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Where in the flying fuck is Rainbow Dash?



  • I don't think I've ever experienced heat to where it was so hot it smelled like blood. I'm happy for that.

    As for the weather here, 58 and partly cloudy.

    ( ̄ω ̄)
  • I don't think I've ever experienced heat to where it was so hot it smelled like blood. I'm happy for that.
    To be honest, It is far from uncommon for it to be that hot here, but it never smells of blood. I think it might just be a local thing.
  • I don't think I've ever experienced heat to where it was so hot it smelled like blood.
    I have experienced humid heat over 100 degrees and I never remember it smelling like blood. It might be your nose, Nuri?

    Also, I seem to be coming down with a cold during this heat wave. This is fabulous.
  • She smells bloody murder.
  • She smells bloody murder.
    Or Hell.
  • Or Hell.
    No, she's evolving into an ambulance chaser. They don't tell you about that when you're first applying to law school.
  • I don't think I've ever experienced heat to where it was so hot it smelled like blood.
    I have experienced humid heat over 100 degrees and I never remember it smelling like blood. It might be your nose, Nuri?
    It's a tangy metallic smell that I associate with blood. I know other people who are sensitive to it, too. However, I have a very sensitive nose, so it wouldn't surprise me if many people don't pick up on it. Or maybe they do and just don't characterize it the same way.
  • It rained so hard today that it washed shingles off the roof.
  • edited July 2011
    However, I have a very sensitive nose, so it wouldn't surprise me if many people don't pick up on it. Or maybe they do and just don't characterize it the same way.
    I'm curious, and this isn't meant to sound like I'm making fun. Do you get nose bleeds easily? Heat could very well be drying up your mucous glands in your nose, exposing the membrane and potentially causing light bleeding (it might not even drip out); the blood you smell might be your own.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I went into the city yesterday and walked around a lot, and bought some habaneros to cook with. I love the heat!

    Though I'll admit, I did catch a whiff of what smelled like dead things more than once.
  • However, I have a very sensitive nose, so it wouldn't surprise me if many people don't pick up on it. Or maybe they do and just don't characterize it the same way.
    I'm curious, and this isn't meant to sound like I'm making fun. Do you get nose bleeds easily? Heat could very well be drying up your mucous glands in your nose, exposing the membrane and potentially causing light bleeding (it might not even drip out); the blood you smell might be your own.
    Used to, but not since I moved. I doubt that is the case since I can smell it as soon as I go from inside to outside. The humidity makes it unlikely that the air is drying out my nose that fast. Plus, there's the other people who smell it too.
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