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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Have fun trying to get laid with those sheets...
  • Have fun trying to get laid with those sheets...
    I know someone who could use those sheets to get laid.
  • Have fun trying to get laid with those sheets...
    I know someone who could use those sheets to get laid.

  • I saw this on the air and I was sure I had misheard it.
  • Did anyone else, while watching the first two episodes, think the entire show (or at least season) was going to be an adventure taking place in the Everfree Forest culminating with the Mane 6 saving Celestria? Because I was totally ready for Fantasy Adventure.
  • Did anyone else, while watching the first two episodes, think the entire show (or at least season) was going to be an adventure taking place in the Everfree Forest culminating with the Mane 6 saving Celestria? Because I was totally ready for Fantasy Adventure.
    $20 says that'll be a movie, even if it's a for-TV or straight-to-video movie.
  • Did anyone else, while watching the first two episodes, think the entire show (or at least season) was going to be an adventure taking place in the Everfree Forest culminating with the Mane 6 saving Celestria? Because I was totally ready for Fantasy Adventure.
    $20 says that'll be a movie, even if it's a for-TV or straight-to-video movie.
    I'd take that bet, but if you're right, I'll need that $20 to buy two copies of it, one for me and one as a "gag" gift for a friend.
  • Speakikng of DVDs... where's the season one blu-ray? I need to buy one for my niece, another for my boss, and a few more for other random people with kids.
  • Speakikng of DVDs... where's the season one blu-ray? I need to buy one for my niece, another for my boss, and a few more for other random people with kids.
    IF they release a season 1 box-set, it probably won't be out until right before season 2 starts. Shows intended for children usually don't get season box sets, and if they do it's usually a year or two after the fact. Most of the time they are released like anime, 3-4 episodes at a time.
  • That's pretty fantastic. I've avoided reading "Cupcakes" but I'm aware of it from digests involving it. The use of so much of the source dialogue and animation is pretty sweet.
  • Idea for this has been on my mind pretty much since I saw the Sonic Rainboom episode for the first time. I finally took the time to make it an actual video.
  • Amazing.
  • Hmmm, what could this be?

  • Nicely done guys. That was enjoyable. I could get into this.
  • Entertaining, and definitely better shot than your other video stuff (to my untrained eye, anyway.)

    Maybe Equestria Daily could use something like this?
  • Looks way better than every other video so far! I didn't pay much attention, but all I want to say is: microphone cables should ALWAYS run down the boom, not just drop direct to the floor.

    Also, are you going for a full set of hair between the two of you? Rym (long hair + clean shave face) + Scott (shaved head and beard) = a suitably hairy Scrym.
  • Four thoughts.

    1. Awesome
    2. Should appear on Equestria Daily
    3. Great editing
    4. DAMN, Rym's hair is looooooooooong.
  • One day Rym will wake up with Scott's hair, and Scott will wake up with Rym's hair.
  • Awesome job with the staging of the video maybe lay a green screen behind you to make the background consistent otherwise it is a great job.
  • microphone cables should ALWAYS run down the boom, not just drop direct to the floor.
    I'm well aware. I couldn't find my longer XLR cable at the time, and was stuck using a very short one...
  • I said the word "definitely" way too many times. Also, still have problems with "right" and "you know".
  • I haven't watched the episode yet, but are you going to release the show as a new podcast or is it YouTube only?
  • edited June 2011
    I said the word "definitely" way too many times. Also, still have problems with "right" and "you know".
    A bit, but it's not very grating. There was a guy in my English Lit class freshman year who would say 'like' once every 4 words (on average). I wanted to punch him in the face so much.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
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