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Random Questions



  • YooRuce Willis, he who hides in corners stealthily.
  • and it's Michigan, so be prepared for snow.
    You'd think that, but this winter was baby-mode. Hopefully next winter, everything will be covered in the stuff to compensate.
    This year was nice, and its a great day today (almost 70!), but weather strikes out of nowhere here, I'm betting on at least one more round one of snow before it really warms up.
  • What IS a 403? I know it means "Forbidden," but what does that mean?
  • What IS a 403? I know it means "Forbidden," but what does that mean?
    You do not have permission to visit that url. Like if you went to
  • What IS a 403? I know it means "Forbidden," but what does that mean?
    You do not have permission to visit that url. Like if you went to
    There is an art to make those errors actually look quite nice. Examples.
  • edited March 2012
    Technically, the one with the ripped background and the code behind it looks more like a 500 error.

    All you need to know here:
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • What IS a 403? I know it means "Forbidden," but what does that mean?
    You do not have permission to visit that url. Like if you went to
    There is an art to make those errors actually look quite nice. Examples.
    404 is not 403.
  • What IS a 403? I know it means "Forbidden," but what does that mean?
    You do not have permission to visit that url. Like if you went to
    There is an art to make those errors actually look quite nice. Examples.
    404 is not 403.
    You could still apply those to a 403.
  • What IS a 403? I know it means "Forbidden," but what does that mean?
    You do not have permission to visit that url. Like if you went to
    There is an art to make those errors actually look quite nice. Examples.
    404 is not 403.
    You could still apply those to a 403.
    I guess so, but I don't know if that is the best practice.
  • I think as long as it sends the 404 in the header, whatever else you send is fine. Bumping people back to the main page is bad though.
  • The point of it was to demonstrate you can take a bad thing and make it cool with a little polish.
  • Ok this one is a serious random question. Just received work that I may be able to go and potentially work in Ann Arbor, MI. The Salary goes from shit to decent living. However I know next to nothing about the Ann Arbor area. So in case anyone in this forum is more familiar with the area any suggestions about the area that I would need to consider if I were to get this job?
    I haven't been there museld but its supposed to be a pretty nice city. I know they have pretty lax weed laws haha. And yeah, get used to snow. In michigan we usually have snow into april.
  • Is an auto-biographical book a good physical representation of a characters soul in writing?
  • I might be hitting some of you guys up via Private Message to get more into detail about the area. However until then I need to go back to fixing computers.
  • Ok, so I work in this health food store. There is this one girl who shops there that I really dig. She is really healthy and into that stuff. She is a vegan. We flirt and talk all the time when she comes in. (for a little background info. She works as a massuse in town at a fancy spa/well being center) So tells me that we won't be seeing each other for a while. She does a cute little frowny pouty face. I ask why. Well on tuesday she is going to India with her friend (female) for two weeks. This gave an idea. I want to get her a card (bon voage i think they make those) and a present. Like some vitiams / health stuff to boost immune system since she is traveling and really into that stuff.

    For a little more info, earlier this week her coworkers came in. I asked if she was single, interested in anyone. They let me know she is indeed single and not really interested in anyone right now. They suggested I go for it as we would make a really cute couple.

    Now is this a good idea (the card/present)? Any suggestions?
  • How meta would it be if Yvonne Strahovski cosplayed as Miranda Lawson?
  • Now is this a good idea (the card/present)? Any suggestions?
    Sounds like a brilliant plan, go for it. The gift also sounds pretty good. Good luck, Mr Tim!
  • Now is this a good idea (the card/present)? Any suggestions?
    Okay, if she hadn't told you she was going on the trip, I would say this borders on creepy. However, since she clearly planted the info with you, you should go for it. Also ask her if she wants to go to dinner and tell you about her trip when she gets back.
  • Now is this a good idea (the card/present)? Any suggestions?
    Okay, if she hadn't told you she was going on the trip, I would say this borders on creepy. However, since she clearly planted the info with you, you should go for it. Also ask her if she wants to go to dinner and tell you about her trip when she gets back.
    Brilliant plan. Low possibility of failure.

  • Would it defeat the purpose if we gave GreenPeace submarines and allowed them to torpedo any illegal whaling vessels (which may or may not be all of them)?
  • Would it defeat the purpose if we gave GreenPeace submarines and allowed them to torpedo any illegal whaling vessels (which may or may not be all of them)?
    As much as I wish Batman was real, I don't condone vigilantism.
  • Would it defeat the purpose if we gave GreenPeace submarines and allowed them to torpedo any illegal whaling vessels (which may or may not be all of them)?
    As much as I wish Batman was real, I don't condone vigilantism.
    Considering I'm part of one of the largest griefing communities this side of 4chan I'm kinda meh on it, just thinking of random shit.
  • How meta would it be if Yvonne Strahovski cosplayed as Miranda Lawson?
    That would probably be the best thing ever.
  • Alright, who wants to come down and be a bartender for our wedding reception? Hilarity required.
  • I vote Churba for all your hilarious bar-tending needs.
  • I vote Churba for all your hilarious bar-tending needs.
    I second that motion. Buy that man the required airfare.

  • I believe that would exceed my allotted budget by about 5x.
  • I believe that would exceed my allotted budget by about 5x.
    Depending on your budget and location, you'd be surprised. Likely would pull in under 2k by a decent margin. Then again, I'd be lying if I tried to tell you that would be worth it for a single bartender/entertainer, even though I'd do the working part gratis.
  • I believe that would exceed my allotted budget by about 5x.
    Depending on your budget and location, you'd be surprised. Likely would pull in under 2k by a decent margin. Then again, I'd be lying if I tried to tell you that would be worth it for a single bartender/entertainer, even though I'd do the working part gratis.
    I appreciate the notion sincerely, and I've priced international flights recently for our honeymoon. The bartender portion of the budget is around $300 or so, since we're providing all of our own liquor, beer, and whatnot.

    I do, however, think I need one of these. Not from you though, Churbs. Sorry.
  • I do, however, think I need one of these. Not from you though, Churbs. Sorry.
    You definitely don't. Seriously, I'm like a poorly shaved wookie.

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