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Atomic Trivia War 9000: The Podcast: The Game



  • I like the short length of this week's podcast!
  • You like it shorter rather than longer? What is the ideal time? Vote, people.
  • I really like about 30 minutes for a quiz show like this. The latest episodes have tended to drag a bit (including when I was a guest). I enjoy listening, because I know you guys pretty well, but I think the brisker pace makes the overall experience better.
  • I listen to AWO, so I really have no qualms about length.
  • I listen to AWO, so I really have no qualms about length.
  • I listen to AWO, so I really have no qualms about length.
    I listen AWO too, but still prefer about 30min podcasts.
  • I like podcasts that are between half-an-hour and one hour. I don't usually listen to podcasts that are longer than two hours unless I'm traveling because I prefer to listen to them all in one go rather than stop midway through and start up again later.
  • Who want's a blast from the past? Ask nicely... Oh all right. Here you are!
  • Jim Dale > Stephen Fry HP audio books.
  • I haven't listened to the Harry Potter audio books but any exposure to Stephen Fry's voice is something I need to indulge in. My favorite audio book ever is Lolita as read by Jeremy Irons. Seriously, I thinks it's better than reading the original book.
  • Jim Dale > Stephen Fry HP audio books.
  • ~30 minutes seems like a better length for this show.
  • 30-40 minutes is definitely a sweetspot. Maybe keep IMDB bingo to a single round just to wrap things up after everyone takes the hotseat?
  • edited March 2011
    But then you risk cutting down my whimsical stories and observations. Unless you just cut the whole show and left the whimsical stories and observations. You'd probably have to change the title though.
    Post edited by TorontoKev on
  • Half hour to an hour depending on the guests. I like long podcasts but for this format that time frame seems right.
  • Yay, the Harry Potter/Potpourri episode.

    I really forget which HP audiobook dude I enjoy. As for the bidding war, I come back from my vacation to see this message from Ravelry:
    Hi Rosaka,

    My husband heard you on ATW9000 talking Harry Potter & knitting/crocheting. He came home and made me listen to it immediately. I sent you an invitation to the Harry Potter Knit/Crochet House Cup. It’s a fantastic Rav group and you might want to check it out. Absolutely the coolest, most creative, most supportive knitty/crochety HP geeks there are.

    Hope to see you in the Castle!
  • Ro gets all the fan mail :D
  • Ro gets all the fan mail :D
    If you have a chick on the show that's what happens. Note all the Emily love when she appears.
  • Ro gets all the fan mail :D
    If you have a chick on the show that's what happens. Note all the Emily love when she appears.
    I'm actually just teasing. We've been getting quite a few "OMGZ WE LOVE YOU" notes. I'm not jelly just because people specifically seek out Ro IN STRANGELY OBSESSIVE WAYS.
  • I'm actually just teasing. We've been getting quite a few "OMGZ WE LOVE YOU" notes. I'm not jelly just because people specifically seek out Ro IN STRANGELY OBSESSIVE WAYS.
    I know, I'm just pointing out the fact that females get freaking stalked when they appear on podcasts.
  • I'm not jelly just because people specifically seek out Ro IN STRANGELY OBSESSIVE WAYS.
    They do, which I don't mind. I find it interesting how they find me. I know I mentioned it on Twitter, but not sure if I did here, but I received a message from a down under person on XBL. My XBL username can only be found on these forums. I'm pretty sure I don't have it posted anywhere else.

  • My XBL username can only be found on these forums. I'm pretty sure I don't have it posted anywhere else.
    Your twitter handle is basically the same as your XBL username.
  • I know right? It's like, everyone stop spamming me, I'm trying to read all my emails. From hot girls. Who want to date me.

    OK you see thought my lies. I've only gotten messages from dudes. Ugly dudes. Who want to date Jason.
  • I've only gotten messages from dudes. Ugly dudes. Who want to date Jason.
    Challenge accepted.
  • edited March 2011
    You know what ATW9K needs?
    More ponies. Lots more ponies.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You know what ATW9K needs?
    More ponies. Lots more ponies.
    Seconded. "Who can name the most My Little Pony Ponies" bidding war, perhaps?
  • edited March 2011
    A good idea, that.
    The contestants need to promise not to simply practice on pony listings beforehand, though; that would ruin it.
    It should generally be a surprise.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • <3 for Dmitri, but I honestly would barely get 10. I barely remember the original series.

    However, I like your encouragement. I will be glad to represent the Everlasting Elation of Endorsement for Equestria.
  • edited March 2011
    <3 Ro!
    I just tried it myself and I got 21 ponies.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • 21? Good Lord. I could probably name 5 but not from memory, only through guessing stripper names which likely would be pony names too.
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