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Atomic Trivia War 9000: The Podcast: The Game



  • was thinking of that film at the time but couldn't remember the title. I only thought "That one in Montreal".
    Ha! That's the one! We watched it at RIT for some reason, and to this day I couldn't remember the title. A solid flick, especially when Han met Jabba to discuss business.
    Gee Rym I know Brando put on a little weight before he died but Jabba
    Harsh Dude
  • To be fair, he even had a lair.
  • edited April 2011
    So, I seemed to have lost my boyfriend's headset for talking online. I let him have mine and am going to take this opportunity to purchase a new one for talking online on Skype/Podcast/Steam. Any recommendations?

    I was looking at this: Logitech Premium Stereo Headset, but have seen many negative reviews.

    Also is a USB headset better than the standard jack plug-in type?
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I have the Koss SB45. It's cheap, comfortable, and functional.

    Koss SB-45 Communication Stereophones
  • I have the Koss SB45. It's cheap, comfortable, and functional.

    Koss SB-45 Communication Stereophonesimage
    SOLD! I should get them in time for recording tomorrow. :D
  • I have the Koss SB45. It's cheap, comfortable, and functional.

    Koss SB-45 Communication Stereophonesimage
    Does sound quality have more to do with the mic, the speaker, audio drivers, or something else? I can't help feeling that ATW9K could sound better, though it's not bad right now.
  • I have the Koss SB45. It's cheap, comfortable, and functional.

    Koss SB-45 Communication Stereophonesimage
    Does sound quality have more to do with the mic, the speaker, audio drivers, or something else? I can't help feeling that ATW9K could sound better, though it's not bad right now.
    Do not expect good sound quality from these things. I just use them for gaming.

    If you want your podcast to sound better, get real microphones and a mixer just to start.
  • Wait, does this come with a switch on the cord to mute your microphone if need be?
  • Wait, does this come with a switch on the cord to mute your microphone if need be?
  • Nevermind then. I will shop around.
  • This looks nice and also got good reviews overall on Newegg.
  • Episode 28 is out, in which we change up the format a little to get rid of old categories that CERTAIN PEOPLE were avoiding. Also, I rock your Star Wars world.
  • Episode 28 is out, in which we change up the format a little to get rid of old categories that CERTAIN PEOPLE were avoiding. Also, I rock your Star Wars world.
    Next time I'm on, whenever that is, I will purposefully pick whatever category I have no fucking clue.
  • Episode 28 is out, in which we change up the format a little to get rid of old categories that CERTAIN PEOPLE were avoiding. Also, I rock your Star Wars world.
    Next time I'm on, whenever that is, I will purposefully pick whatever category I have no fucking clue.
    Surprisingly enough, we did pretty good on the categories we've been ignoring.
  • Episode 28 is out, in which we change up the format a little to get rid of old categories that CERTAIN PEOPLE were avoiding. Also, I rock your Star Wars world.
    Next time I'm on, whenever that is, I will purposefully pick whatever category I have no fucking clue.
    Surprisingly enough, we did pretty good on the categories we've been ignoring.
    That's because, frankly, the questions are all too damn easy across the board. It's actually kinda boring. I would much prefer it if all the questions were balls hard.
  • Episode 28 is out, in which we change up the format a little to get rid of old categories that CERTAIN PEOPLE were avoiding. Also, I rock your Star Wars world.
    Next time I'm on, whenever that is, I will purposefully pick whatever category I have no fucking clue.
    Surprisingly enough, we did pretty good on the categories we've been ignoring.
    That's because, frankly, the questions are all too damn easy across the board. It's actually kinda boring. I would much prefer it if all the questions were balls hard.
    No good. It might be fun for a while to listen competitiors sweat their asses, because of hard questions, but current level of difficulty has been nice. In my opinion best parts of trivia shows are those when you, listener, get to shout to the radio "Don't you idiots know that, it soooo easy." Those things are rare in ATW9k, but they happen.
  • In my opinion best parts of trivia shows are those when you, listener, get to shout to the radio "Don't you idiots know that, it soooo easy."
    The other side of the spectrum is QI with Stephen Fry where all the questions are so impossibly hard that none of the contestants can really hope to answer them, but you get hilarious banter and end up learning something.
  • No good. It might be fun for a while to listen competitiors sweat their asses, because of hard questions, but current level of difficulty has been nice. In my opinion best parts of trivia shows are those when you, listener, get to shout to the radio "Don't you idiots know that, it soooo easy." Those things are rare in ATW9k, but they happen.
    Exactly. Plus being put on the spot seems to always put your mind into a blank.

    Many guests have admitted that on the episodes they listen to they always shout out the answers when we fumble, but when they become guests their mind blanks.
  • The other side of the spectrum is QI with Stephen Fry where all the questions are so impossibly hard that none of the contestants can really hope to answer them, but you get hilarious banter and end up learning something.
    It was the exact opposite for the Red Nose Day special. A good half of the questions we so easy they were scared to answer for fear of being wrong. The first question was: How many sides are there in an isosceles triangle?
  • Many guests have admitted that on the episodes they listen to they always shout out the answers when we fumble, but when they become guests their mind blanks.
    I don't have this problem.
  • edited April 2011
    Many guests have admitted that on the episodes they listen to they always shout out the answers when we fumble, but when they become guests their mind blanks.
    I haven't been back on, so I have no idea if it would happen to me.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Well we will apparently be having a fan on in future recordings, so we shall see.
  • I think we'll try doing our show live tonight in the chat room at (if I can get it set up in time). Won't you come join us at 8:30 p.m. EST?
  • I think we'll try doing our show live tonight in the chat room at (if I can get it set up in time). Won't you come join us at 8:30 p.m. EST?
  • Re: A couple of whispers:

    To be clear, people can listen live while we record. This isn't a call-in show.
    Go to and click the "Radio" line. Alternately, click here. You'll be able to log into the chat room there and stream audio from the show.
  • I take bribes donations for saying whatever you want during the recording.
  • Re: A couple of whispers:

    To be clear, people can listen live while we record. This isn't a call-in show.
    Go to and click the "Radio" line. Alternately, click here. You'll be able to log into the chat room there and stream audio from the show.
    That's just being a member of the "live studio audience". What if someone wants to join in the questions and stuff?
  • BTW, we also have a Facebook page now. Please feel free to "Like" us and spread our awesome gospel to your friends.
  • I'm so jealous. My eyes are bleeding as I listen to Satie's Gymnopedie.
  • I was about to choke Kevin if he didn't get that prune juice question.
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