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It's Friaaday!



  • The Big Bang Theory is the second most popular sitcom in the US. And it's been renewed through 2014.
  • The Big Bang Theory is the second most popular sitcom in the US. And it's been renewed through 2014.
    I can't say that's a good thing. It's just normal shitty sitcom, with geek jokes and sterotypes slathered on with the same trowel Joan Rivers uses for her makeup.
  • I can't say that's a good thing.
    I wasn't saying that it was. I'm adding to the pile of evidence against Scott's "I've never seen anything shitty last for a while" argument.
  • edited March 2011
    I wasn't saying that it was. I'm adding to the pile of evidence against Scott's "I've never seen anything shitty last for a while" argument.
    I didn't mean to say you were, my mistake for not being clear - Just more like the obvious "I have a bad feeling about this" cliche in action.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I meant on the Internets, where the smart people are. I expect stupid shit to be the most popular on television.
  • I meant on the Internets
    What are the most watched youtube videos of all time?
  • I meant on the Internets, where the smart people are. I expect stupid shit to be the most popular on television.
    You're right. Nothing terrible is ever popular on the Internet.
  • I meant on the Internets, where the smart people are. I expect stupid shit to be the most popular on television.
    You're right. Nothing terrible is ever popular on the Internet.
    I heard of that once. It's still around? It has legitimate staying power? I don't see anybody talking about it.
  • Rebecca Black is popular because what she made matters to more people then you (or I) are comfortable with.
    Than/Then burn!

    Holy shit:
  • Holy shit:
    This thread is now about accordion solos.
  • I heard of that once. It's still around? It has legitimate staying power? I don't see anybody talking about it.
    You, who doesn't know the names of practically any "popular" celebrities or television shows, believe something isn't popular because you've never personally heard of it in your relatively narrow self-selected media stream?

    There are stupid people on the Internet. They are the majority. You just don't notice them. We walk between ivory towers astride narrow bridges.
  • It has legitimate staying power?
    It's been around since 2005 and is the 5th most subscribed channel on Youtube. They made an actual movie that made actual money.

    Yes Scott, it has staying power. You are completely divorced from what is popular.
  • You are completely divorced from what is popular.
  • Of course, if we're judging musical worth by repetitive lyrics:
    In the town where I was born,
    Lived a man who sailed to sea,
    And he told us of his life,
    In the land of submarines,

    So we sailed on to the sun,
    Till we found the sea green,
    And we lived beneath the waves,
    In our yellow submarine,

    We all live in yellow submarine,
    yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
    We all live in yellow submarine,
    yellow submarine, yellow submarine.

    And our friends are all aboard,
    Many more of them live next door,
    And the band begins to play.

    (Trumpets play)

    We all live in yellow submarine,
    yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
    We all live in yellow submarine,
    yellow submarine, yellow submarine.

    (Full speed ahead, Mr. Barkley, full speed ahead!
    Full speed over here, sir!
    All together! All together!
    Aye, aye, sir, fire!
    Captain! Captain!)

    As we live a life of ease(life of ease)
    Every one of us(every one of us) has all we need,(has all we need)
    Sky of blue,(sky of blue) and sea green,(sea of green)
    In our yellow(In our yellow) submarine.(submarine) ( Haha! )

    We all live in yellow submarine,
    yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
    We all live in yellow submarine,
    yellow submarine, yellow submarine.


    We all live in yellow submarine,
    yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
    We all live in yellow submarine,
    yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
    So we've established that there is a yellow submarine. Also, a blue sky and a green sea.

    At least Ms. Black addresses the incredibly pressing teenage issue of which seat to take. Then, she espouses the virtues of having fun with friends. She is also aware of the progression of days.

    Overall, "Friday" is better than "Yellow Submarine."
  • You, who doesn't know the names of practically any "popular" celebrities or television shows,
    We were playing apples to apples once and he didn't know who Jennifer Aniston was. And I couldn't tell him because he had never seen Friends. How much more of a rock can a person live under?
  • We were playing apples to apples once and he didn't know who Jennifer Aniston was
    I don't know who that is either.
    And I couldn't tell him because he had never seen Friends.
    So, she's in Friends. That narrows it down, but I still don't know who it is.

    I had to look her up on wikipedia. I recognize her from having seen a small handful of episodes of Friends, but that's about it.
    How much more of a rock can a person live under?
    You'd be surprised how rapidly you lose all knowledge of popular culture when you don't watch television or see advertisements.
  • Of course, if we're judging musical worth by repetitive lyrics:
    I would like to point out that that song sucks. It is another example of something terrible being popular.
  • Actually, the word "Yellow Submarine" is sang 25 times with the two words together. Friday uses the word "Friday" 27 times.
  • How much more of a rock can a person live under?
    You'd be surprised how rapidly you lose all knowledge of popular culture when you don't watch television or see advertisements.
    This times a thousand. I honestly have no idea about any of the new movies coming out most recently. Whenever people talk about a movie with so-and-so I respond, "What? That's a movie?" I used to be so into movies, but recently I took Cinematical off my reader feed and I honestly don't mind.
  • So, she's in Friends. That narrows it down, but I still don't know who it is.

    I had to look her up on wikipedia. I recognize her from having seen a small handful of episodes of Friends, but that's about it.
    She's also been in countless movies that you guys apparently haven't seen or even heard of. I mean I'm terrible with names and even I know who she is.
  • Actually, the word "Yellow Submarine" is sang 25 times with the two words together. Friday uses the word "Friday" 27 times.
    Right, but the lyrics to "Friday" are 408 words long, while the lyrics to "Yellow Submarine" are 213 words long. Thus, a higher proportion of the song "Yellow Submarine" is made up of the words "yellow submarine" than "Friday" is made up of the word "Friday."
    I would like to point out that that song sucks. It is another example of something terrible being popular.
    That was my point. Scott likes The Beatles. I be trollin' with facts.
  • edited March 2011
    I love the Beatles and I will say that "Yellow Submarine" is by and far their worst song. It pains me to say that as it was written by Ringo, who aslo wrote my favourite song of theirs, "Octopus's Garden."

    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • That was my point. Scott likes The Beatles. I be trollin' with facts.
    Yellow Submarine isn't exactly the Beatles greatest work. Every great artist makes some poop. Name an artist in any medium who has nothing but hits. There aren't any.
  • edited March 2011
    Yellow Submarine isn't exactly the Beatles greatest work. Every great artist makes some poop. Name an artist in any medium who has nothing but hits. There aren't any.
    "Yellow Submarine" was a number 1 hit for 4 weeks in the UK, and charted for 13 weeks. It was the highest-selling single in the world for the year it was released (1966). That constitutes a "hit."

    Many popular things are also terrible.

    EDIT: Further evidence: Rainbow Dash.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I spent the majority of my K-12 education having to take music classes that consisted of 70% Beatles. While I recognize what they accomplished, I've had more than enough and I can firmly say that I absolutely hate the Beatles music.
  • I think everyone who listened to the beatles were constantly high in 66.
  • I don't know who that is either.
    To be fair, you are also pretty well divorced from what is popular. Not as much as Scott, though.
  • Further evidence: Rainbow Dash.
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