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Random Questions



  • I've got an old verizon prepaid phone which I don't use anymore. Right now I'm using a Palm Pixi on page plus which is a cheap verizon reseller carrier. I'd like to add my old phone to that account as a backup, but in order to add it I need to receive a text message on that phone but obviously I can't do that because is not activated anymore. How would I go about doing something like this?
  • Why the fuck do I still remember my ICQ number even though I haven't used that program in like 3 years?
  • Does Black Jack ever carry or shoot a gun? Going by IMFDB, it looks like the only time is in "Clinical Chart 3: Decoration of Maria and Her Comrades" where he takes another characters gun and shoots into the air
  • So does anyone know of NPR's 3 Minute Fiction contest?

    If so, who is participating? If you are doing it, share it. I would like to see what you come up with. I thought about creating a new thread, but figure I would see how many people would be interested in it first.
  • Does Black Jack ever carry or shoot a gun? Going by IMFDB, it looks like the only time is in "Clinical Chart 3: Decoration of Maria and Her Comrades" where he takes another characters gun and shoots into the air
    I read this as Jack Black the first time.

  • What are the so-far practiced forms of government that greatly decentralized power and allowed for peaceful frequent changes of leadership?

    Off the top of my head I've got... democracy. But it seems like there might have been other such systems without the whole individual voting thing... and I'm not personally very well educated in history of governance...
  • "Democracy may not be perfect, but we never had to build a wall to keep our people in." -- John F Kennedy.
  • The newest facebook app doesn't work on my original ipod touch, so I have to use the mobile web version. Originally I had a link to it on my home screen, but it opened up fullscreen and not withing safari. I ended up deleting that link when I tried installing an older version of the app, but that didn't work right so I uninstalled it. When I tried adding the link back, it just opens up within safari. Anybody have any idea how to get it back the way it was?
  • Is there any way to fix fingernails? I've got this groove in my index nail that's been there for a bit.
  • Wait for it to grow back normal?
  • Nail file maybe?
  • Maybe like use some new skin or something like that to fill in the groove and then file it down to even it out?
  • Maybe like use some new skin or something like that to fill in the groove and then file it down to even it out?
    Instead of skin, use some type of resin, or pile on nail polish. I am also talking out of my ass and have no expertise on this type of problem.
  • So I recently bought quite a few dress shirts and ties for work (I work in a deli so it seems weird, but my boss loves it. Also it shows I am dressing for the job I want. To be a store manager.) While I already have a decent assortment of ties, I was thinking of expanding. Should I look into getting some bow ties and ascots? If so any recommendations of where to get them?
  • Is there any way to fix fingernails? I've got this groove in my index nail that's been there for a bit.
    I've had one for years. I've even lots the nail completely to a car door and it grew back with the groove in.
  • Really? I've had a groove in my toenail a couple different times from cutting out an ingrown toenail with my Swiss army knife, but it always went away after it had grown enough.
  • Just how safe would robot cars be? I do not mean as it their ability to drive safely as I feel they will excel at that but as in issues with software stability or if someone tries to hack into it?
  • That's the sixty-four thousand dollar question.
  • The one hundred twenty eight thousand dollar question is will WUB actually get his work done tonight? :P
  • edited March 2012
    The one hundred twenty eight thousand dollar question is will WUB actually get his work done tonight? :P
    Thx bb

    EDIT: It's anatomy review. I'm moving along at a reasonable pace, even with these posts.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Just remember, if you get it done soon you can go to sleep at a reasonable hour. ~_^
  • And definitely do not drink any delicious adult beverages. World Wide Stout is a terrible idea.
  • edited March 2012
    Just remember, if you get it done soon you can go to sleep at a reasonable hour. ~_^
    Not really. I'm on polyphasic sleep now (entirely accidentally). One 1hr pseudo-N1 nap, two 2.5hr N2/N3 naps. I'm going to be up all night no matter how I cut it.

    But, I'll make an effort anyway. I realize this mode of function isn't particularly suited to functioning in society.
    And definitely do not drink any delicious adult beverages. World Wide Stout is a terrible idea.
    It's not available in the UK.

    ...But Tactical Nuclear Penguin is...
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • And definitely do not drink any delicious adult beverages. World Wide Stout is a terrible idea.
    It's not available in the UK.
    False advertising?
  • Is there such a thing as horse cheese?
  • edited March 2012
    Is there such a thing as horse cheese?
    Closest thing I know is kumis, which is a drink made of fermented mare's milk. You could hypothetically let it go all the way to cheese.

    EDIT: Holy shit, apparently some people distill kumis to spirits strength. That can't possibly be good.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Pete, you should go to Mongolia. You would have a heart attack.
  • How likely is it that Microsoft just messed up and I got xbox live for free? I thought I had auto-renew off, but I checked on the day xbox live renews and it was on so I turned it off. The thing is, it saying it got payed for but I never got charged for it and it happened almost a week ago.
  • With such things, it always pays to be on the safe side as they may realise later and back-charge you.
  • Hey guys (and gals), I'm looking for some new shoes that fall under these criteria:

    1) Shoes are easy to take off and put on (I normally take my shoes off at work, but have to put them back on again frequently to go to the bathroom/kitchen/get food/etc.)
    2) Shoes are dressy, but not dress shoes. No sneakers.
    3) Shoes are comfortable and can be walked in for good amounts of time.
    4) Shoes are built to last.

    The fourth one is my main sticking point. I've had a few pairs of shoes that fit the first three criteria, but they keep breaking down after just a few months use.

    So, what kinds of shoes do you guys (and gals) recommend? Or if not a specific brand, just a good place to get shoes like this? Money is not really a factor as long as I get something that will last for a few years. I'm tired of my current shoes eating holes in my socks because the heel has worn away.
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