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  • edited May 2012
    The U2410 is what I have at work, and what Rym just bought. The price and quality have not changed, and I don't expect them to change anytime soon.

    At home I actually probably have the same 20" Ultrasharp that you do. There's really no point in getting the U2410 at home since 20" is enough, it's still IPS, and I don't think my computer could play games at the 1920x1200. It gets by nicely at 1680x1050, though.
    I think I have a slightly older UltraSharp than you do as mine runs at 1600x1200. I probably won't buy a new monitor until I buy a new computer (unless this UltraSharp kicks the bucket), but I'd like to keep my old monitor as a secondary display (that's how I have it set up now with my iMac, though I'm probably going back to a Windows desktop when it's time to upgrade).

    Granted, the main reason why I came to this realization now (as I haven't been monitor shopping in ages) was in the course of shopping for a new monitor for my grandpa for his birthday present. I actually went with a Asus TN monitor as it's good enough for his purposes -- all he does with his computer is write his newspaper column and his books, but in doing the research I noticed how cheap TNs have become whereas IPSes have stayed relatively pricey.

    That said, 8+ years out of a monitor for $500 ain't a bad deal, so if my next monitor lasts at least as long as my current UltraSharp, I can't complain that much.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • edited May 2012
    There is actually one inexpensive way to get IPS. Buy any Apple product with a screen. iPhone, iPad, Macbook Air/Pro/Regular, iMac, everything is IPS. I think maybe iPods that aren't iPod touch might not be.

    Problem, they are all glossy.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • My wife and I are thinking about moving to Vancouver, Washington and I was wondering if any of you lived near there, and if so you how much you could tell me about the area.
    I visited in October. Vancouver, Washington is the end point of the Oregon Trail!


    It's pretty nice. I have a video of me juggling beside the river.
  • edited May 2012
    There is actually one inexpensive way to get IPS. Buy any Apple product with a screen. iPhone, iPad, Macbook Air/Pro/Regular, iMac, everything is IPS. I think maybe iPods that aren't iPod touch might not be.

    Problem, they are all glossy.
    The Lenovo X220's matte display is IPS, and the computer is less expensive than almost every Mac. Tremendously more versatile, too.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • There is actually one inexpensive way to get IPS. Buy any Apple product with a screen. iPhone, iPad, Macbook Air/Pro/Regular, iMac, everything is IPS. I think maybe iPods that aren't iPod touch might not be.

    Problem, they are all glossy.
    The Lenovo X220's matte display is IPS, and the computer is less expensive than almost every Mac. Tremendously more versatile, too.
    You have to pay extra to get the IPS, no? Also, is it ghetto IPS or the real deal?
  • It's legit IPS. I can tell the difference between it and my TN main display immediately, and colors are easily as sharp as my iPhone. It used to be extra, but it's a free upgrade right now.

    Also, the new Lenovo Ultrabooks look to be on par with the X220, and they'll probably all have IPS screens. However, the X220 is so good that I'll probably hold onto mine for another three years before I upgrade to whatever wizardry is on the market at that time.
  • There is actually one inexpensive way to get IPS. Buy any Apple product with a screen. iPhone, iPad, Macbook Air/Pro/Regular, iMac, everything is IPS. I think maybe iPods that aren't iPod touch might not be.

    Problem, they are all glossy.
    Glossy doesn't bug me and I do love the screen on my iMac, even if some of its other qualities aren't quite as endearing.
  • Did we not have a hipster thread where we talked about this? Dang that forum search!
  • The forum search is poop.
  • I have a TextExpander snippet that replaces "frcs" with " ". It's super handy for googling within the forum.
  • What was the book club book again?
  • What was the book club book again?
  • Here's my random question: Can anyone meaningfully define hipster for me?
    1. People who like things that I don't.
    2. People who don't like things that I do.
    3. People who like the really obscure stuff that I also like.
    4. Anybody under the age of 40 who drinks PBR.
    5. Anybody under the age of 40, or who is not a firefighter, who also sports a mustache. Some exceptions can be made for full beards or goatees.
    6. Andrew.
    7. Anybody who rides a fixed-gear bicycle.
    8. Anybody under the age of 40 who uses a typewriter.

  • Encouraging people to read, one three volume book at a time.
    Looks interesting though, I'll give it a shot and see if I get bored.
  • edited May 2012
    Encouraging people to read, one three volume book at a time.
    Looks interesting though, I'll give it a shot and see if I get bored.
    It's not actually three volumes like Lord of the Rings. It's originally a Japanese book. They often break books up into multiple small volumes there. You know how a lot of books have part 1, part 2, part 3? Imagine if those were actually released in separate volumes so they were small and portable.

    The US edition of the book is one volume, and it is a normal sized book.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited May 2012
    Here's my random question: Can anyone meaningfully define hipster for me?
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Wait, the Lord of the Rings was released in parts? I thought it was books in a series. 1Q84 may be broken up but it's still 900+ pages (I believe the English version is longer.).

    I'm trying to read a Moomin book right now which is taking me a while (Even kid's Japanese is beyond me.) so let me know how it goes and I'll look into it.
  • Wait, the Lord of the Rings was released in parts? I thought it was books in a series. 1Q84 may be broken up but it's still 900+ pages (I believe the English version is longer.).

    I'm trying to read a Moomin book right now which is taking me a while (Even kid's Japanese is beyond me.) so let me know how it goes and I'll look into it.
    I said it's not three volumes like Lord of the Rings. And 900 pages is normal. We've been doing baby books for awhile here.
  • edited May 2012
    Well, good luck with getting people to read that who aren't already book people.

    That said, I understand how hard it can be to get people to cross over into an area they're not familiar with.

    Oh, while I have your attention: The Fast Karate for GN being reposted seems to be a glitch. iTunes doesn't show it in the FK feed but I got it showing up in Listen the same way.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I wonder why we call them hipsters?
  • Encouraging people to read, one three volume book at a time.
    Looks interesting though, I'll give it a shot and see if I get bored.
    It's not actually three volumes like Lord of the Rings. It's originally a Japanese book. They often break books up into multiple small volumes there. You know how a lot of books have part 1, part 2, part 3? Imagine if those were actually released in separate volumes so they were small and portable.

    The US edition of the book is one volume, and it is a normal sized book.
    Depends on your definition of normal. The combined page count of "Parts 1&2" and "Part 3" (the actual manner of release, I still haven't seen a single volume version) is over 1000 pages.

  • Here's my random question: Can anyone meaningfully define hipster for me?
    It actually loops back around a few entries after the unicorn (there's an astronaut, a space alien, the emperor of space, a full royal-garbed king, an 18th century politician, a 1920s business tycoon, and so on...

  • Depends on your definition of normal. The combined page count of "Parts 1&2" and "Part 3" (the actual manner of release, I still haven't seen a single volume version) is over 1000 pages.
    I am not sure why that comes out to over 1000 pages but the version in Scott's post above is one volume and comes to 944 pages.
  • Yeah, I grabbed the paperback today and it's the same edition. I'd previously only seen the hardcovers.
  • I'm looking for a college laptop, and you guys know a lot more about this than I do. I'm looking for the best thing I can get for about $1000 that will play games without being a super gaming computer.
  • Lenovo X220. Get the IPS screen and the biggest battery you can afford.
  • Lenovo X220. Get the IPS screen and the biggest battery you can afford.
    Rumors of a next generation of this laptop are current. Hold off a tic. (I'm waiting myself).

    If you can't hold off, that laptop is best laptop, but a fully tricked out one is a bit under $2k. You'd have to leave some features out.

    If you don't plan to carry it around everywhere (using it mostly in a few locations, not between locations), get a bigger, more powerful, cheaper laptop.

  • There's a Japanese word that roughly means "nostalgia for a place or time one never experienced." Does anyone know what it is?
  • There's a Japanese word that roughly means "nostalgia for a place or time one never experienced." Does anyone know what it is?
    I don't know the Japanese word, but I know that feel bro.
  • There's a Japanese word that roughly means "nostalgia for a place or time one never experienced." Does anyone know what it is?
    I don't know the Japanese word, but I know that feel bro.
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