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Where in the flying fuck is Rainbow Dash?

edited March 2011 in Everything Else
It's snowing. It started snowing. Fuck all things.


  • Really sunny here. Walking around without a hat and gloves. Saw some guys sitting outside having a few beers and there's plenty of people putting their washing on the line.
  • Fuck you and your nice weather, this is some of the most disgusting rain/snow/sleet/freezing rain I've seen in a long time. What the fuck, pegasi? Can't even keep the sky clear for the beginning of Spring?
  • edited March 2011
    I'll just leave this here...
    What the fuck, pegasi? Can't even keep the sky clear for the beginning of Spring?
    You pray to your idols and false gods. There is but one being who will answer your prayers.

    That is not dead which can eternal lie.
    And with strange aeons even death may die.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Looks similar here. Don't we already have a bitch about weather thread?
  • I really don't mind the rain we have here now. :)
  • I'm trying to channel my inner Rarity, and think of today's weather as nothing more than a great excuse to wear my fabulous new winter boots.

    But it's not working.
  • We are expecting 27C to 30C here, just saying...
  • NJ gets hail. Driving feels like you are the ball collector at a driving range.
  • The heat has caused me to sweat quite a bit at times. It's annoying, but nothing a cold drink and air conditioning don't solve.
  • edited March 2011
    The heat has caused me to sweat quite a bit at times. It's annoying, but nothing a cold drink and air conditioning don't solve.
    You know what's good in this heat? Frozen Rasberries. Aldi has 'em pretty cheap. Dark Mojitos are pretty good, too, specially of an afternoon. It's a bit shite at the gold coast, but Bribie isn't that much further away, and the beaches there are very nice, good fishing, too, if you're into that.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I was planning on brewing today. Fuck you, sky. Fuck you.

    Hm. Actually, I might be able to do this inside, heating 3 gallons of water a time...
  • The only solution is to have everyone move to Atlanta and establish a new epicenter of geekdom on my front door. Right? ...Guys?
  • Gray here, but the air looks and feels like snow is coming. Supposedly it will change to rain this afternoon.
  • The only solution is to have everyone move to Atlanta and establish a new epicenter of geekdom on my front door. Right? ...Guys?
    I'm not opposed to this...
  • The only solution is to have everyone move to Atlanta and establish a new epicenter of geekdom on my front door. Right? ...Guys?
    I'm not opposed to this...
    I am.
  • She's fighting monsters with Dio in another dimension.
  • I exited my apartment this morning disappointed at the somewhat heavy rain, especially considering I left my umbrella at work last week, and then all of sudden, the rain started turning into snow. Really? What the hell, weather? I thought we were past this? Especially after a gorgeous Friday.
  • It was a beautiful 45 degrees and sunny on my walk to work today.
  • WTF WTF everything is covered in snow again! ARGH. The weather outside is cold and frozen like my SOUL. Now if only snow were black...

    Also, Rainbow Dash is clearly on a sooper sekrit mission in Libya.
  • It's going to be 70-83 and partly cloudy all week in NC. :>
  • WTF WTF everything is covered in snow again! ARGH.
    Welcome to New York. We usually get one last gasp of winter around St. Patrick's day.
  • It's going to be 70-83 and partly cloudy all week in NC. :>
    Enjoy your two weeks of the season where the humidity level is reasonable before the onslaught of suffocating vapor-filled air concurrent with water restrictions and drought. Fuck snow in March, but at least I don't have to chew the air in the summer.
  • Snow stopped already. We'll all be full of awesome weather soon enough.
  • I must agree, I'm looking out the window right now and it's snowing heavily. WTF?!
  • The snow has started here... Doesn't seem to be accumulating on pavement, though...
  • The snow has started here... Doesn't seem to be accumulating on pavement, though...
    At least that's a positive factor.
  • Early in today we had some hail and rain in MD, it was pretty crazy :P
  • It's just fine up here in Rochester. No, seriously, it is.
  • It's going to be 70-83 and partly cloudy all week in NC. :>
    I know, it's AWESOME.
  • Tomorrow I fly to Brazil. I'm not sure if spending time on the equator is going to benefit my bad lungs and throat or make it feel worse. Either way, I can't wait to be back in the sun!
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