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Fail of Your Day



  • I thought he was referring to the logical statement that it can be damn near impossible to convince a girlfriend of incredibly logical things, and that better men have done worse things than disposed of perfectly good operating refrigerators rather than explain to a significant other why they are wrong.
  • worse things than disposed of perfectly good operating refrigerators
    I would not call burning the floor perfectly operating. Besides, the thing is 20 years old. Time to get a nice energy star model!
    damn near impossible to convince a girlfriend person of incredibly logical things
  • edited November 2010
    You don't need to refrigerate things. That's just a "theory" perpetuated by atheists and the left to cripple the salt industry.


    Fail: So we were participating in this multi-laboratory validation study. It occupied about 10 weeks and 300 man-hours of our time, split between 3 people. I should point out at this juncture that all 3 of us already have about 45 hours worth of work to fit into a 37.5 hour week, so adding another 10 hours a week on top of that is...a lot.

    The study coordinator is a moron. There's no other way to explain it. She released the 15 page study protocol, and it was riddled with copy-and-paste errors, grammatical errors, significant typos, and inconsistent methodology. My cohorts and I combed through it and compiled a list of 41 items that didn't make sense, and sent that back to her. We basically revised her study protocol for her. Y'know, the thing that she's getting paid to do. We did that for free.

    So we struggled and sweat and bled and yelled for 10 weeks, but we got the fucking thing done. We sent out the last packet of data yesterday, and we promptly divested ourselves of everything related to this nightmare.

    4 hours ago, the study coordinator emailed everyone to tell them that she fucked up and sent us the wrong formulation for one of the base media used in the study. All of the sample data collected by all 10 labs for all 6 matrices is now under review, and it may invalidate the entire study.

    Goddamn, this woman is retarded.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited November 2010
    That logic is fallacious. Just saying.
    Past observations have no impact on the probability of future events. Basic probability. Also machines tend to get more likely to fail with time, so the fact it has run for 20+ years pretty much means it's more likely to fail now. Not that worrying about it particularly reasonable.
    Bascially. Just because you've been rolling above 15 the whole games doesn't mean your next roll won't be a 1.

    I was also thinking along the lines of you have no idea how long those scorch marks have been there. Could have been years or only hours before you moved the fridge. Not worth the risk really.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Just leave the freezer door open so the cold air spills out and cools the compressor. Problem solved!

    eat a dick, thermodynamics
  • You don't need to refrigerate things. That's just a "theory" perpetuated by atheists and the left to cripple the salt industry.
    Verily, prosciutto, hard cheeses, and peasant breads are the only foods we need.
  • Verily, prosciutto, hard cheeses, and peasant breads are the only foods we need.
    You forgot beer and its lesser counterpart, wine.
  • Verily, prosciutto, hard cheeses, and peasant breads are the only foods we need.
    You forgot beer and its lesser counterpart, wine.
    I said food. Those are the only drinks we need. Also, distilled beverages.

    I don't consider wine lesser, just different. It's very hard for me to pick a favorite.
  • worse things than disposed of perfectly good operating refrigerators
    I would not call burning the floor perfectly operating. Besides, the thing is 20 years old. Time to get a nice energy star model!
    damn near impossible to convince agirlfriendpersonof incredibly logical things
    Whoops that one slipped out. I agree, this applies to both sexes.

    I got a new fridge recently because my wife came home and noticed something strange about ours. Luckily I filmed it:
  • I never refrigerate my organic unpasteurized milk.
  • I never refrigerate my organic unpasteurized milk.
    I've found that it's best to store it in a stockpot on a heat pad with a glass top. The glass keeps dust out and lets sunlight in to kill any bacteria, and the heatpad provides just enough warmth to kill any nasty germs while keeping the milk warm enough to make delicious warm raw hot chocolate whenever you want! Just ladle out and add Ovaltine.
  • I've found it better to just suck right on the cow's teat.
  • If there's as much fecal matter as your described during the podcast, perhaps you won't even need the ovaltine.
  • edited November 2010
    That logic is fallacious. Just saying.
    Past observations have no impact on the probability of future events. Basic probability.
    That is only true if the events are independent, which is not the case for the fridge.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Re: the fridge - my girlfriend has been living in this house longer than I have and has pulled the fridge out to clean behind it many times prior. This is the first time we've noticed scorch marks on the flooring. While my gut reaction is to just put it back into operation for the next few days and not worry about it, I can understand her reticence.
  • Well, you have to do your best to evaluate the risk of fire, and weigh that against having no fridge.

    Your floor covering is likely not very susceptible to fire, for one thing.
  • @ TheWhaleShark Re: your moron study coordinator

  • Goddamn, this woman is retarded.
    That woman needs to be fired, out of a cannon, into the sun, about yesterday.
  • Mitsudomoe gets a 2nd season. Fuck you japan, fuck you. Why do you have to put shit like this on the air but never animate great manga like Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service or refuse to continue animating Hajime no Ippo?
  • Mitsudomoe gets a 2nd season. Fuck you japan, fuck you. Why do you have to put shit like this on the air but never animate great manga like Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service or refuse to continue animating Hajime no Ippo?
    Did you buy Hajime no Ippo? The volumes, not just a box set 3 years down the road. If not, that might be why.
  • Mitsudomoe gets a 2nd season. Fuck you japan, fuck you. Why do you have to put shit like this on the air but never animate great manga like Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service or refuse to continue animating Hajime no Ippo?
    Did you buy Hajime no Ippo? The volumes, not just a box set 3 years down the road. If not, that might be why.
    I live in Austria. They didn't even publish HnI here. Neither the manga, nor the anime. I would buy either if I could.
  • Mitsudomoe gets a 2nd season. Fuck you japan, fuck you. Why do you have to put shit like this on the air but never animate great manga like Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service or refuse to continue animating Hajime no Ippo?
    I heard Mitsudomoe was funny, like, South Park or something. Art-style is atrocious, but did anyone here watch it?
  • Haven't seen the show, but I just googled it and it came up with this
    Great stuff x)
  • 4 hours ago, the study coordinator emailed everyone to tell them that she fucked up and sent us the wrong formulation for one of the base media used in the study. All of the sample data collected by all 10 labs for all 6 matrices is now under review, and it may invalidate theentire study.

    Goddamn, this woman is retarded.
    In the private sector that woman would be fired.
  • In the private sector that woman would be fired.
    The thing is, she works for a private sector company! She's a consultant hired by another company to direct their validation study, and they contacted us to be a participant.

    It's really mind-boggling. Maybe she will get fired over this, I dunno. I can only hope.
  • edited November 2010
    Fail the first: My back hurts.
    Fail the second: Student used a computer in my classroom to log in to facebook, which is normally blocked. I think they used a proxy. Said student attempted this in other rooms throughout the day, and when confronted said she did it 'all the time' in my room. This was a bold faced lie. I will now proceed in throwing student so far under the goddamned Greyhound that she'll be in Tampa before she recovers.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited November 2010
    If there is a firewall on a school computer, smart kids will learn how to circumvent it. My friends and I all did. When they blocked all of the proxies, we started writing our own one-offs and hosting them on .tk domains for free.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • If there is a firewall on a school computer, smart kids will learn how to circumvent it. My friends and I all did. When they blocked all of proxies, we started writing our own one-offs and hosting them on .tk domains for free.
    This student isn't that smart, nor is the student she figured the work around from. I'd not be pissed except for the fact that she attempted to make me look like I let them do it in my classroom and/or that I am ignorant. I warned her while she was in my classroom that bus-throwing-under would be imminent if she did not stop and/or was caught by someone else doing it. She doesn't think I'm serious apparently.
  • edited November 2010
    I'd not be pissed except for the fact that she attempted to make me look like I let them do it in my classroom and/or that I am ignorant.
    Yeah, can't be having that. We always owned up to our crimes when caught.
    I warned her while she was in my classroom that bus-throwing-under would be imminent if she did not stop and/or was caught by someone else doing it. She doesn't think I'm serious apparently.
    Destroy her. As a veteran of intensely heated arguments with teachers, you don't start arguments like that without being ready to finish them. Telling your superiors to basically go fuck themselves is not amateur hour. The only reason you come away unscathed is if you're too goddamn smart to generate any sort of discipline.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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