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Grand Prix Round 2 - Backgammon - UPDATED



  • edited April 2013
    Seriously guys?
    Are you really going to act surprised after you were warned about this?

    There were two relatively easy solutions, but rather than opt for one of them you simply ignored the issue.
    (1) You could have chosen to disallow doubling in any game once it is guaranteed to be the last game.
    (2) You could have chosen a different tie-breaking criterion.

    Fortunately, you may still be able to implement one of those.
    This is what happens when intelligent, reasonable gamers see a hole in a rules set and exploit it. Scott has no one but himself to blame, really. LoC and I attempted to point out this was going to happen but it was unanswered.

    On the assumption that it stands unchanged and assuming no fun girl doesn't drop the next 2 matches, she's likely won the event. The only outcome where it doesn't matter is if someone wins out.
    First of all, no fun girl winning her next two matches is a fairly big assumption. Anyone with a single loss at the moment would have good chances if they won their next two matches also.

    Furthermore, because the option of doubling repeatedly is still open to all other players, other players still have a way to beat no fun girl's score.
    I would have done the same thing were I in the tournament.
    Obviously. It's the "correct" thing to do if you're trying to win. I, however, would not because I know the intent versus the mechanisms. It's clear Scott didn't want this to be common practice based on this gem comment and others he's made.
    I know the intent as well, but I don't think it's relevant. You're only harming yourself by choosing not to use the options available to you.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I figured that posting it would cause other people to follow suit. Frankly, we didn't even double consistently, so if you were to double throughout a game, you would receive more points than I did.
  • edited April 2013
    Well, you only need to double 29 times to beat that, so you're probably right - most games not involving a dropped cube take longer than that to play.

    Hell, one of my games with 5ro4 took 77 moves.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Yuyuke defeats Belliger, 5-2, though I don't think score is gonna matter much after THAT little incidence of THE RUUULES
  • Just keep winning.
  • Snickety and I are prepping for our match. I'm just puttin' it out there now that my dice have run VERY cold lately so I'm not optimistic but I shall...

  • That's all you can do. Just keep rollin.
  • That's all you can do. Just keep rollin.

  • edited April 2013
    Snickety-Snake defeats Dromaro 6-2

    Never have I see such horrid dice.

    Example? My double 4's forced me to expos to checks in my home...
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Never have I see such horrid dice.
    It hurt to watch the dice in action at times. I feel truly sorry for how long you were trapped on the bar. That must have been painful.
  • My games this round I didn't necessarily get magic dice, but I won because I absolutely never got bad dice, and the few times I was at risk Matt didn't hit the right numbers to screw me. The second game was particularly tense in spots.
  • If someone sends you a private message on the forum, you will get an email notification. If you reply to that email, the email goes to ME. Stop screwing this up you geniuses!
  • All that delicious private information! Gotta exploit that shit for your own personal gain man!
  • edited April 2013
    If someone sends you a private message on the forum, you will get an email notification. If you reply to that email, the email goes to ME. Stop screwing this up you geniuses!
    Yeah, I need sleep.
    All that delicious private information! Gotta exploit that shit for your own personal gain man!
    He has access to that information regardless.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • If someone sends you a private message on the forum, you will get an email notification. If you reply to that email, the email goes to ME. Stop screwing this up you geniuses!
    Solution: email filter and autoresponse full of ire.
  • Don't forget to play Backgammon.
  • I beat lackofcheese 6-2. To the finals!
  • Our play was pretty much equal, so the match mostly came down to luck, and Birdville had more of that. Also, a tree branch fell on me while I was playing - it was a small one, though

    That being said, looking at the match in retrospect I can see that both players could have played better. Indeed, had I played at a higher level, I would have won despite my bad luck.

    The match record can be seen here:
  • edited April 2013
    Wait, this backgammon tournament has 6 rounds, doesn't it? There are only 5 in the spreadsheet; I guess that will be fixed.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited April 2013
    There were 6 and now it's down to 5. Has the Game Master changed the rules amid game, JUST LIKE THE HUNGER GAMES!?!

    I guess that is one way to keep on keepin' on with the not too much effort into tie breakers plan.

    Operation double on all rolls is in effect!
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Wait, this backgammon tournament has 6 rounds, doesn't it? There are only 5 in the spreadsheet; I guess that will be fixed.
    I took one out temporarily so there were less empty columns in the way.
  • My tree branch trap worked perfectly.
  • Wait, this backgammon tournament has 6 rounds, doesn't it? There are only 5 in the spreadsheet; I guess that will be fixed.
    There has always been 'one more' after each round was scored, and matches were divided again.
  • Starfox has missed our friday game and been uncommunicative since :-(.
  • edited April 2013
    Sorry, IRL stuff was taking precedence. I'm free all day tomorrow (4/21). Promise.

    Edit: Or for the next while, if you want to right now.
    Post edited by Starfox on
  • edited April 2013
    Ok let's go! timoruppell on skype. FRCFGP room on kongregate.

    EDIT: that's not me sitting the room anymore, is it you? We really have to have skype going as a sidechannel.

    Made new room 4starfox password frc
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • edited April 2013
    Starfox beat Timo 8-0 (double twice gammon win)

    Both had pretty good blockades going and properly doubled up when the advantage was there but then I played like a chump and could have probably forced a surrender if I had remembered that I had the cube :-(. GG.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • One game left to report. InvaderREN and Linkigi.
  • edited April 2013
    InvaderREN and I haven't been able to find a time to play due to time zones and busy weekend schedules. We discussed it and we'll take a draw.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • InvaderREN and I haven't been able to find a time to play due to time zones and busy weekend schedules. We discussed it and we'll take a draw.
    Yeah, I was out of action this weekend. I agree.

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