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  • Stirling engine+dynamo MCHP. The firebox is your boiler and powers the engine, the dynamo powers lights and jets. Use a handsome wood tub (I'm sure you can get an old one somewhere, and port holes in the wood for lights and jets, sealing the gaps with silicone epoxy.
    I am now taking this idea and building a steam-engine powered hot tub.
  • Engineering (Undecided)
    The impression I get is that RPI (do I correctly recall that you got accepted there?) is a better school for most engineering majors, whereas RIT is primarily notable for computer majors, as well as chemical engineering and optics.
    As a non-RIT student, I can't really comment on class quality.

    Anyways, my positions on RIT and other engineering schools is well-known:
    1. If you can get into a university with equivalently good engineering programs and decent liberal arts programs, pick the university without question.
    2. They're decent if you don't want to go to grad school or do research. Unfortunately, I want to do both of those things (and don't understand why people wouldn't).
    I considered RPI (my brother actually goes there) but they recently got rid of their foreign language program, and I plan on studying Chinese.
  • I considered RPI (my brother actually goes there) but they recently got rid of their foreign language program, and I plan on studying Chinese.
    Well, the engineering program here is pretty dang good (especially engineering exploration), even if it's not RPI, and I've also heard some pretty good things about our Chinese classes from a friend in IT who's taken them. I think you'll be alright, plus the whole co-op program giving you plenty of work experience pre-graduation is REALLY helpful for getting a job and working off student debt.

  • My thoughts exactly.
  • Remember guys, solar power won't work very well in Rochester for most of the year...
  • One of my friends wants to buy a PS3 from a person on Craiglist, and she wants me to help her with it.
    The seller made this posting on Craigslist.

    We're already planning to meet in public and in daylight, as we're not idiots. The question is, what are the possible ways this PS3 could already be broken, and can you help me come up with a clever plan to avoid paying for it until we can test it?
  • I'm not sure the Slims were as badly affected by the problem where the solder holding the chip to the board melted but you should know it can be temporarily fixed (Such as in making it work long enough to sell it.). Also check all the connections (HDMI, USB, AV.) but they shouldn't be a huge concern.

    Also, I would safely dispose of the Kane and Lynch disc at the first opportunity.
  • edited April 2012
    Also, I would safely dispose of the Kane and Lynch disc at the first opportunity.
    Be careful where you do it, though. Kane and Lynch games are considered biohazardous waste under federal law.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The blu-ray laser sometimes went out on those models so that could be an issue.
  • Even if it works, it may be stolen goods.
  • Even if it works, it may be stolen goods.
    Yeah, crosscheck the SN so you can turn it in if that's the case.

    Question for Scott: I remember you mentioning a really cool bookshelf receiver and speaker set you had, but I can't find that thread. Would you mind telling me who makes your stereo gear?

  • edited April 2012
    Even if it works, it may be stolen goods.
    Yeah, crosscheck the SN so you can turn it in if that's the case.

    Question for Scott: I remember you mentioning a really cool bookshelf receiver and speaker set you had, but I can't find that thread. Would you mind telling me who makes your stereo gear?

    The bookshelf system in the bedroom consists of

    This amp

    And these speakers

    BIC America DV62si Bookshelf Speakers (Pair, Black)

    It might be hard to get the same exact amp. That's the really old version. This is the newer version.

    Dayton Audio DTA-1 Class T Digital AC/DC Amplifier 15 WPC

    If you don't like how the amp looks, it's not hard to take it out of it's enclosure and put it inside of a custom one.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Thanks. I have an old Akai from the seventies, and that's cool, but I need an upgrade.
  • Dear sales team assholes:
    Why do we bother having deadlines if you ignore them and are never held to them by management?
    Why do we bother printing and approving design proofs if you change them in the final four hours before deadline every week?
    Why do you continue to promise news coverage in exchange for advertising when you know that it's not allowed? Also, when we never, ever do it and you have to suffer financially for it?
    Fuck you,
  • Do you guys remember we played this web-based multiplayer space game that was real real time? As in it would take X hours for your ships to get somewhere, and it took that many real-world hours. I had to buy credits, and that let everyone else play for free. I remember winning, but I could be wrong about that. What was the name of that game?
  • Neptune's Pride.
  • Neptune's Pride.
    Yep! Scojo IM'd it to me. I still have 110 credits. Maybe when I have time to be distracted all day I will start another game.

  • We had a decent thread on the game (
    I did rather enjoy winning the one game I played :D
  • Dear sales team assholes:
    Why do we bother having deadlines if you ignore them and are never held to them by management?
    Why do we bother printing and approving design proofs if you change them in the final four hours before deadline every week?
    Why do you continue to promise news coverage in exchange for advertising when you know that it's not allowed? Also, when we never, ever do it and you have to suffer financially for it?
    Fuck you,
    Because they are idiots who can do nothing better than lying.
  • There's always the redneck hot tub. Duct tape a tarp to the bed of a pickup, fill with water and have a hose go from the exhaust to provide heat and bubbles
  • There's always the redneck hot tub. Duct tape a tarp to the bed of a pickup, fill with water and have a hose go from the exhaust to provide heat and bubbles
    Won't the nasty exhaust fumes dissolve in the water and make it all poisonous and shit?
  • edited April 2012
    There's always the redneck hot tub. Duct tape a tarp to the bed of a pickup, fill with water and have a hose go from the exhaust to provide heat and bubbles
    Won't the nasty exhaust fumes dissolve in the water and make it all poisonous and shit?
    I'm not sure how soluble the various exhaust fumes are in water, but at the very least those aforementioned bubbles will be filled with the toxic exhaust fumes and you'll enjoy the lovely scent of them when they burst at the water's surface, whether or not the water itself is rendered toxic.

    Then again, maybe that's why it's called a redneck hot tub. Only a redneck would be dumb enough to build one.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Why has no one ever made Warhammer 40k the movie?
  • They did. It was called Ultramarine, and it was disappointing. A direct to DVD release from the studio that made the Bionicle movies. It wasn't all that bad but it wasn't very good either. You can see the trailers at:

    There have been a few fan films that were better, but GW maintains control over their Intellectual Property with zealous dedication, so further progress on that front seems unlikely. I doubt we will see a proper big screen adaptation anytime soon.

  • I'm going to go with, "Because it would cost all the money."
  • This is what I feared. I might watch Ultramarines The Movie eventually... or maybe I'll just rewatch Starship Troopers and pretend they're Imperial Guard fighting Tyranids.
  • I'm putting this here, since I can't find a better place for it and can't find any threads on theater. I haven't really looked that hard though. Has anyone seen Book of Mormon: The Musical? I want to see this so bad and I was just reminded of it's existence.
  • edited April 2012
    I'm putting this here, since I can't find a better place for it and can't find any threads on theater. I haven't really looked that hard though. Has anyone seen Book of Mormon: The Musical? I want to see this so bad and I was just reminded of it's existence.
    I listened to it on NPR's website a while back. When I went to get the link for you, I couldn't find it. Looks like they took it down.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I'm putting this here, since I can't find a better place for it and can't find any threads on theater. I haven't really looked that hard though. Has anyone seen Book of Mormon: The Musical? I want to see this so bad and I was just reminded of it's existence.
    It's coming to Detroit next March, and I'm going to try my hardest to get a ticket. I've got the soundtrack on my Zune, and I listen to it almost all the time.
  • I have the soundtrack, but haven't been able to see it. I've heard it's very, very good though.
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