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Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice & Fire)



  • I like the show because... shit happens and people get their shit rocked and people be schemin. I don't need each scene to be important, and I like it when some aren't. I'd rather be teased for 20 episodes of random day-in-the-life shit that leads to little more than background flavor than be ramrodded only the 'cool' parts of a story for 10 episodes and that's that. I like realism, I like when characters can die, and do, and when the world goes on. Sometimes that person was important in their own world and then we look out and realize that it amounted to fuck-all in the greater scheme of things. That's OK.

    I sometimes wish the show was JUST about the houses fighting and squabbling over bullshit territories and who slighted who and left out the crap north of the wall and over in the desert. I mean, I realize that both of those elements are about to come and start kicking ass, but I'd be fine if in the entire story they were simply removed and we just got 50 episodes of the Starks and Lannisters and Tyrells and whoever else beating on eachother over a piece of dirt and a title, engaging in their strange deceptions, and kings with murder fetishes armed with crossbows. I'm totally down for more of that all the time if I could get it.

    Is it basically a different TV show wearing fantasy medieval armor? Perhaps. IS that bad? no. It's cool.

    Fantasy, as a genre, does not appeal to me. Traditional fantasy tropes are whatever. I like more harsh reality type entertainment. The idea that a guy can be one of the main characters, and, for example here, get shived to death in a few seconds and be gone is awesome.
  • All of which make me wonder why anyone in that world would dismiss the importance of magic in favor of squabbles over easements. The response to the rumors about Danaerys should've been "OH FUCK SHE HAS DRAGONS SHIT SHIT SHIT."

    Did you miss the part where dragons had been misbred to the point of being the size of dogs?
    Actually, yes. I thought that whole bit was just a reference to the extent to which they were wiped out, and a dismissal of the threat they'd pose.

  • edited June 2013
    I like the show because... shit happens and people get their shit rocked and people be schemin. I don't need each scene to be important, and I like it when some aren't. I'd rather be teased for 20 episodes of random day-in-the-life shit that leads to little more than background flavor than be ramrodded only the 'cool' parts of a story for 10 episodes and that's that. I like realism, I like when characters can die, and do, and when the world goes on. Sometimes that person was important in their own world and then we look out and realize that it amounted to fuck-all in the greater scheme of things. That's OK.
    Yeah, GoT's best feature is probably that it's The Wire: Fantasy Edition.

    Carcetti's keepin it grindin in them King's Landing towers.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on

  • Did you miss the part where dragons had been misbred to the point of being the size of dogs?
    Actually, yes. I thought that whole bit was just a reference to the extent to which they were wiped out, and a dismissal of the threat they'd pose.
    It is. It's also true history. Inbreeding does bad things, and pretty much all the dragons, which were in Valyria, got wiped out by the Doom. The small population left over with the Targaryans didn't stand a chance of lasting in the long run.

    Those eggs Dany hatched were probably not part of the later Targaryan dragon line. Thus the dragons are much more likely to be the full size of straight-up old-school Valyrian dragons. But the bitches in King's Landing, they don't know that, and they want to believe the opposite.

  • My hope: they learn their lesson. Their warm, brief lesson.
  • Yeah, GoT's best feature is probably that it's The Wire: Fantasy Edition.
    Gonna disagree with you here, GoT isn't nearly as good as The Wire.

  • See, at every turn with GoT, people who have read the books continuously say "Oh, the REALLY GOOD parts come later!"
    I've read all the books that are currently out. The good part doesn't come later.
  • edited June 2013

    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • I think it's the stupidest thing when Robb asks, "Boy or girl?"
  • Aww I missed the conversation. Here's my POV as someone who's read the books (twice :P)

    Yes, the entire work is VERY plodding. Its my biggest criticism. GRM has admitted he is really bad about just writing and writing and writing... so much this series was originally much smaller and he kept adding books. The fact that there are only 2 (hopefully) books left and the Big Thing is still not close yet REALLY irks me. He keeps adding characters and side plots, ugh.

    Still, the journey is very important. The historical aspects of all the political/family fighting is what really interests me. As much as I like the show, so much character development that makes the story work so well is missing. 90% of the incredibly interesting history and backstory is missing! Its very difficult to see how the events of last episode effect the world, but trust me they do. The structure of the north is basically disbanded now and that sucks for EVERYONE, they just don't know it yet. Seriously bad messed up shit happens later because of this. If anything, I think the whole message of this series is really "Why people in power are stupid as fuck and ruin the world for everyone."

    Also Pete mentions nobody in the books is caring about the important things like magic, the threat in the north, dragons, etc. I think the characters are dumb as shit for that. (Except for the few characters directly involved in those things, and Melisandre, who I hate, but really knows whats up.) However I think it will seriously turn around and bite them all in the ass, and it will be way awesome... when it happens, eventually. :P
  • Game of Thrones would just be oh so much better if GRRM's editors were just willing to tell him "no, that shit is pointless, take it out" to a lot of things.
  • It also would have lasted about 2 books, 3 tops and then blipped into the nether. In this case, being a gas bag is working in his favor.
  • My problem with the books can boil down very simply.

    I get all of my enjoyment from the list of events that occur, but not from the manner in which they are told. Reading detailed spoilers is just as satisfying as reading the actual books, but with far less tedium, and I feel that little is lost in the compression.
  • My problem with the books can boil down very simply.
    tl;dr Deal with it.
    And that's fine. It's not "in your wheelhouse". It's no longer in mine.

    My issue is, that after reading all five books, I can't see the series ending in a satisfying way anymore. Back when I was a young naive high school kid reading the first book it was AWESOME. Now, 13 years have passed and it has become clear that the author either doesn't know how to tie the disparate threads back together, or he is setting himself up so it doesn't look like the ending is deus ex machina.

    Book Spoilers
    e.g. , Arya studying to become an assassin, Samwell studying to become a Maester, Danny losing her now huge dragons, etc.
  • Can this be played alone?
  • Um, it's King IN the North. DUH. How can you have a drinking game if you get your quotes wrong?
  • Anyone else tired of each season ending on the same exact scene? I am.
  • Jamie isn't supposed to get back until after Joff dies. Not sure if that is a game changer, but the relationship between him and Cersei hinges on the lack of relationship he has with his kids. Other than no Cold hands (GRRM hasn't said who he is, so it's okay) and Gilly as the only witness to Sam becoming the slayer, I think the season was good.
  • edited June 2013
    Dick in a box! Absolutely classic.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Anyone else tired of each season ending on the same exact scene? I am.

    Seriously the like, least interesting type of finale ever. Last weeks' ending would have been a better grand closer, other than everyone needing some kind of closure and resolution before...

  • edited June 2013
    I am 100% confident that the show will actually be better than the books moving forward.

    It's obvious that Martin had to do some literary gymnastics and go back to stage-setting in books 4 and 5, which makes me very hopeful that 6 and 7 will be just as good as 2 and 3 were. However, HBO has made numerous improvements to the story in adapting it (aside from the Sam thing, I'll give you that). I expect HBO to fix Martin's pacing over the next few seasons and keep the events interesting.

    All of this conversation about that big events, whether they should be the foreground or background, etc., makes me laugh. Am I the only person that reads for the characters' individual stories? These are very well-developed characters, and Martin has done an excellent job of evolving them. Tyrion, Arya, Jon Snow, Jaime, and even Danny. I cannot wait to see where these characters go.

    Fuck The Prince of Nothing. I'll get to that one eventually, but I'm perfectly happy with my Westeros for now. /ignorant hat.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Matt, no you are not the only one, I enjoy the work for all the individual stories and really wouldn't care if it never resolved, I read the series as if it is the day and the life of westeros.
  • Yeah. Season 2 ended with the white walkers and others. How is that similar?

    I was happy with this episode. It's definitely setting up for good stuff for 4.

    @Matt, I've read a lot of the individual stories. They are freaking great in the wikis.
  • Oh, right, I thought it ended with Dany too...That was the SECOND to last thing to happen in season 2's finale. Still, it kinda bugs me that each finale gives us the same old "Dany is the best" scene.
  • Well she is a major character and the stuff that goes on with her is pretty fantastic.
  • I wish the show didn't downplay her loses though, it was almost as like she brushed aside a lot of them, from an emotional standpoint.
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