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Where in the flying fuck is Rainbow Dash?



  • Woke this morning to winter saying, "I can not die,"
    If this keeps up, I'm gonna be gettin' a groundhog skin real soon.
  • Ahh high of 67f today...
  • Ahh high of 67f today...
    People here wear jackets at that temperature :p
  • hm, starting to get a bit of a chill in the air at nighttime, here. Dropped down to 17 degrees - About 62 degrees, if you use silly fake degrees - last night. Going to be a nasty winter. Might get as low as 6 or 7 degrees.

    Fuck, I love living in the Subtropics.
  • HAIL! In Florida! Run for the hills!
  • Calling for a foot of wet, heavy, horrible snow in Albany.
  • It's gonna be 93 this Saturday. But, again, this is SoCal. If Rainbow Dash wanted to retire, this would be the place, as there are hardly any clouds to move, ever.
  • RAIN! I don't mind, but man sometimes this weather can be so bipolar. Sunny and warm one day, raining cats & dogs the next.
  • RAIN! I don't mind, but man sometimes this weather can be so bipolar. Sunny and warm one day, raining cats & dogs the next.
    That's fine. What I don't like is when it does both in one day. Twice.
  • RAIN! I don't mind, but man sometimes this weather can be so bipolar. Sunny and warm one day, raining cats & dogs the next.
    That's fine. What I don't like is when it does both in one day. Twice.
    That happens here quite frequently as well. It's just right now it's just pouring and windy as fuck.

    It's so loud that it's driving one of my cats batshit crazy. However, that cat was kinda crazy in the first place. >___>
  • Don't ever come to England if you have trouble with ever-changing weather.
  • Don't ever come to England if you have trouble with ever-changing weather.
    The only real problem I have with the switch up is the driving rain, which Stephen Fry says you don't really get over there. Is this true?
  • Don't ever come to England if you have trouble with ever-changing weather.
    The only real problem I have with the switch up is the driving rain, which Stephen Fry says you don't really get over there. Is this true?
    Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry.
  • Gunter wins.

    Also: What's driving rain? Is that very heavy rain going diagonally? We get pretty much every kind of rain here.

    Though each rain storm is unique to it's location; I loved the rain in Japan.
  • edited May 2011
    I wasn't so much questioning Fry as asking for conformation. He said in 'Stephen Fry in America' that people were telling him (paraphrasing): You're from England, you must be used to the rain. But he said there's not rain like this in England (this being a fair example of driving rain).

    Driving rain is pretty much Rain with a capital 'R'. It's Raining. Hard. Maybe sideways.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Yeah, we get that, sometimes it floods pretty bad. Mostly we get showers in warm years and slow, steady rain in cold ones.
  • edited May 2011
    Okay. We get steady, all-day rains too, but when it does multiple back and forths from rain to shine it's usually Rain. Said Rain leads to extremely poor visibility in cars and is less fun to play in.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I used to go to school with a girl called Rain, but that was in my day, long before the war.
  • I went to school with a Rain, a Skye, and two Oceans.
  • edited May 2011

    Imma just stand over here and make references.

    Also, I'm in a biology class with a guy named Billion.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Also, I'm in a biology class with a guy named Billion.
    That guy better be going places.
  • Also: What's driving rain? Is that very heavy rain going diagonally? We get pretty much every kind of rain here.
    It's rain that feels like you're being punched by a thousand tiny fists, regardless of what direction it comes from.
  • Also: What's driving rain? Is that very heavy rain going diagonally? We get pretty much every kind of rain here.
    It's rain that feels like you're being punched by a thousand tiny fists, regardless of what direction it comes from.
    Simply put:
  • Tornado warning where I live and work until 5:45 Eastern. Don't see anything other than dark skies right now, but a tornado did touch down in Springfield, MA.
  • before the war
    That is my favorite phrase.
  • That is my favorite phrase.
    Looks like I've got the thread for you, then.
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