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It's Friaaday!



  • edited March 2011
    Further evidence: Rainbow Dash.
    OH SNAP!
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I spent the majority of my K-12 education having to take music classes that consisted of 70% Beatles. While I recognize what they accomplished, I've had more than enough and I can firmly say that I absolutely hate the Beatles music.
    This phenomenon is discussed on the latest episode of the Judge John Hodgman podcast. This guy was forcing his daughter to watch awesome movies. The problem is that there is a psychological thing that happens when someone is forced to experience a work of art against their will, that they will be predisposed towards disliking that work of art, regardless of its merits. Someone forced to listen to the Beatles over and over might end up hating them, whereas they would have loved them had they discovered the music on their own terms.

    This is why even if I remember hating something from long ago, I will take a break from it and try to rediscover it on my own. I did this recently with video games in various genres that I suck at, most notably RTSes and fighting games. I think Dune is coming up on that list, as I remember disliking it oh so very long ago.
  • ...I like Yellow Submarine. I also think some repetitive songs are good and nice to listen to.
    However! This song has no redeeming characteristics. It is BAD!

    Why do we have a thread about this again? If we ignore it, maybe it will go away.
  • Why do we have a thread about this again? If we ignore it, maybe it will go away.
    It's Friaday! Duh! Fun fun fun fun fun.
  • Why do we have a thread about this again?
    Because it's funny? I watched the music video and could not stop laughing, and the meme is only getting bigger. Ultimately, the song is going to be forgotten from the public memory in the very near future and the meme probably won't have much sticking power, so we have to get our lawlz in while we can.

  • This is why even if I remember hating something from long ago, I will take a break from it and try to rediscover it on my own.
    I wouldn't mind trying that if it was possible for me to not hear the Beatles or Beatles talk on a near constant basis regardless of where I am.
  • Concerning Fridays in general, I just discovered that my parents get The Hub, which means I can watch the new pony episode live today. Hurray for Spring Break!
  • Quote from Rebecca Black: "Justin, if you're watching this [Her Interview] right now, would you do a duet with me?" she asked the singer. "That would be just unreal -- it would make my life!"
  • Concerning Fridays in general, I just discovered that my parents get The Hub, which means I can watch the new pony episode live today. Hurray for Spring Break!
    Nice. What do you have for a television provider?
  • edited March 2011
    Concerning Fridays in general, I just discovered that my parents get The Hub, which means I can watch the new pony episode live today. Hurray for Spring Break!
    Nice. What do you have for a television provider?
    Digital Cable from Time Warner in Rochester. The Channels you get are different based on the city, but I think the Hub is in most of their Digital Cable packages.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I see. I personally have DirectTV so I'd have to look up if I have it when I get home later today. However by then I'll probably forget so it will most likely not matter.
  • Every great artist makes some poop. Name an artist in any medium who has nothing but hits
    Hits does not equal good. Case in point, Yellow Submarine, which was arguably a hit song - #1 on every UK chart for four weeks running, and on the charts for 13.
  • Is this thread still about accordion solos?
  • Yeah, Emily...I tried that with ponies. It didn't work.
  • Yeah, Emily...I tried that with ponies. It didn't work.
    Well I'm sure it didn't help with Lyddi being all about it either.
  • On this forum, I don't see this lasting very long. Nonetheless, for the moment it's an entertaining meme, and I'm happy to enjoy it while it lasts.
  • On this forum, I don't see this lasting very long. Nonetheless, for the moment it's an entertaining meme, and I'm happy to enjoy it while it lasts.
    This is a direct frontal assault on the pony bullshit that has taken hold of the forum. Expect me in it for the long haul. Or at least until Monday.
  • On this forum, I don't see this lasting very long. Nonetheless, for the moment it's an entertaining meme, and I'm happy to enjoy it while it lasts.
    This is a direct frontal assault on the pony bullshit that has taken hold of the forum. Expect me in it for the long haul. Or at least until Monday.
    Is that a declaration of war?
  • Or at least until Monday.
    I don't see it lasting much into tomorrow is Saturday.
  • At least ponies have something good about them, even if you don't like them. They are well-animated if nothing else. This song is not only vapid, it is poorly sung.
  • At least ponies have something good about them, even if you don't like them. They are well-animated if nothing else. This song is not only vapid, it is poorly sung.
    I find it to be a fascinating treatise on condition of popular music in the 21st century. We've become so accustomed to the landscape of our current culture that "Friday" is a poignant statement on how musical talent is no longer an important role in today's society. The words "Kicking it in the front seat, sitting in the back seat. Which seat should I take?" is a methaphor for the choices the youth. It doesn't mind which choice they make (front or back seat) because they will all ultimately lead to the same point of social repression. The only way to prevent this is by keeping a stand and waiting for the 'Bus' which represents a social revolution.
  • Nerds will always over-think things.
  • Terrible things on the Internet that are extremely popular: "Fred" and "Annoying Orange." Ask your nearest 13-year-old if you've never heard of these.
  • Andrew, you do realise that we have been sitting at roughly 10% ponies for a few days now? Your attempt to resist them is only making them stronger, as evidenced by the spread of ponies to this thread and "Random Questions".

    If you continue this course of action, there will be ponies in every thread.
  • Terrible things on the Internet that are extremely popular: "Fred"
    Is this what my kin have been reduced to?
  • Every great artist makes some poop. Name an artist in any medium who has nothing but hits.
    Buddy Holly.

    Too soon?
  • Buddy Holly.

    Too soon?
    He has non-hits, you've just never heard them, and maybe nobody ever will. One trick a lot of artists do is keep all of their shitty work hidden away. They don't release bad books, bad songs, etc. They exist, you just never ever see them.
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