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  • If you wish to destroy a harddrive on the go, I think a construction yard might be your best bet. Especially if you can throw it unseen in a batch of wet cement. Throwing it under a bulldozer or crane might not be a bad idea either. Just make sure they're driving on paved roads, and not mud.
  • The DHS is going to want to talk to you for distribution of terrorist handbook materials.
    Shit was all over BoingBoing a while back. Let 'em talk.

  • edited July 2012

    So tl:dr:

    What's the most effective way other than having strong magnets to destroy hard drives?

    Of course if you set it off in your house you're burning it the fuck down too, so you better be sure it's worth losing your home to keep that data safe.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Nah. A little sand bucket under the drives in the case and you're fine.
  • edited July 2012
    What's the most effective way other than having strong magnets to destroy hard drives?
    What I have done and has worked:
    Dropping it off a 3 story building.
    Band saw
    drill press
    Hammer and Nail

    If you're interested in thermite.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Well, we're in a dream, so I think crush it with your bare hands and throw the fine powder into the air making a rainbow.
  • If we're going by dream logic then crush it into a fine powder and snort that shit like Charlie Sheen. Then you've got all that data in your head.
  • Or just pull a Locke & Key and just shove it in your head.
  • If a cover song has a creative commons license do I still need a mechanical license to use it in a film?
  • Will anyone make money on the film? Is the license NonCommercial?
  • Will anyone make money on the film? Is the license NonCommercial?
    We are only sending it to film festivals, and the license is non-commercial.
  • edited July 2012
    If you're abiding by all the terms of their specific Creative Commons license (e.g. attribution, share alike, non-commercial, derivatives/no derivatives), I think it would be fine.

    NOTE: I'm not a lawyer. This isn't legal advice. Your mileage may vary. Look both ways before crossing a street. Etc.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Do we have anything resembling an FRCForum Steam group?
  • Do we have anything resembling an FRCForum Steam group?
    We have something exactly like that.
  • edited July 2012
    What's the most effective way other than having strong magnets to destroy hard drives?
    Oxy-acetalyne torch, plasma cutter, thermal lance. I'm yet to find anyone who can read data off a molten puddle that's slowly cooling from a few thousand degrees. Also, Dban.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • On a Windows computer, what's the best free/"free" program for someone who's at best mediocre at piano and wants to screw around with MIDI?
  • Will I become unpopular if I have a Grey Knights detachment for my allied detachment?
  • From what I hear on the Internet, probably. To get less hate, find out what units players hate and then don't use those.
  • To get less hate, find out what units players hate and then don't use those.
    Fuck that noise. Better to be hated and feared then to be loved and lose.

  • To get less hate, find out what units players hate and then don't use those.
    Fuck that noise. Better to be hated and feared then to be loved and lose.
    This is basically the prime mantra of 40k.

    If you want to be really sneaky, don't deploy the Grey Knights immediately. Keep them in your model case and then surprise Deep Strike them on your opponent.
  • edited July 2012
    My other problem is that doing the allies rule properly for Grey Knights would take up half my points allotment.

    Edit: Okay maybe not if I just want to take the barebones minimum needed by allies to get what I want in my army.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Edit: Okay maybe not if I just want to take the barebones minimum needed by allies to get what I want in my army.
    Do it. Have faith in the absurd rules of Matt Ward.

  • Edit: Okay maybe not if I just want to take the barebones minimum needed by allies to get what I want in my army.
    Do it. Have faith in the absurd rules of Matt Ward.

    All I want is the Vidicare Assassin, which actually got nerfed a bit in Grey Knights (night fighting rules, what happened?). I've got an inquisitor, so I just need a troop unit and I've got it made in the shade.
  • edited July 2012
    After too many years of sitting on my ass, I'm thinking about getting back into biking. Scrym and other NYC forumites: anything I should know about riding in the boroughs? (Other than don't get doored and wear a goddamn helmet)
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • After too many years of sitting on my ass, I'm thinking about getting back into biking. Scrym and other NYC forumites: anything I should know about riding in the boroughs? (Other than don't get doored and wear a goddamn helmet)
    Have gears. Know how to use them.

  • What do you call those beds that fold into the wall?
  • edited July 2012
    What do you call those beds that fold into the wall?
    Murphy bed I think.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • What do you call those beds that fold into the wall?
    Murphy bed I think.

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