are only hungry for cheese because you can't really eat much.

    Go drink your diet soda. :P
  • Go drink your diet soda. :P
    The boss' wife brought in two dozen donuts today. They are sitting on a desk two paces from my elbow. They are calling to me. I sit here, sipping my Diet A&W;, cursing the world and looking for a puppy to kick.
  • edited March 2011
    I agree. Diet A&W(Edit: Shit, when I wrote this I confused Diet A&W with Diet Barq's... I just woke up. ) is like a delicious looking bowl of icecream until you take a bite/drink and then it turns to shit in your mouth and you're all "Man, I wish I was eating that bowl of icecream but all I got is this shit."
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Don't get me wrong. I like Diet A&W. But the sad truth is that I would rather be drinking liquefied bacon grease fortified with beef jerky bits.
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