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Atomic Trivia War 9000: The Podcast: The Game



  • Also I'd like to say that I am NOT a creepy creepy person who is stalking Ro (Jason exact words)
    I am not some 40 something year old unemployed guy who still lives in his parents basement and spends most of his time on his Xbox 360

    I am a 30 something year old unemployed guy who still lives in his parents garage and spends most of his time on his Xbox 360.
    SO THERE !!!! lol
  • edited March 2011
    I feel like New Zealand is a magical land where everyone lives in a housetruck and happy shepherds roam the hills playing silly songs on the guitar. Occasionally, giant men of aboriginal descent venture forth on a quest to the west to challenge the South Africans to rugby, and tiny foreigners visit to throw rings into volcanoes.

    This, of course, cannot be true. If it was, I'd immediately move there.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited March 2011
    Aboriginies = Australia. Maori = New Zealand.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Aboriginal is a general term to refer to the indigenous people of a region. However, I can see how that would cause some confusion in this case.
  • Aboriginal is a general term to refer to the indigenous people of a region. However, I can see how that would cause some confusion in this case.
    Yeah, It wasn't possibly the best naming choice. The problem arrives, however, when you try to apply a universal name. Australian Aborigines is the legal name, however, Indigenous Australians is the preferred term outside of legal documentation if you're being polite, Casually, you refer to them as Aboriginals or Aboriginies. If you're being utterly, utterly impolite, you refer to them as Abos (AB-ohs) or Boongs(Generally because of a joke about the noise they make bouncing off a bullbar), or Blackfellas but the first two are right out, and the last is borderline, though markedly more polite than Boong.

    Now, even if you're talking wider areas, you run into a problem. For example, You could say an aboriginal bloke from Queensland is a Murri (Pronounced just like Murray), but if you refer to an aboriginal bloke from Wagga Wagga in New south wales, you might get your head kicked in - Because he's not a Murri, he's Wiradjuri. I've spoken of being inducted into aboriginal society before, and to be very specific, I'm a one of the Kalkadoon, a subgroup of the Murri people. But there's also the Waka Waka, Bundjalung, Kabi, and Jagera tribes. To call one by the name of the other is the same as insulting someone's nationality and family simultaneously.

    And, the unfortunate thing is that there is no unified name, because of the sheer number of distinct tribes and histories. And by now, it's nearly impossible to apply one that isn't one that we're currently using, because there would be near-universal outcry, and it would get anyone who used the terms painted as a racist trying to eliminate cultural distinctiveness.
  • Well, the simple distinction to make is between capital "a" Aboriginal and lower case a "aboriginal". WUB quite clearly used the lower case.
  • Well, the simple distinction to make is between capital "a" Aboriginal and lower case a "aboriginal". WUB quite clearly used the lower case.
    Point taken. Got a little too caught up in thinking about the issue, there.
  • Well, the simple distinction to make is between capital "a" Aboriginal and lower case a "aboriginal". WUB quite clearly used the lower case.
    Point taken. Got a little too caught up in thinking about the issue, there.
    Still, that was some pretty interesting stuff.
  • Also I'd like to say that I am NOT a creepy creepy person who is stalking Ro (Jason exact words)
    Don't take Jason's words to heart. He's just a hater because no one tries to be his friend outside the podcast. :P

    BTW, where is ze podcast Herr Jason?
  • Also I'd like to say that I am NOT a creepy creepy person who is stalking Ro (Jason exact words)
    Don't take Jason's words to heart. He's just a hater because no one tries to be his friend outside the podcast. :P

    BTW, where is ze podcast Herr Jason?
    I've had to work super amounts of overtime at work this week, so the podcast will likely come out tonight or tomorrow. Also, I need your help in recording a bumper for it tonight. More to come at 8:30 p.m. EST.

    I got a late start editing this week because of a doctor's appointment. I appear to be in terrific shape, according to all my blood work. My blood pressure also was outstanding (for me) at 112 over 80. But I've gained back all the weight I lost, mainly because Lisa has been sending me on late-night pregnancy-related fetch quests for fattening foods.

    After I got back from the doctor's office, I edited most of the episode featuring Jay from Masters of None. Then I went upstairs last night to rest my eyes for five minutes and three hours later woke up in a pool of my own slobber.
  • No worries. I just like giving you shit. BTW L4D2 tonight! You guys need to carry me. I was all kinds of excited that the female character's name is Rochelle.
  • On the plus side, think of all the pulp-comic book soldiers we're saving for another day.
  • No worries. I just like giving you shit. BTW L4D2 tonight! You guys need to carry me. I was all kinds of excited that the female character's name is Rochelle.
    As soon as Omar heard you wanted to be Rochelle, he called dibs. ;)
  • As soon as Omar heard you wanted to be Rochelle, he called dibs. ;)
    Fuck that. She mine! He did not call it here so it doesn't count!

    Omar should be Coach and you and Jason can fight over Ellis and the pretty boy.
  • edited March 2011
    I just like giving you shit.
    I know this. You are so cruel, Roshanda.

    Also, I feel it necessary to disclose that I am in a complete haze today. I would say I'm barely cognizant. I'm fucking exhausted. So if something I write or say sounds dumb, you know the score.

    That won't stop me from totally owning all of you tonight in L4D2. I CALL COACH.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Then this is for you my friend.

  • Coach and Ellis are my favorite characters. Rochelle isn't nearly as memorable a character as any of the other ones (L4D included).
  • I like the Benny Hill theme music playing in the background during the Bidding War.
  • I could have named 50+ euphemisms.
  • I could have named 50+ euphemisms.
    It's so hard when you're under pressure to perform and trying to grunt and sweat them out.
  • Of course, any single word describing a vaguely phallic object could be used as a euphemism if you say it is one.
  • Of course, any single word describing a vaguely phallic object could be used as a euphemism if you say it is one.
  • I might be wrong but wasn't The Score Brandos last movie not The Island of Doctor Moreau????
  • I might be wrong but wasn't The Score Brandos last movie not The Island of Doctor Moreau????
  • I was thinking of that film at the time but couldn't remember the title. I only thought "That one in Montreal". Ed Norton's mentally challenged janitor act made me uncomfortable.
  • I was thinking of that film at the time but couldn't remember the title. I only thought "That one in Montreal". Ed Norton's mentally challenged janitor act made me uncomfortable.
    It was definitely not the most memorable film DeNiro Norton or Brando ever did
  • Also Brando's character was completely non-sensical and unnecessary. You get the feeling that if it was anyone besides Brando his scenes might have been cut.
  • was thinking of that film at the time but couldn't remember the title. I only thought "That one in Montreal".
    Ha! That's the one! We watched it at RIT for some reason, and to this day I couldn't remember the title. A solid flick, especially when Han met Jabba to discuss business.
  • Some Rym dude came on the podcast. This episode is called Omar, Portrait of a Killer. Check out the album art to learn why.
  • I really enjoyed the last few episodes a lot! If I get the chance, I'd definitely come back on as a guest.
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