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Pax East 2013



  • I will be attending PAXE annually for as long as there's a PAXE to attend. One of the best experiences of my life, hands-down.
    Protip: You should also do MAGfest, it was made for WUBness.
  • I will be attending PAXE annually for as long as there's a PAXE to attend. One of the best experiences of my life, hands-down.
    Yes, all of this. And also MAGFest, and maybe Prime, though that's definitely a lot harder to pull off.
    Also, you guys need to follow @vlambeer and get Luftrausers when it releases. Trust me.
    Yeah, Luftrausers is hot shit. Rami (the dev working their booth) from Vlambeer is a super cool guy, and Luftrausers has super-tight controls and physics, with an awesome aesthetic and soundtrack. I can't wait.
  • PAXFact: I thought Rami was named Vlambeer until Saturday night, after speaking to him for at least 20min total that day.
  • Go to MAGfest. We will hang out. Drink beers and scotch. Talk about manly things.
  • Go to MAGfest. We will hang out. Drink beers and scotch. Talk about manly things.
    MAGfest is small scale PAX with a big boy arcade.
  • edited March 2013
    I wish I had whatever charisma I have at PAX all the time. Two random job propositions. What the fuck?

    It's literally just, "hey so you were cool, and we have this opening you should apply for", but I'll take it.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I wish I had whatever charisma I have at PAX all the time.
    I know that feel. At school, I don't know the names of 3/4 of my classmates, but at PAX I was treated like the resident expert on people.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    I wish I had whatever charisma I have at PAX all the time.
    I know that feel. At school, I don't know the names of 3/4 of my classmates, but at PAX I was treated like the resident expert on people.
    You are smarter and more well-informed than most people I know who are 2 or 3 times older than you (forumites excluded). Don't let your school woes get you down! You've got a lot of awesomeness about you that you should take pride in.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited March 2013
    Go to MAGfest. We will hang out. Drink beers and scotch. Talk about manly things.
    There's already some interest from Trogdor, so I'm trying to make it happen. I'm coming to New York in the summer, anyway.

    Also, one of the Geek Chic reps told me I should send in my resume if I was willing to relocate to Seattle after my apprenticeship because, quote, "We already know you're geeky. You have a three-day pass, just remind us in your letter."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I would like to thank everyone who was patient enough to play test my game. I got a lot of awesome feedback on it. I also got a chance to game with a lot of forumites, and it was fun.
  • Go to MAGfest. We will hang out. Drink beers and scotch. Talk about manly things.
    There's already some interest from Trogdor, so I'm trying to make it happen. I'm coming to New York in the summer, anyway.
    Once RIT goes to semesters, we'll end up with a full month-long break in the winter, which would be a prime opportunity to hit this up. Also I'll be 21 by then.

  • Go to MAGfest. We will hang out. Drink beers and scotch. Talk about manly things.
    There's already some interest from Trogdor, so I'm trying to make it happen. I'm coming to New York in the summer, anyway.
    Once RIT goes to semesters, we'll end up with a full month-long break in the winter, which would be a prime opportunity to hit this up. Also I'll be 21 by then.
    I hear more about drinking than gaming at MAGfest. Is it really that booze-oriented? I've never been.

  • Oh it's way more gaming then boozing for the FRC, but there is also boozing.
  • Oh it's way more gaming then boozing for the FRC, but there is also boozing.
    But I think also more boozing than normal for the FRC. :P
  • Oh it's way more gaming then boozing for the FRC, but there is also boozing.
    This is just because we're getting old.

  • actually the amount of boozing got higher as we got older, it's just our need to play board games actually got higher as well :-p

  • I hear more about drinking than gaming at MAGfest. Is it really that booze-oriented? I've never been.

    Not really, yes there are room parties and booze is in them but if you are smart and actually spend time in the convention floor it is fine. Sure a drunk guy may be seen past midnight in the hotel but in going there for the past 6 years I am fine.

    If you are spending a lot of time at a room party at MAGfest you are doing it wrong.
  • edited March 2013
    Oh it's way more gaming then boozing for the FRC, but there is also boozing.
    This is just because we're getting old.
    My old man is the age of two of you put together, and he still regularly gets on the grog. You lot need to shape up.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • So did anybody besides Ro get sick this year? I'm apparently still healthy... and it's amazing.
  • edited March 2013
    Oh it's way more gaming then boozing for the FRC, but there is also boozing.
    This is just because we're getting old.
    My old man is the age of two of you put together, and he still regularly gets on the grog. You lot need to shape up.

    I guess I just don't enjoy feeling like shit. I'll stick to mild alcohol consumption where the buzz is pleasant, thanks. ;P

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    So did anybody besides Ro get sick this year? I'm apparently still healthy... and it's amazing.
    I wasn't sick either. I fully expected to get super sick this year like last year; but I didn't. I followed Nuri's advice and bought hand sanitizer and put it on every 2 hours.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I avoid anecdotes.
  • So did anybody besides Ro get sick this year? I'm apparently still healthy... and it's amazing.
    I didn't get sick from PAX. I was sick prior from Jeremy. I didn't catch any PAX Pox this year.

    PAX was great. Happy to have finally met a lot of people that went for the first time.

    I'm unpacked and will report more later, but now I need to enjoy my last day off before work by messing around with my Netrunner cards.
  • I did not get sick at all this year. I think I owe this directly to fellow Enforcers in that they made sure everyone stayed hydrated, sanitized, moisturized, filled with protein, and well rested. Some of them they provided direct support with, others I was more on top of b/c I didn't want to get plague mid-con and have to be the guy who abandons his shift.

    Pretty sure I'll be Enforcing a lot more moving forward. I loved working morning shift, and had a great crew. Best decision I made was to get in early Thursday and do the Tabletop setup. Manual labor divided among fun and friendly people is not work at all, and it let me get to know everyone prior to the actual show.
  • My feels on enforcing are mixed. I did the job admirably, but I also appreciate my freedom to come and go as I please as an attendee.
  • edited March 2013
    If this was not my 6th PAX, I probably would have longed for the freedom to go and do/see more things, but I think I was just mentally ready to move to the other side.

    I was the point guy for TT HQ, doing all question answering and game recommendations. There were a LOT of people for who this was their first PAX, and a lot of people who didn't know squat about board games but wanted to play. While there were also a lot of dumb questions (that I didn't mind answering), taking care of the first two made me feel genuinely helpful.

    At this point it looks like I'll be getting back to Prime after an off-year in 2012. Probably going to Enforce there as well, but first things first, gotta make sure I can actually commit to going.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • edited March 2013
    This was my 5th. My feels are more and more along the lines of, "I've absorbed all that PAX seems to offer."

    That said, I told myself I'm not making any decisions about anything for at least two weeks.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I wouldn't mind being a part time Enforcer. Less shift like 2 days. That would be pretty cool. I would even pay for my badge and still Enforce if it meant less Enforcing.
  • Okeefe, thanks for running Paranoia. It was one of my PAX highlights.
    Given the loud environment, I think it went pretty well! I wish there was a quieter place we could use.

    It was cool meeting a bunch of forum people!

    The Tabletop System Wars panel turned out really well. I hope they'll let us do it again.
  • I've been in the mood for some Fiasco for a while now.
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