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Pax East 2013



  • I had a great time, despite not really doing much other than Enforcing this year - being an XA is spectacularly demanding work, and I was barely standing at the end of the con. But, I had a great time, and really just wish that I had been available more to hang out with you guys.
  • Luftrausers is the best game.

    It was great meeting the TvH clan, you guys are all awesome. Also, dem cookies. That eclipse game was surprisingly well-paced, and turned out the way WW1 did (I'm still paying reparations). Enforcing was a blast, as always. WuB: You're my bro, bro.

    Now it's time to eat some real food, get some sleep, and then get on a plane to GDC.
  • Hot damn was it awesome to actually meet all y'all. Especially those of you in the geekroom - you guys were seriously the best fucking roommates. Can we just, like, take over a hotel room somewhere for shits and giggles? Doesn't have to be a con or anything.
  • I've been in the mood for some Fiasco for a while now.
    You should have said something during PAX!
  • Second the meet-forumites notion. WuB, Link, Yosho, you guys are damn cool.
  • I've yet to meet a completely un-cool forumite in all my years of going to cons and meeting forumites.
  • You guys were damn cool as well.

    As a side note, someone really needs to actually figure out when Luftrausers is being released, because that game is the shit.
  • You guys were all pretty cool in the brief moments I could be cool with you. ;^)
  • You guys were damn cool as well.

    As a side note, someone really needs to actually figure out when Luftrausers is being released, because that game is the shit.
    Apparently the PC version is basically done, but they're holding off on releasing it until it's ready for the other platforms they're targeting (PS3 & PS Vita).

    And yes, it was awesome to meet all you guys ^_^
  • No one on the forums has ever really bothered me when I met them in real life. Haven't met enough of you yet, though. Hopefully Trogdor and Pangloss go to PAX East again next year and I can bum a ride off of them.
  • I saw someone at PAX with a GeekNights T-shirt and a blue beret, but I didn't get a chance to say hi - so I don't think I met anyone from the forums last weekend unless they were undercover.

    This was a very successful PAX for me. I entered the 7 Wonders tournament and took 2nd place in the finals (only 2 points from winning!), and I consider those some of the best 7 Wonders games I've ever played.

    I also won a dollar from Rym and a box of pony comics from Scott thanks to obscure knowledge.
  • That would be Geo.
  • I lied. I've apparently picked up a cold.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    That would be Geo.
    Yes indeed it is.

    All of you forumites who have not met me, don't be afraid to come up to me and say hi! I will greet you and talk to you. And, if you are generally a chill person, you can hang out with me any time.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Does anyone know who did this?

    I hate to see it happen, but I'm glad for Khoo/Penny Arcade taking care of it
  • If the guy what black and the guy holding the camera was a white dood, then they totally approached Lyddi and recorded an interview on camera.

    He basically comes up to Lyddi and says, "If I guess your age will you give me a kiss?" Then continues to ask the stupidest of questions to where Lyddi handles it awesomely and continues to decline.

    That guy was a douchebag.
  • That's not the dude. However, the guy stating his friend was unjustly banned from PAX is beyond incorrect.
  • edited March 2013
    Wow, what a jackass. I think I remember the particular security alert on him. In any case, he totally deserved it.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited March 2013
    Banned from PAX forever. Almost the worst punishment imaginable. This is why I will always kiss the ass of PA Megacorp, and never kick or bite it.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • That being said, I really like how PAX kicks out anyone who is a piece of shit. I just foresee some problems when somebody cries wolf and perhaps someone is kicked out undeservedly.
  • Wow, what a jackass. I think I remember the particular security alert on him. In any case, he totally deserved it.
    Wait, was that the tweet of the guy looking into the air with a brown hair and a beard/mustache?
  • Wow, what a jackass. I think I remember the particular security alert on him. In any case, he totally deserved it.
    Wait, was that the tweet of the guy looking into the air with a brown hair and a beard/mustache?
    Nah, that was a different guy. Expo gets a lot more tips re: people to watch out for than the other departments do.
  • Wow, what a jackass. I think I remember the particular security alert on him. In any case, he totally deserved it.
    Wait, was that the tweet of the guy looking into the air with a brown hair and a beard/mustache?
    Not sure if they are the same guy or different guys. If they are two separate guys, both of them are de-PAXed.
  • edited March 2013
    Saw this on Imgur. Thought it was relevant.

    Warning: Kinda gross
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • I love the comment: I'm getting real tired of your shit, heels.
  • That being said, I really like how PAX kicks out anyone who is a piece of shit. I just foresee some problems when somebody cries wolf and perhaps someone is kicked out undeservedly.
    I think it is safe to assume that PAX would look into situations and investigate before banning. Sounds like these occurrences were well witnessed.

  • That being said, I really like how PAX kicks out anyone who is a piece of shit. I just foresee some problems when somebody cries wolf and perhaps someone is kicked out undeservedly.
    I think it is safe to assume that PAX would look into situations and investigate before banning. Sounds like these occurrences were well witnessed.

    I'm sure they are. I'm just worried in the future about something that is not well witnessed and doesn't have much, or any, evidence. It could be bad in both directions.

    What if some shithead who deserves to be kicked out gets away with it?

    What if some shithead cries wolf and someone gets kicked out who doesn't deserve it?

    Will PAX be innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent?
  • Who the fuck thinks that walking a convention in heels is a good idea?
  • Who the fuck thinks that walking a convention in heels is a good idea?
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