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It's Friaaday!

edited March 2011 in Everything Else
Gotta get down on the weekend, fun fun fun fun.

Today it is Friaaday. Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes after that.

3/18/2011: Greatest Friaaday known to man.


  • edited March 2011
    We need that sound clip from my local radio of the guy going, "It's FRRIIIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!"

    This I'll do though.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Wut?
    You really don't wanna know.
  • edited March 2011
    Partyin' Partyin' YEAH!
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Pony Day!
  • Ow fuck my ears. What the fuck.
  • Ow fuck my ears. What the fuck.
    That song didn't kill music. It raped it.
  • Ow fuck my ears. What the fuck.
    I gave you fair warning, you have only yourself to blame.
  • I was completely unaware of this until now. I hate you all, but mostly Andrew.
  • Ow fuck my ears. What the fuck.
    It came so close to just being a normal shitty pop song but somehow they were just shitty enough to make it 1000x worse than if they just couldn't sing.
  • Why does she need to decide which seat to take when she's already in the car?
    Also, she's 13 how much partying will there really be ? I'm guessing Chris Hansen will be involved.
  • Pony Day!
    It's a half-Fluttershy episode this time! Are you excited? 'Cause I'm excited!
  • Why does she need to decide which seat to take when she's already in the car?
    She's 13, how are her friend's driving anyway?
  • Well, it's already Saturday here, so the worst is over.
    Pony Day!
    It's a half-Fluttershy episode this time! Are you excited? 'Cause I'm excited!
    Ah, I just realised what you guys meant by "Pony Day". That is call for partying.
  • Party time? It's party time.
  • I really fucking wish the Internet would stop doing this. So the song sucks, right? And everyone knows about it because it sucks? Now it's in the iTunes Top 100. Because it sucks.

    Because this girl made shitty music, she is now going to be famous.

    We're actively rewarding people for sucking.
  • Do you know what I had for breakfast today?

  • We're actively rewarding people for sucking.
    The only currency in a post-scarcity society is attention. There is a future where attention is all that people seek, regardless of its form.
  • There is a future where attention is all that people seek, regardless of its form.
    I know that, but why can't we give people attention for making good things? Why is it that when someone makes something awful, we reward them even more?

    Does this mean that Rebecca Black is now winning?
  • why can't we give people attention for making good things? Why is it that when someone makes something awful, we reward them even more?
    Because deep down, people enjoy awful things. Two and a Half Men is one of the most popular comedies on TV. Fox news is more watched than any other television news source. Garfield made money.

    Rebecca Black is popular because what she made matters to more people then you (or I) are comfortable with.
  • There is a future where attention is all that people seek, regardless of its form.
    I know that, but why can't we give people attention for making good things? Why is it that when someone makes something awful, we reward them even more?

    Does this mean that Rebecca Black is now winning?
    She's only getting temporary short term attention. People are bored at work all day. They need something, anything, to distract them. In that kind of environment, almost anything can get really popular for a short period of time. It's not a big deal. So far I haven't seen anything really shitty maintain attention for a long period of time. They are all flashes in the pan. The only things I have seen get attention, and maintain attention, have something about them that is high quality, though taste my vary.

    I think Justin Bieber is the perfect example. I don't think anyone here likes his music, but unlike this girl he actually has musical skill and talent. That's why he's been able to hold attention for months, whereas this girl will never be above the level of the Numa-Numa guy.
  • So far I haven't seen anything really shitty maintain attention for a long period of time.
    Two and a Half Men has had eight extremely popular seasons: 177 episodes.
  • Pony Day!
    It's a half-Fluttershy episode this time! Are you excited? 'Cause I'm excited!
  • edited March 2011
    So far I haven't seen anything really shitty maintain attention for a long period of time.
    Um, what? There's plenty of terrible entertainment out there that holds on for a while.
    That's why he's been able to hold attention for months
    Months? Justin Bieber has had a successful career for a year and a half.

    I'll point out that Lil Jon has a very successful career.

    EDIT: Also, what Rym said.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Um, what? There's plenty of terrible entertainment out there that holds on for a while.
    Jersey Shore.
  • edited March 2011
    Does this mean that Rebecca Black is now winning?
    See, this lass is just a kid whose parents had some throw away money to support their kid's dreams of being famous. Sure, she's got no talent, but she's hardly alone, just another kid whose parents threw money at Arc Music Factory, about as unique as hydrogen. Charlie Sheen, if tomorrow he fired up his ustream channel, did a rail of coke, and immediately dropped dead of cardiac arrest, the world would genuinely be a better place, if only for a little while during the sharp snap back to reality for all the inbred neanderthal cockudders who idolize him.
    Post edited by Churba on
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