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Bowls are better than plates



  • 14. I don't know what to do with this information.
  • I don't understand all the ragging on "Nine". He gave me helpful advice once. That is the sum total of our interactions, which puts him in the top 1% of my friendly internet folk scale.
  • edited September 2011
    tl;dr: Nine can be a dick on these forums, but he's a pretty fun guy elsewhere.
    He can say the exact same things over Skype that he says here and it doesn't bother me half as much. Same thing happens with Churba, though I got used to that faster. We definitely follow very British/American guidelines of politeness on this forum, and a lot of perceived rudeness is just cultural differences that aren't immediately apparent in text.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • 14. I don't know what to do with this information.
    We are awesome. That's all you need to know.
  • So he's the LittleKuriboh of FRCF? Suddenly, everything makes sense.
  • edited September 2011
    tl;dr: Nine can be a dick on these forums, but he's a pretty fun guy elsewhere.
    He can say the exact same things over Skype that he says here and it doesn't bother me half as much. Same thing happens with Churba, though I got used to that faster. We definitely follow very British/American guidelines of politeness on this forum, and a lot of perceived rudeness is just cultural differences that aren't immediately apparent in text.
    Churba and I were pretty much cool with each other from the get-go, so talking with Churbs on Skype is just like having his usual words better-ized with an Australian accent.
    I don't understand all the ragging on "Nine". He gave me helpful advice once. That is the sum total of our interactions, which puts him in the top 1% of my friendly internet folk scale.
    I'm not ragging on him. 90% of my interaction with Nine are friendly. The other 10% are just territorial headbutting or some such shit.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • tl;dr: Nine can be a dick on these forums, but he's a pretty fun guy elsewhere.
    He can say the exact same things over Skype that he says here and it doesn't bother me half as much. Same thing happens with Churba, though I got used to that faster. We definitely follow very British/American guidelines of politeness on this forum, and a lot of perceived rudeness is just cultural differences that aren't immediately apparent in text.
    Churba and I were pretty much cool with each other from the get-go, so talking with Churbs on Skype is just like having his usual words better-ized with an Australian accent.
    More than one person has commented on Churba getting pissed off really easily, when in reality he is one of the most chill people I have ever talked to.
  • Scored a 20 on the asperger test. Just 1 below computer scientist. I think I missed my true calling.
  • Ahh I see. In that case. 48.
    Ok I got this score because I answered how I feel. I am going to retake it on how I "act" and put up a face. I learned alot of was to make it seem that I know what people are feeling and acting. And I learned how to pretend I am comfortable out with a large group of people. Is that the same thing as being good at these things?
  • Is anyone else here always an "all or nothing" person with these multiple choice questions? It's always completely agree or completely disagree, or the question's poorly worded, vague, or unclear.

    Similarly pedantic, in my Psych 101 in college we had to do volunteer hours in surveys and research for the graduate psych students. I broke two of the three I did. One was supposed to end after about 10 minutes and it ran for three hours... because I was supposed to quit.
  • Most of mine were in between, actually.
  • I got a 9 if I answer "pretending" to be what makes life easier.
  • edited September 2011
    16 for me. Not sure what that says about me, but I don't care. Let's have more fun! (Edit: Meant to type 16. Oops!)
    Post edited by Viga on
  • 18, average male. I observe patterns/minute details, but am an inherently social person. So, there.
  • 21! That's interesting, I wouldn't have predicted that.
    Also, bread bowl supporter here.
  • Why don't you guys take the goth test next, and then infer a lot from it.
  • Why don't you guys take the goth test next, and then infer a lot from it.
    I already got my goth card in mail with a free Ministry CD and eyeliner!
  • edited September 2011
    Why don't you guys take the goth test next, and then infer a lot from it.
    Whatevs, dick.
    Why don't you guys take the goth test next, and then infer a lot from it.
    I already got my goth card in mail with a free Ministry CD and eyeliner!
    But did you get the limited edition Ministry motor oil?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I already got my goth card in mail with a free Ministry CD and eyeliner!
    Exclamation points? Goth license revoked.
  • edited September 2011
    I already got my goth card in mail with a free Ministry CD and eyeliner!
    Exclamation points? Goth license revoked.
    NOOOOOOOOO! Now I am an mundane. I request an appeal in the saddest most macabre of ways!
    But did you get the limited edition Ministry motor oil?
    They ran out so I had to get the 5019th greatest hits album of The Cure again.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • WindUpBird!!!!

  • I must confess that Lackofcheese is my forum man-crush. I've never seen him of heard his voice, but the way he structured his equations in graphwar was just so sexy.
  • I must confess that Lackofcheese is my forum man-crush. I've never seen him of heard his voice, but the way he structured his equations in graphwar was just so sexy.
    I have many forums crushes. You don't even know, dude.
  • Damn these trolls, invading my bowl/plate discussion while I try to self-diagnose my autism spectrum disorder with an online quiz.
  • I must confess that Lackofcheese is my forum man-crush. I've never seen him of heard his voice, but the way he structured his equations in graphwar was just so sexy.
    I have many forums crushes. You don't even know, dude.
    This one goes out to all the Ladies...of the Forum.

  • So, you mean, Ro, Viga, Kate and Emily? And maybe Golden Dave.
  • edited September 2011
    There's more ladies than just that. Didn't you hear Jemaine Clement? All the ladies.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2011
    Golden Dave (Lesbain Graziella Rubin's lover) is both cute and a snarky asshole (and also Dave?). A winning combination in my book.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I wish I was a pretty lady.... :(
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