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Random Questions



  • Can anyone find one that isn't thousands of dollars?
  • Murphy beds make me think of this:
  • Why don't you just see if Phil can make one?
  • Can anyone find one that isn't thousands of dollars?
    Unless you find a great deal I say expect to spend at least $1200 to $1500 for a decent one.
  • Murphy beds make me think of this:
    That's cause that's exactly what I'm looking for.
    Why don't you just see if Phil can make one?
    I'll try to remember to ask him at CTcon. But given how this would need some kind of counter weight, I'm not sure he could build it.
  • edited July 2012
    I'm tuning an old Raleigh road bike to be my workhorse commuting/road training bike. Right now it has a set of steel straights for the handlebars, but some nice aluminum tube construction. I'd like to swap the bars for some lighter Bontrager drops, but I've never ridden with drop bars before. Are they appropriate for what I'm looking to do, or should I just put low-profile straights on it?

    Right now, I'm considering these bars, and I'll probably have to switch to a new set of brakes.

    I'd really like to just buy a new, ultra-fancy tricross (this, specifically), but I don't have the moneys right now.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I have also never used drop handlebars, so I asked the Internets.
  • edited July 2012
    Hey Rym/Scott, when you guys are doing a podcast do you just like hang out and decide that you guys should do a show based on what day it is? Is it just like we need to do a new Thursday show, lets meet this Thursday, or is it like let's do a show on X next Tuesday? Also how much do you think your current setup would work for a newbie? Or does it only work because you both are very familiar with the process? I know you have an older show about podcasting where you may have covered this but I was curious how your process has changed. There was probably things that you learned through trial and error that built the foundation but I'm sort of curious where things went since the foundation was set.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • It's a schedule. If it's a show day, we just show up and do the show. We only need to communicate if someone is going to bail on the show for whatever reason. As for the topic, we sometimes figure it out in advance, and sometimes South Park style.
  • Occasionally, we'll record ahead if we know we'll be unavailable. But as Scott said, we just do the proper topical show on its designated day. I upload it right after we're done recording.

    Our setup would definitely not work for a nub. We do the entire show live in two chunks and upload it without any editing. The ability to talk at length on an arbitrary topic with no prompts or preparation is a difficult one to nuture.

    Technologically, nothing much as changed except the quality of the equipment and sophistication of the mastering. I set all of that up a long time ago and will occasionally tweak it. But when it comes to actually doing the show, there's nothing to do but pull down the microphones, hit record, and talk for an hour. ;^)
  • Murphy beds make me think of this:
    None of those beds have sheets. And the storage coming with some of the bed solutions is non-existent. A camping mattress with a sleeping bag would function exactly the same, with the one downside that it might not lay as comfortable if you're a wussnot used to them.
  • If you take a girl home to your small studio and have to inflate the bed, she's going to think you're a loser. If you take a girl home to your small studio and flip the bed out of the cabinets, you look like a badass.
  • edited July 2012
    If you take a girl home to your small studio and have to inflate the bed, she's going to think you're a loser. If you take a girl home to your small studio and flip the bed out of the cabinets, you look like a badass.
    Inflate a bed? What kind of primitive world do you live in where a camping mattress doesn't self-inflate? Besides, you look like a loser either way if you bring a girl home without owning 3 proper beds. Flipping an unmade bed out of your unusable cabinets isn't going to make you look badass at all. Get on my level, scrub.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • edited July 2012
    Hey Rym/Scott, when you guys are doing a podcast do you just like hang out and decide that you guys should do a show based on what day it is? Is it just like we need to do a new Thursday show, lets meet this Thursday, or is it like let's do a show on X next Tuesday? Also how much do you think your current setup would work for a newbie? Or does it only work because you both are very familiar with the process? I know you have an older show about podcasting where you may have covered this but I was curious how your process has changed. There was probably things that you learned through trial and error that built the foundation but I'm sort of curious where things went since the foundation was set.
    IT IS REALLY ANNOYING. I come home and they sit around for an hour trying to decide what to do the show on, and vetoing any suggestions I or they present as a possible topic. (Haha, actually it is fun to listen.)
    For a newbie, I would make a list of possible show ideas or prompts, but nothing too in-depth. Just decide what you want to talk about and then talk about it on the fly. Also, it helps if you have another person who you are comfortable with, because then it is like having a conversation as opposed to talking to yourself.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • If you take a girl home to your small studio and have to inflate the bed, she's going to think you're a loser. If you take a girl home to your small studio and flip the bed out of the cabinets, you look like a badass.
    And if you invite a girl home and pull two traditional Japanese futons out of the closet and lay them on the nice clean floor, it will be the best sex of your life.
  • edited July 2012
    I have a tightly-rolled foam matress and a large amount of Swag in the back of my van. Works out pretty well, and it's not like I've ever copped a rejection for it. It's like Japanese futons, except in the back of THE MIGHTY VAN.

    Edit - Damnit, gomi, ninja'ing me and making it all dodgy like.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I always remember Murphy beds from that Mel Brooks Silent Movie, the scene where he is drunk and trying to go to sleep, but can't get the bed to stay down. I always think of Murphy beds as kind of a dive thing, flophouses and such, like roasting toast bread on a hanger.
  • I always remember Murphy beds from that Mel Brooks Silent Movie, the scene where he is drunk and trying to go to sleep, but can't get the bed to stay down. I always think of Murphy beds as kind of a dive thing, flophouses and such, like roasting toast bread on a hanger.
    Toast bread? Isn't that just bread? Y'know, bread being Raw Toast and all.

  • edited July 2012
    It is bread that is designated for the purpose of being turned into toast, or is in the process of becoming so. Also, it is me typing stupid things.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited July 2012
    It is bread that is designated for the purpose of being turned into toast, or is in the process of becoming so. Also, it is me typing stupid things.
    Oh, of course! I thought it was some special kinda bread you could buy, that's made to be good for toasting, just that I'd never heard of. Because that would be pretty cool, not all breads are ideal for toasting.

    Y'ever had Kaya toast?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Hey Rym/Scott, when you guys are doing a podcast do you just like hang out and decide that you guys should do a show based on what day it is? Is it just like we need to do a new Thursday show, lets meet this Thursday, or is it like let's do a show on X next Tuesday? Also how much do you think your current setup would work for a newbie? Or does it only work because you both are very familiar with the process? I know you have an older show about podcasting where you may have covered this but I was curious how your process has changed. There was probably things that you learned through trial and error that built the foundation but I'm sort of curious where things went since the foundation was set.
    IT IS REALLY ANNOYING. I come home and they sit around for an hour trying to decide what to do the show on, and vetoing any suggestions I or they present as a possible topic. (Haha, actually it is fun to listen.)
    For a newbie, I would make a list of possible show ideas or prompts, but nothing too in-depth. Just decide what you want to talk about and then talk about it on the fly. Also, it helps if you have another person who you are comfortable with, because then it is like having a conversation as opposed to talking to yourself.
    Yeah I've considered the possibility of trying to start a podcast. Me and my best friend were doing one for a while back in 2006 but sadly he is no longer with us. None of my other friends seem like the type that really want to do a podcast but I haven't really brought it up to any of them.
  • If you take a girl home to your small studio and have to inflate the bed, she's going to think you're a loser. If you take a girl home to your small studio and flip the bed out of the cabinets, you look like a badass.
    And if you invite a girl home and pull two traditional Japanese futons out of the closet and lay them on the nice clean floor, it will be the best sex of your life.
    You will also wake up the next day with your back feeling great. Though you may want not to restrict sex to just the bed.
  • This one is for the people with long hair; what is the best way to put hair up while jogging to stay cool in high heat? I experienced this issue for the first time the other day when I started back jogging and even in a ponytail I felt warmer than I thought I should have. I know my beard may have played into it some since it definitely needs to be trimmed. When I jogged last year in August with hair only a little shorter than it is now it was not quite as bad, although it was a bit cooler, so I guess the beard could be a bigger cause of why it seems to be so warm for me. It is a bit difficult to me to know which is the cause since this is the first time I have had hair this long and the first time I have had a beard.
  • A beard, even a slightly filled out stubble, will keep your chin surprisingly warm. I always hate shaving my chin in winter since then I have to wear a scarf to not freeze to death. Ponytail should be sufficient though, but try a shave nonetheless, and bring and drink more water.
  • A beard, even a slightly filled out stubble, will keep your chin surprisingly warm. I always hate shaving my chin in winter since then I have to wear a scarf to not freeze to death. Ponytail should be sufficient though, but try a shave nonetheless, and bring and drink more water.
    I will trim it down to see if that helps, thanks. I have a liter of water nearby when I jog, plus I make sure to drink at least 3 liters a day anyway so I am usually okay as long as I pay attention.
  • Does anybody here know the World of Darkness RPG system well? I'm playing an MLP RPG based on that system tomorrow night at CtCon. The GM sent me my character sheet, and said that I could pick 3 skill specialties and take up to 3 lessons (and said we should ask questions if we didn't know what that meant), and when I asked for clarification, he sent me a link to the 226 page rule book. (I also checked the Wikipedia page, but it didn't really help with that question.) Any advice?
  • edited July 2012
    Check the index or glossary of that rule book and read the relevant explanations and then look at the tables with the skill specialties and lessons? Why are you even asking for help here? Either way you're going to have to look at the tables, and the explanation is going to be roughly the same length of text either way.

    Or you know, just ask him again?

    EDIT: Maybe it's a case of you asking the wrong question (to him)? Cue Apreche.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • edited July 2012
    If he won't explain it to you then he's not a very good GM.

    edit: Well let me caveat that. If he just tosses a book to you without any context then he probably won't be very helpful.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • I don't think the GM will be the only one to blame when it's a WoD game about MLP.
  • Why are you even asking for help here?
    Because I've already browsed through the documents he suggests, and this IS the random questions thread. If I knew what tables to look at, I'd look at them. The rulebook doesn't even have "lessons" listed in the index.
    If he won't explain it to you then he's not a very good GM.

    edit: Well let me caveat that. If he just tosses a book to you without any context then he probably won't be very helpful.
    Yeah, that's what I'm starting to think. I'm a pretty novice RPGer, but so far the GMs I've played with have walked the players through the game so smoothly that one didn't have homework to do before class.
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