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Where in the flying fuck is Rainbow Dash?



  • So yeah my town got officially fucked over by the tornado that hit Western Mass. yesterday. Half of the city of Springfield still doesn't have power, and I just got mine now. Having an entire day without power, internets, or a working cell signal is not fun let me tell you.
  • I honestly don't mind that most of the summer so far has been cloudly, cool, and rainy. Even more so when I hear about all that heat in the East.

    Yay clouds!
  • Fuck you, 110 degree heat index. Fuck you.
  • Fuck you, 110 degree heat index. Fuck you.
    So awesome.
  • Double sunshine, all the way cross the sky?
  • I honestly don't mind that most of the summer so far has been cloudly, cool, and rainy. Even more so when I hear about all that heat in the East.

    Yay clouds!
    Same here. Everyone else I know is like, "Summer? WHAT SUMMER?!" But compared to 110 degree heat index, I like it here.
  • edited July 2011

    Ahhhhh. However, looks like we're going to have some heat this weekend.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Ahhhhh. However, looks like we're going to have some heat this weekend.
    It's only just above that temperature as I type this, not counting windchill, and it's the middle of winter here.
  • Fuck you, 110 degree heat index. Fuck you.
    Now you know why I love the snow so much. Where I am from, this kind of weather is called "summer."
  • Fuck you, 110 degree heat index. Fuck you.
    That means it's barbecue time.
  • edited July 2011
    THREE THOUSAND different heat records broken across the country. Jesus...and tomorrow should be two degrees hotter!

    I wanna live in Washington now.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Am I the only one enjoying this heat?

    Seriously, I was at a restaurant and a friend's house yesterday and both had A/C on full blast (at least that's what it felt like). I was all shriveled in a ball with my muscles locked up and awaiting warmth. Going outside was fucking wonderful.

    My apartment only has two rooms with AC, and I spent almost zero time in either. Windows open, fan blowing, enjoying the warmth while it lasts. Fuck winter. Fuck cold. Sweating is far preferred to not being able to move because my muscles locked up.
  • It's only just above that temperature as I type this, not counting windchill, and it's the middle of winter here.
    Fuck that.

    We should get to vote on weather. Fuck you, nature.
  • Jesus fucking Christ. It's medium hot outside, probably high 80s, but the humidity makes it feel like you're walking into a steam bath.
  • We have been in the hundreds for a week here. With 100% humidity. Even by the lake, which is usually good for a heat sink of 5-10 degrees.

    I did my time. Enjoy it, East Coast.
  • English weather, comfortably miserable all year round!
  • THREE THOUSAND different heat records broken across the country. Jesus...and tomorrow should be two degrees hotter!

    I wanna live in Washington now.
    I'd say it's climate change, but clearly that's just mumbo-jumbo.
  • It's day two in the Heat Dome here in Boston. When I hear Heat Dome, I don't know whether to think this:
    or this:
    or maybe this:
  • Via: Yosho on G+

  • I shall complain about the heat since I did not bitch about the cold, however the one thing heat does not have is snow and fuck snow.
  • I shall complain about the heat since I did not bitch about the cold, however the one thing heat does not have is snow and fuck snow.
    You will seldom see me complain about it being too cold, you can always put more clothes on, in the fucking heat, you are shit out of luck, walk around with barely any clothes on and the sun burns your ass off and your still hot.... FUCK YOU SUN ;-p
  • You will seldom see me complain about it being too cold, you can always put more clothes on, in the fucking heat, you are shit out of luck, walk around with barely any clothes on and the sun burns your ass off and your still hot.... FUCK YOU SUN ;-p
    If I had a built-in sweater, I would agree.
  • I shall complain about the heat since I did not bitch about the cold, however the one thing heat does not have is snow and fuck snow.
    I'm super-happy right now that I don't have to shovel heat.
  • Fuck that.
    I should note, I meant 54 fake degrees, not 110 fake degrees. We save the latter for the summer.
  • You will seldom see me complain about it being too cold, you can always put more clothes on, in the fucking heat, you are shit out of luck, walk around with barely any clothes on and the sun burns your ass off and your still hot.... FUCK YOU SUN ;-p
    My thoughts EXACTLY.
  • edited July 2011
    complain about it being too cold, you can always put more clothes on, in the fucking heat ... its hot
    as I said in the rainbow sunshine thread, which is deceptively about weather, that no matter how many layers of clothes I put on, my muscles still lock up and I lose dextrous ability when its cold. My body huddles up into a little ball and my posture goes to shit. I cough, my nose runs. These are not things clothes have ever helped with, and I've ended up looking like Ralphie's brother from A Christmas Story. Cold destroys my ability to function properly.

    When its hot, I sweat. So fucking what? Oh noes! Sweat! Mmmmm heat.

    No thanks.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • My body huddles up into a little ball and my posture goes to shit.
    /hot like my fucking apartment
  • edited July 2011
    *forwards to all heat complainers*
    Post edited by Byron on
  • Okay, it smells like blood outside. I hate days where it is so hot and humid that the air has the tang of blood. That's one of the things I do NOT miss about NC, where half the summer was like that. I think I will stay inside today.
  • *forwards to all heat complainers*
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