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Things you liked and now hate



  • Metal. I guess I haven't really been in the mood for it recently.

    Also, political activism, Minecraft (I need a new project, and the server is still kinda buggy), and Call of Duty (1's russian campaign was astounding, the current one's controls are really nice, but the actual multiplayer gameplay and fandom are awful. There are a hundred weapons, but barely any strategy to one's weapon selection and gameplay style. Get infinite sprint. Run around shooting people. Grenades.)

    I wish Red Orchestra 2 wasn't so unpolished, or I'd play that every hour of every day.
  • Also, while Rym isn't the number one genius in the whole world, he is pretty dang smart, Luke. While we do have amazing people like Timo in the forums, Rym can hold his own in complex discussions, and is fairly accomplished in his own right. You do have him beat in certain fields though, like juggling, world traveling, and egotism, which is no mean feat.
    But Rym is only one half of Scrym. Together they have average intelligence.
    The guy who throws and catches balls for a living shouldn't comment on the intelligence of the people who build and maintain advanced computer systems.
  • edited October 2011
    Adam Sandler I think is another big addition to the list...which hurts, because I've watched him all my life.

    I've watched him since his days in SNL and practically all of his movies, and loved them. I even love ones that everyone seems to hate, like Little Nicky and Eight Crazy Nights
    People dislike Little Nicky? I think it's hilarious, just because of how surreal and silly everything gets.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • The guy who throws and catches balls for a living shouldn't comment on the intelligence of the people who build and maintain advanced computer systems.
    Advanced computer systems? I have people do that for me. People who work a regular job shouldn't comment on the intelligence of the people who work 24 days per year, if you can call it work.
  • Ya gotta be pretty smart to be able to work 24 days per year throwing and catching balls and still making a good living ;D
  • I'm not being genuine. For each "day" I "work" (a day's work consists of, at most, 2 hours on stage plus an hour of technical setup), I usually have to spend many days away from home. This year I'll have worked on 14 cruises, with one or two evenings of shows each. 14 cruises works out to about 19 weeks away from home, or about 130 days.
  • This conversation is getting pretty hairy...
  • This thread.
  • Shadow's Theme from SA2.
  • People dislike Little Nicky? I think it's hilarious, just because of how surreal and silly everything gets.
    The FRC went to see Little Nicky in the theater back in the day. The theater was literally empty except for us. I remember it being a really great time, especially when Ozzie showed up, we were all fuck yeah!

    However, I highly suspect that was a matter of circumstance. I don't expect the movie to hold up if I were to watch it now in my house.
  • People dislike Little Nicky? I think it's hilarious, just because of how surreal and silly everything gets.
    The FRC went to see Little Nicky in the theater back in the day. The theater was literally empty except for us. I remember it being a really great time, especially when Ozzie showed up, we were all fuck yeah!

    However, I highly suspect that was a matter of circumstance. I don't expect the movie to hold up if I were to watch it now in my house.
    I watched it in early high school and thought it was awesome. Now I think it might suck.
  • a day's work consists of, at most, 2 hours on stage plus an hour of technical setup
    To be fair, you spend a fair amount of time practicing and working on new material on your days off. It's still nowhere near close to a "real job", and I'm sure you thoroughly enjoy every second of it, but to say you only work 130 days of a year is still not quite true.
  • To be fair, you spend a fair amount of time practicing and working on new material on your days off. It's still nowhere near close to a "real job", and I'm sure you thoroughly enjoy every second of it, but to say you only work 130 days of a year is still not quite true.
    Do we really have to count all the time you spend training for or practicing a job? Count every bit of study too? Going back how many years? If Scott counted every minute he's sat in front of a computer as work, and I count every minute I've juggled as work, we'd both barely be scraping a minimum wage.
  • Shadow's Theme from SA2.
    Hm. Yes.
    The Biolizard theme was always better anyways.
  • Agreed.
  • And it's like, why would you make Funny People, which acknowledges how talented and smart you are...and then continue to make such shlock?
    Actually, Judd Apatow wrote, produced, and directed Funny People. From the standpoint of a comedian, it's highly accurate, and yes, very funny.
    And he's making careers out of other terrible comedians like Nick Swardson and Kevin James.
    James and Swardson have had a lot of bad movie roles (a lot of bad movie roles), but I'd say that their stand-up work isn't half-bad. Their work certainly doesn't make me want to give up getting on stage and giving it my all in the same way the rampant multimillion dollar success of a complete no-talent hack like Larry the Cable Guy does.
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