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Booh yah!



  • Liberated Android phone? Isn't the whole point that it's "liberated" already? Open source fail.
    If it were stock android, it'd be fine, but OEMs add their own shit to it and lock it down.
    Exactly, I really want a Nexus as my next Android device, just plain and simple Android. I'm tired of all the OEMs and their "value-adding" software that just bogs the phone down. This ROM I'm not using also adds little things I've wants for a while, like displaying the battery as a percentage rather than a vague bar and different colors for different notifications (txt versus email for example.)
  • edited October 2010
    Liberated Android phone? Isn't the whole point that it's "liberated" already? Open source fail.
    If it were stock android, it'd be fine, but OEMs add their own shit to it and lock it down.
    Exactly, I really want a Nexus as my next Android device, just plain and simple Android. I'm tired of all the OEMs and their "value-adding" software that just bogs the phone down. This ROM I'm not using also adds little things I've wants for a while, like displaying the battery as a percentage rather than a vague bar and different colors for different notifications (txt versus email for example.)
    What rom are you planning to use? I'm running the newest CyanogenMod on my HTC Hero.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I am also running the newest CyanogenMod.
  • My father gave me his old, hardly used clubs the other day, so we had a bit of a stuff about down the park. Set up a cup by digging out a bit of dirt with a trowel and putting a plastic cup in of the same size - Easy put from 6 feet. Tried some more, and I was three for three.
    Note, I've not so much as held a golf club since I was twelve.
    Keep increasing the distance - 10 feet. Three for three. Fifteen feet. Three for three.

    Noted that it was weird, but eh, must just be a fluke. Grabbed the driver, and went down to the far end of the park, and looked along the line of the park - not a soul there, so I figured it was safe - Ball on the tee, lined it up, and absolutely fucking fired it down-range, looking like it was hanging in the air forever. So, since we're parked near that end of the park, we start to walk, and we go looking for the ball, and pacing out the distance - Ended up at 285 Meters, give or take.

    I have no idea how I manage any of this, but it bears experimenting with. It might be a fluke. It might not. I'm going to find out. Either way, pretty cool.
  • It'll keep working well as long as you don't think about your swing. Once you start thinking about your swing and try to improve it, the whole think will fall apart like a house of cards. Such is the way of golf.
  • It'll keep working well as long as you don't think about your swing. Once you start thinking about your swing and try to improve it, the whole think will fall apart like a house of cards. Such is the way of golf.
    This is likely, since my current attitude is as thus - It's either a fluke, or an odd skill. Either way, I don't know how I'm doing it. Trying to improve it artificially will fuck shit up, but just not giving a fuck and just getting out and playing will most likely make me better at however the fuck I'm doing that, or at least, prove that it's a fluke or an odd little quirk. And hey, it wouldn't be like I'm the oddest golfer out there - there's a pro player, for example, who brings the club up to his left, rather than his right, whips it around his head, and then fucking smashes it down range on the follow through from that odd twirl. Not to mention the Guy - I think it might be Charles Barkley, but I don't think he's the only one - who right in the middle of his downswing pauses long enough that you can just about make a sandwich before he hits the ball.
  • I wouldn't bring up Charles Barkley, at all. :P
  • edited October 2010
    I wouldn't bring up Charles Barkley, at all. :P
    Well, if you want golfers with a unique style, he's a damn good example. Never said it had to be a GOOD style.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Best thing in the world is coming home to a box of unexpected goods. Opened it up and it was the two new expansions for Small World (Be Not Afraid and Necromancer Island) which don't come out until the end of the month. Looks like I will be having people over tonight.
  • edited October 2010
    Best thing in the world is coming home to a box of unexpected goods.
    My landlord just left three large cases of Brooklyn Brewery lager on my kitchen table.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • My landlord is awesome
  • Best thing in the world is coming home to a box of unexpected goods.
    My landlord just left three large cases of Brooklyn Brewery lager on my kitchen table.
    Free beer aside, You're okay with your landlord just wandering into your apartment?
  • Yeah. It's a huge loft, and he actually has his office in the basement, so he's here fairly often. I got the apartment after I demonstrated my martini-making skills.
  • Boo-Yah: I am one year wiser than last year! :D
  • I got my Johnny Wander Vol. 1 in the mail today. I ordered in time to have Yuko draw an adorable hat for the Maw.

  • Awww... And it's a panda hat too!
  • Thanks to the power of Ebay, I now have three working SNES controllers. Best $10 I've spent in a while.
  • More hacked Droid awesome. My phone has been on for 32 hours and still has 40% battery.
  • edited October 2010
    More hacked Droid awesome. My phone has been on for 32 hours and still has 40% battery.
    My Sony phone can do that while constantly playing music and being used for phone-y things. I realize that the Droid requires much more power, but it's also much larger, so it should really be able to be on more than 50 hours without having to force it to save battery.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • My Sony phone can do that while constantly playing music and being used for phone-y things. I realize that the Droid requires much more power, but it's also much larger, so it should really be able to be on more than 50 hours without having to force it to save battery.
    Sony makes a smart phone?
  • No. It's a dumbphone.
  • The Sony smart phones are actually Android with a custom skin. Which is odd coming from Sony, King of Proprietary Formats.
  • You see, dumb phones don't use anywhere near as much juice as a smart phone. My old dumb phone would last for several days at a time.
  • edited October 2010
    But not having to charge up three separate devices would be very nice. Not that I use my NDS any more.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Not only finished all paper work, but tidied it all up too, throwing out a huge bag of paper.
  • Finally feeling better after being sick (and working from home) for two days. This weather is really improving my mood!
  • This weather is really improving my mood!
    That sounds awful. Come back to Rochester so you can be normal again.
  • Haha, but the weather is Rochester is so much worse!

    In other news, I just got a huge surge of enthusiasm from some friends (RIT students who just got married) thinking about moving to Berkeley, CA after they graduate. I'm feeling optimistic for once in a long while!
  • Haha, but the weather is Rochester is so much worse!
  • At least it's not fucking outside. Not yet...
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