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Random Questions



  • Starting to consider taking some sort of travelling job immediately after graduation a la George Clooney in "Up in the Air". I know it's definitely possible for a Computer Science major with IT qualifications. Anyone have an advice/insight into how I should pursue this?
    Stop concerning yourself with what job you're going to get until you're much closer to graduation, and don't do a major because it will get you a job, pick a major because you enjoy it.

    That's my advice.
  • edited March 2012
    Starting to consider taking some sort of travelling job immediately after graduation a la George Clooney in "Up in the Air". I know it's definitely possible for a Computer Science major with IT qualifications. Anyone have an advice/insight into how I should pursue this?
    Stop concerning yourself with what job you're going to get until you're much closer to graduation, and don't do a major because it will get you a job, pick a major because you enjoy it.

    That's my advice.
    I graduate in 3 months.

    Up until now, the question has been stay at my corporate internship where everyone has been awesome to me and I'm nigh guaranteed employment come May, or swallow the start-up kool-aid and pursue that. However, I've just made a startling revelation about a major drawback of both of these choices - I'm getting a little sick of New York City (I attend NYU). I know for a fact that it's the city I'll stay near for the rest of my life - my family is near by, I have made some incredible friends here, and I love the city itself - but I feel like I need to go explore (but not settle) in some other places first.

    Not to mention I can still spend all that transit time coding games and the things that I'm interested in.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • edited March 2012
    My present post-graduate plans: Pack up my car and set my sights on California. Put the hammer down for a high-speed burn straight to LA. Outrun my doubts at 100MPH.

    That's as far as I've gotten, really.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Outrun my doubts at 100MPH.
    I am so quoting you on that. Would you like me to attribute it to "George P Burdell" or "Someone on the Internet"?
  • Hammer down! Rabbit ears!
  • Outrun my doubts at 100MPH.
    I am so quoting you on that. Would you like me to attribute it to "George P Burdell" or "Someone on the Internet"?
    I'm quoting that too and need attribution.
  • edited March 2012
    Outrun my doubts at 100MPH.
    I am so quoting you on that. Would you like me to attribute it to "George P Burdell" or "Someone on the Internet"?
    W. Upton Byrd.

    Actually, that's the shittiest pseudonym ever, and I don't particularly like it. It'll do until I think of something better, though.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Byrd, D. Wurd
  • edited March 2012
    Byrd, D. Wurd
    On second thought, let's stick with W. Upton Byrd. I have seen the alternatives, and they are dark indeed.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Or as I like to say (overly simplified, but it makes the point), "Patriotism is rooting for your country in the Olympics. Nationalism is bombing the country that beat yours in the Olympics."
    I'm always Rooting for Australia.
  • Or as I like to say (overly simplified, but it makes the point), "Patriotism is rooting for your country in the Olympics. Nationalism is bombing the country that beat yours in the Olympics."
    I'm always Rooting for Australia.
    Oooof course you are.

  • Serious question: Who is the icon of manliness from 80s-90s pop culture (the perfect "manly man")?
  • edited March 2012
    Oh, my answers weren't good enough!? I see how it is. I bite my thumb at thee, sir!

    My answers were Fabio for the sad single ladies, and Bruce Willis for the cool people.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Serious question: Who is the icon of manliness from 80s-90s pop culture (the perfect "manly man")?
    Pretty sure I was too occupied with Rider Strong and JTT to notice who the adults were pining over.

  • I then gave him Brawny guy or Marlboro Man, or perhaps the Stetson guy.
  • edited March 2012
    I then gave him Brawny guy or Marlboro Man, or perhaps the Stetson guy.
    What about Arnold Schwarzenegger? :) I think those guys you just mentioned are more from 60's-70's pop culture than 80's-90's.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Is it possible to screw up the power routing in a PC, or can any wire go to any slot as long as they fit?

    I'm putting in a new power supply to my family's old pc.
  • They're designed not to fit in the wrong holes, some of the holes have angled corners on one side so they only go in one way.
  • Serious question: Who is the icon of manliness from 80s-90s pop culture (the perfect "manly man")?
    Pretty sure I was too occupied with Rider Strong and JTT to notice who the adults were pining over.
    I think you're forgetting someone.
  • I don't know who that is.
  • Sonic wins the prize.

    "Tom Selleck and other manly men" is the name of the Remastered episode Rich and I are recording tonight at 7 p.m. EST on You can listen live and participate in the chatroom if'n you want.
  • Yeah, I think I'll do that.
  • Ok this one is a serious random question. Just received work that I may be able to go and potentially work in Ann Arbor, MI. The Salary goes from shit to decent living. However I know next to nothing about the Ann Arbor area. So in case anyone in this forum is more familiar with the area any suggestions about the area that I would need to consider if I were to get this job?
  • Just know that the air will be made of water in the summer.
  • edited March 2012
    Ok this one is a serious random question. Just received work that I may be able to go and potentially work in Ann Arbor, MI. The Salary goes from shit to decent living. However I know next to nothing about the Ann Arbor area. So in case anyone in this forum is more familiar with the area any suggestions about the area that I would need to consider if I were to get this job?
    In Ann Arbor, pedestrians rule the roads, and it's Michigan, so be prepared for snow. My sister lives in AA, and I'm not too far, so I can probably answer any specific questions you have.
    Post edited by Ilmarinen on
  • and it's Michigan, so be prepared for snow.
    You'd think that, but this winter was baby-mode. Hopefully next winter, everything will be covered in the stuff to compensate.
  • and it's Michigan, so be prepared for snow.
    You'd think that, but this winter was baby-mode. Hopefully next winter, everything will be covered in the stuff to compensate.
    How much snow are we talking about?

  • and it's Michigan, so be prepared for snow.
    You'd think that, but this winter was baby-mode. Hopefully next winter, everything will be covered in the stuff to compensate.
    How much snow are we talking about?

    The snow probably only stuck like 5 times this winter. And of those 5-or-so times, it only lasted about 7 hours before melting. Nothing more than a couple inches.
  • Burt Reynolds was not really relevant in the 90s... I would say Sly Stallone or Ahhhrnold or maybe even Brad Pitt.
  • Burt Reynolds was not really relevant in the 90s... I would say Sly Stallone or Ahhhrnold or maybe even Brad Pitt.
    I would say..
    Yooruce Willis

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