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  • So no one can help my friend out with ideas???
    Sorry, I honestly didn't see that post. What's His MOS, do you know? Anything you can tell us about him at all? If he has an AAFES nearby, she could always send gifts via them, too, or even just gift cards from them. I would suggest porn, but I take it that's already been ruled out.
    What is MOS? I dont know that term? I dont even know this guy... I am just doing this for a friend who has no idea on what to send her friend who she consideres a brother... Oh and about the porn.. Yeah. She said to keep suggestions PG-13 rated. She doesnt want to make things weird... Also what is AAFES?
  • MOS: Basically, a code that gives job details in exacting detail in nine digits.
    AAFES: Army and Air Force Exchange; basically a superdepartment store like Europe's Tesco and Carrefour, but for US military bases.
  • Ahh ok. I will ask my friend if she knows these things about him. Thanks. Does anyone know if there is some kind of candy or cookies that can not be obtained outside of the US of A? Something that can only be shipped?
  • Ahh ok. I will ask my friend if she knows these things about him. Thanks. Does anyone know if there is some kind of candy or cookies that can not be obtained outside of the US of A? Something that can only be shipped?
    Good man, that will help.

    As for Candy and cookies, well, most popular candies in the US are available overseas, though the question is how available - and also, if he's near an AAFES, they're going to have a lot of American candies, chocolates, cookies and the like, if they don't have that stuff in the BX - Base Exchange, similar to AAFES(Who also operate the BXs), but slightly different in size and operation. Therefore, another similar idea might be to find stuff that's interesting, like cheerwine, which he can't get from the BX without making a special order. Another option is interesting candies and biscuits from other parts of the world he may like - For example, I'll put money on that his BX doesn't have Tim-Tams, which are fucking excellent, Or Pasito, this really good passion-fruit flavored soda you get down here.

    Also, Books are appreciated, If he smokes, It'd be worth checking if you can send him smokes or rolling tobacco, Music. He's in the Air Force, and on base, so he'll probably appreciate good coffee and have plenty of time to make it - if it's not out of the question, you could even get him something like an Aeropress coffee plunger, and a Coffee grounds sampler to go with it. If he's a tea man, a good teapot, and/or a sampler of teas. If he has any particular interest, magazines about that would likely be welcome. Stories and news of family and friends from home, which is always, always welcome.
  • A few days ago I saw a woman walking down a street. She was wearing a T-Shirt with the letters 'O', 'N', 'D', and 'O' visible in that sequence, with the first and last letter of the word on the shirt obscured by her jacket. So it looked something like ")ONDO(". What is the first word that would come to your mind if you saw that?
  • edited May 2011
    Aren't birthdays rather odd - I mean, People giving you gifts because you managed to not die? Congratulations, You've passed your annual re-certification as a basically competent human being, he's a shiny prize! Don't drink anything under the sink!

    And people always say "Oh, it's the celebration of your birth!" - bugger off, it was years ago. You don't think the Cubs still celebrate the last time they won a world series, do you? Well, sure, that would be out of living memory if it wasn't for a few supercentenarians, but you get what I mean.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Aren't birthdays rather odd - I mean, People giving you gifts because you managed to not die? Congratulations, You've passed your annual re-certification as a basically competent human being, he's a shiny prize! Don't drink anything under the sink!

    And people always say "Oh, it's the celebration of your birth!" - bugger off, it was years ago get over it. You don't think the Cubs still celebrate the last time they won a world series, do you? Well, sure, that would be out of living memory if it wasn't for a few supercentenarians, but you get what I mean.
    It's just an excuse to celebrate. Often, we just don't have enough chances as it is, so anything is worth relaxing and giving out presents for a change.
  • Aren't birthdays rather odd - I mean, People giving you gifts because you managed to not die? Congratulations, You've passed your annual re-certification as a basically competent human being, he's a shiny prize!
    Well, you can't exactly give presents to a dead person, can you?
  • edited May 2011
    It's just an excuse to celebrate. Often, we just don't have enough chances as it is, so anything is worth relaxing and giving out presents for a change.
    People are rather strange. Also, I'm a grumpy prick. As much as I find the whole thing strange, I suppose I have to cop it sweet when it rolls around, and I do appreciate the people who defy my generally grumpy disposition and are all happy and cheery and well-wishing, it is very nice of them. Appreciative but confused.
    Well, you can't exactly give presents to a dead person, can you?
    So, Pouring good Caribbean rum into my ashes is out of the question then?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • We just use birthdays as an excuse to get drunk and play board games. Along with weekends, Federal holidays, certain combinations of numbers, the fact that we found some beer in the fridge...
  • Am I the only one who doesn't care for the LOLbat arcs in PVP? I'm happy that stuff is over. I get it, but I don't care for it.
  • Am I the only one who doesn't care for the LOLbat arcs in PVP? I'm happy that stuff is over. I get it, but I don't care for it.
    Nah, I thought it was kinda boring and overdone - I'm pretty glad we're back to regular PVP again. The first LOLbat arc wasn't bad, the second one where he got a sidekick was okay, but using it as more than a one-liner now is just boring. It's a one-joke character that's overstayed it's welcome.
  • I rather enjoyed the newest LOLbat arc since it was playing with a style Kurtz likes and did well with. But maybe I'm in the minority.
  • I rather enjoyed the newest LOLbat arc since it was playing with a style Kurtz likes and did well with. But maybe I'm in the minority.
    Eh, I'd rather see him do that with the main characters.

    Another question: So I have that scratchy/slimy feeling in the back of my throat. I'm afraid I may have caught the bug my mother has. What does one do to try to help prevent it from getting worse? I know those Airborne/Zycam stuff is all hooey, but anything other than taking lots of vitamin c and liquids?
  • but anything other than taking lots of vitamin c and liquids?
    Vitmain C isn't even going to help you. If you drink a glass or two of OJ, you will get 100% Vitamin C and prevent all scurvy. Any additional Vitamin C you eat will just get peed out and not do anything.
  • If by slimy you mean snot collecting back there you could hawk a loogie or gargle with salty water.
  • Another question: So I have that scratchy/slimy feeling in the back of my throat. I'm afraid I may have caught the bug my mother has. What does one do to try to help prevent it from getting worse? I know those Airborne/Zycam stuff is all hooey, but anything other than taking lots of vitamin c and liquids?
    Gargling mouthwash.
  • Do you right-handed people know that you can't really use right-handed scissors with your left hand, and as a result, left-handed scissors exist? I just realized that if I were not left-handed, and had never happened to try to use left-handed scissors with my right hand, I probably would have no idea.
  • I once used a left handed hammer.
  • Do you right-handed people know that you can't really use right-handed scissors with your left hand, and as a result, left-handed scissors exist? I just realized that if I were not left-handed, and had never happened to try to use left-handed scissors with my right hand, I probably would have no idea.
    If you've ever worked on papercraft, fabric work, or really, anything that involves cutting that's not in a straight line, you'll have tried cutting with the wrong hand. That said, omni-handed scissors are on the rise.
  • Right hand is best hand!
  • edited May 2011
    Somebody once posted a small comic in this forum about two geeks (a boy and a girl) walking down a street and discussing what it means to grow up. I believe the moral was something like you don't have stop doing the things you love because you grew up and walking into a comic or toy shop. Might be that it was a Johnny Wander comic, but I'm not sure. Anybody still got that one?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Was that the "perfect" comic which I tore to shreds?
  • I have no clue. Don't think anybody tore it to shreds really. At least not that I remember.
  • George:
    This comic is beyond perfect. ^_^
    My review ( was in dick mode):

    Actually, re-reading it, it has some really bad writing.

    Eg: "... just club me like a baby seal." First, is seal clubbing meant to be okay? Do you only not do it because what other people think of you? Second, is the victim or the clubber meant to be a baby seal? If the clubbee, it should read something like "just club like you would a baby seal." As it is, it reads as though baby seals are known for wielding clubs.

    Also, the dialogue flows like shit. It's meant to be a conversation, but the attributed text doesn't switch back and forth. Eg: the line "How do you know?" is just left hanging. Here's my version.

    "Do you think we'll ever grow up?"


    "How about when I graduate? Or when we get a place together?"

    "That's not growing up; that's just accepting responsibility. Growing up is hitting the point where you stop doing what you want because of what others might think. Growing up is not a loss youth; it's a loss of self."

    "If I ever hit that point, club me like I'm a baby seal."

    "I love you."

    With director's commentary:

    "Do you think we'll ever grow up?" - No "So" needed.

    "Nope." - This is the only line that doesn't need changing.

    "How about when I graduate? Or when we get a place together?" - This is hard to rewrite, as the first question was about the future, and the original line seems to imply graduating was in the past. The problem is that the question is very ambiguous. Is it about IF they will grow up, WHEN they will or might have grown up, or HOW does the person KNOW the answer to these other questions?

    "That's not growing up; that's just accepting responsibility." - All this needed was correct punctuation instead of, you know, no punctuation.

    "Growing up is hitting the point where you stop doing what you want because of what others might think. Growing up is not a loss youth; it's a loss of self." - Of course, the comic only exists because the writer wanted a character to say these two lines. If they cared about writing, they would have stripped out all the redundant words to make it as snappy as possible. I've removed the ellipses from the end. They aren't needed, and if I was writing the comic, I'd attribute the next line to the other character.

    "If I ever hit that point, club me like I'm a baby seal." - In the previous panel, growing up was about hitting a point, not a state where you end up. Here I've cleared up that conflict. I've also cleared up the ambiguity of the seal clubbing. However, I'm still not sure about the image of someone clubbing a baby seal while walking into a toy store. Either this is sloppy writing, or the message of this comic is REALLY dark.

    "I love you." - This line is fine, but the attribution should be switched here too.

    Luke's Conclusion:

    This comic is very, very, very far from beyond perfect.
  • Actually, that is the comic I meant. And yes, the dialog isn't perfect, but the message is a valuable one.
  • It's a shit comic except for that one badly expressed message.
  • I think I'll make a less shitty comic with the same moral.
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