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Hurricane Sandy



  • edited October 2012
    People are posing as ConEd workers and robbing people at gunpoint when the door is answered. Be careful out there.

    Edit - on further reading, this may, or may not, be a hoax. Crap, why do people gotta be such dicks?

    NY Post story, for all that's worth:
    Post edited by muppet on
  • It's a miracle! No work tomorrow either!
    My work is fucked all week. Working from home... like a boss.

  • edited October 2012

    Welcome to the new New Jersey shore. Where you see water and sand, yeah, those are all paved roads.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • The hurricane is literally skipping right over Rochester.
    This leads me to assume my previous hypothesis that The Sentinel (an art installation at RIT) is actually a weather machine.
    The weather machine is older than the Sentinel. Though, the Sentinel may very well be an upgraded add-on.
  • Why DO sign language interpreters make all those faces?
    It's inflection. Adds emphasis for better understanding. They're actually emoting.
    Yep - It aids understanding and meaning. Sign without the facial expressions and so on is the rough equivalent of speaking in a completely flat, emotionless monotone.
    ^ this. I really enjoyed watching her, because her signing is so crisp and her emoting is nuanced (like the difference between storm "wind" vs diminishing "wind", or the tree falling on the dude vs abstract falling of trees) while being extremely rapid. I really admire translators who can input, remember, and output language simultaneously.
  • Why is it still news when some nutbag somewhere blames a hurricane on the queers? Seriously. This is not news. You will ALWAYS find at least one moron who runs a church or a charity somewhere saying this. Why spread their message by reporting on it? You're only helping him/her/it reach sympathizers. Ignore crazy.
  • Due to RIT and NTID, I'm very used to having quite... emotive interpreters. Even when stand-up comedians came to do shows, they were always there. Stand-up comedy through interpretation is quite a thing to see.

    Santa Claus was the best.
  • Why is it still news when some nutbag somewhere blames a hurricane on the queers?
    Could serve to Buzz Aldrin the idea though.

  • I was getting annoyed when people thank god their prayers were answered that Wildwood's boardwalk wasn't hit so hard. Like those other seaside resorts that fell into the ocean were just godless atheists apparently.
  • I was getting annoyed when people thank god their prayers were answered that Wildwood's boardwalk wasn't hit so hard. Like those other seaside resorts that fell into the ocean were just godless atheists apparently.
    I don't think they are earnestly thanking God. I think it's pretty much an expression, at this point. Like "Bless you" when people sneeze. Even I say that.

  • Santa Claus was the best.
    He's still around, he's still the best.

  • Due to RIT and NTID, I'm very used to having quite... emotive interpreters. Even when stand-up comedians came to do shows, they were always there. Stand-up comedy through interpretation is quite a thing to see.
    That sounds really fun. At my graduation, we had a chinese speaker, with a terrible translator (spoke English poorly & was reading off a piece of paper). It was easier to to understand by watching the ASL translator.
  • Santa Claus was the best.
    This hasn't changed.

  • Santa Claus was the best.
    This hasn't changed.

    Tell him we remember him, and that he is a hero to us.

    Also, go to the annual RIT drag show. He is always the interpreter, and he is always awesome. ;^)
  • edited October 2012
    That might make that worth it. I've also never talked to him. Since Freshman year I have only looked on at the glory that is "Santa Interpreter."
    Post edited by Axel on
  • He's the most awesome dude. Super friendly, wise in the ways of RIT, and perfectly willing to dress in drag.
  • Very nice. He's definitely a winner.
  • edited October 2012
    Reporter did an interview with him several years ago, for those of you who aren't related to RIT:
    Q: Is it nice to be known as the “Santa Interpreter”?
    A: If I didn’t think so, I’d probably shave and lose weight.
    PDF alert (sixth page of the PDF):
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • I remember Santa! He was great to watch at events! A very nice man and good at his job.
  • That looks like a normal week here in Washington. Especially this last week.
  • That looks like a normal week here in Washington. Especially this last week.
    I don't exactly live on the water. You can see how far I am from the East River.
  • The audio is from my balcony. ;^)
  • Limited subway service will be up tomorrow in NYC. Looks like the N will be running.
  • The D branch of the Green Line is down. Don't know when it'll be back up. Good thing I had to take a detour today anyway, because the D is the most direct way to my house from school.
  • So you're saying you want the D?
  • I have no regrets about my post as I don't even know what that's a euphemism for.
  • I have no regrets about my post as I don't even know what that's a euphemism for.
    I'm guessing something that starts with the letter D. My vote is on Diplodocus.
  • Why is it still news when some nutbag somewhere blames a hurricane on the queers? Seriously. This is not news.
    I agree, we should clearly be discussing the real issue: that the CIA created Hurricane Sandy with HAARP to get Obama reelected.
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