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Fail of Your Day



  • Spain and the Netherlands. EU citizenship is nice.
  • Wherever it may be, we should all do it together and make our own commune. The FRC commune. It will be glorious.
  • The FRC commune. It will be glorious.
    Oh yes, the land of intellectuals with no garbage men or plumbers.
  • Pool your moneys and buy a castle.
  • The FRC commune. It will be glorious.
    Oh yes, the land of intellectuals with no garbage men or plumbers.
    It's cool. We'll bring more single ladies. ^_~
  • The key to a commune of intellectuals is to keep the numbers down to the point where each individual can have multiple roles, and to divide up and rotate unskilled labor so nobody gets pigeonholed.

    Now, how you solve the problems of long-winded pedantic arguments about optimal management techniques, and inflated egos all thinking they know best in all things, I don't know.
  • The FRC commune. It will be glorious.
    Oh yes, the land of intellectuals with no garbage men or plumbers.
    It's cool. We'll bring more single ladies. ^_~
    I am 100% in favor of this.
  • Now, how you solve the problems of long-winded pedantic arguments about optimal management techniques, and inflated egos all thinking they know best in all things, I don't know.
    We're boned.
  • We're boned.
    If deciding on an activity during New Years is any indication of our ability to run a government, yeah totally boned.
  • Now, how you solve the problems of long-winded pedantic arguments about optimal management techniques, and inflated egos all thinking they know best in all things, I don't know.
    That's a problem?
  • Now, how you solve the problems of long-winded pedantic arguments about optimal management techniques, and inflated egos all thinking they know best in all things, I don't know.
    That's a problem?
    SO boned.
  • But Sweden is so formal and Finland is all stabby. I think the Netherlands is where it's at.
    Have you been reading Scandinavia and the World again?
  • Have you been reading Scandinavia and the World again?
    Well how would you spell it?
  • I think the Netherlands is where it's at.
    And it is 90% English speaking, so we are already placed in good stead.
  • edited November 2010
    Or you can all come down here to Costa Rica, we have both formal and stabby, and almost all young folk around here speak English as well.

    EDIT: Also, you get a better exchange rate for your dollars.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • Or you can all come down here to Costa Rica, we have both formal and stabby, and almost all young folk around here speak English as well.

    EDIT: Also, you get a better exchange rate for your dollars.
    But what if i want to be shivvy or shanky?
  • Or you can all come down here to Costa Rica, we have both formal and stabby, and almost all young folk around here speak English as well.

    EDIT: Also, you get a better exchange rate for your dollars.
    But what if i want to be shivvy or shanky?
    Oh, we have all the "pointy end goes here" kind of shenanigans down here.
  • Oh, we have all the "pointy end goes here" kind of shenanigans down here.
    I like this concept.

    Plus, we can make a stitch n' bitch group! Knitters/crafters of the world unite!
  • What about us youngins, would we be accepted? Should we bring our families along? If we can't, will we be allowed in one of yours? What kind of snacks will we have?
  • edited November 2010
    It's the FRC castle. You have to prove you're worthy before they let you join the tribe.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I have too much to deal with right now. For some reason, it seems like all my friends are having problems at once, and a lot of them either impact me considerably, or are asking me for help. Not that I mind helping, and I tell them I'll be there for them and I mean it, it's just that there's so much piling up at once.

    I found out this past weekend that my mom need three different surgeries, and money is looking very tight again. She's obese to the point of not being able to have a job and my dad is working himself half to death to take care of her and put both my sister and I through school. Both parents are worn so thin with each other that simple things will make my mom cry and my dad hole up in his office and not leave.

    I'm also off and on arguing with a very important friend to me, mostly about the intentions of certain actions and the way we related as a whole. In my viewpoint, it was ambiguous to the point of being hurtful. After being asked time and time again what specific actions and situations bothered me, I wrote out a long letter explaining all my perspectives and haven't heard from that friend at all since. It's easy to say "forget them", but I made a promise to stand by them that I intend to keep. They mean a lot to me and have really been there for me on many occasions, despite all the problems we've had.

    My best friend at school just went through a messy break-up, and she's handling it less than spectacularly, and has the habit of calling me at less than opportune times. I try my best to be there for her, because I want her to be okay, so I don't tell her if it's difficult for me. Again, it's probably easy to say forget it, but I do my best for people. If that's a problem, it's one I'm mostly okay with.

    My roommate is in an emotionally abusive relationship, keeps inviting the guy over for four or five days on end, and she's getting to a point of being absolute miserable with him but refuses to break up because the guy would commit suicide. She is never happy when he's there, never says she's happy in regards to him whatsoever. The best word I've heard her use in regards to him was to say things were "better". Never "good", just "better". Meanwhile, her recent ex is by the sidelines, and she's very happy when he's around... and he still has feelings for her. He's dependable and does everything for her, and she takes him completely for granted. The ex has confided in me and wants to know why he's not the person that means so much to her, if he's really so easy to dismiss and take advantage of, and he's my friend as well.

    To top it all off, I hear from a friend of mine that live far away that she's hitting the breaking point with her boyfriend. He's apparently completely disrespectful towards her, also takes her for granted, and she's had enough with dealing with him being rude to her and saying cruel and unwarranted things towards her in front of her and his families. It was enough that she asked him to let her out of his car onto the side of the road so she could get away from him. They've gone back and forth this way many times, but I still worry.

    It strikes me as interesting that problems, big problems, rarely come to surface alone.

    TL;DR: This week is shit, and for some reason people always seem to take for granted the people that are there for them no matter what.
  • I'm sorry to hear that, Katie. If you need someone to talk to about stuff, I'm here.
  • Thanks, man. It's just a lot to happen all at once. Several of those things I could easily handle on their own or in sets of two-ish, but everything coming down at the same time is something I'm not sure how to handle. Really what I want for all this is for everyone to end up healthy and happy and friends, but that's idealized and I know it.
  • My advice, tell all your friends/loved ones you care for them, but to get their head out of their asses and stop putting their shit on you. You have your own life to deal with and they need to stop taking you for granted.

    Tell them to man the fuck up and deal with their problems. You shouldn't have to go through this, and if you continue to get stressed about this, it will be your own fault.

    You can only be so concerned for people and their problems, but if they aren't doing anything about it to improve it (including yourself), then you are part of the problem.

    Take care of you first.

    As for my Fail: It's getting awfully windy here. I hope it doesn't turn into a fail, but the wind is so violent outside, the furniture on our patio is being moved, you can hear the wind just howling, and the lights are flickering. No power outages, thank you.
  • edited November 2010
    I appreciate that perspective, the problem is it only carries so far. Ultimately, some things I have to face regardless or as a part of taking care of myself. Sure, all the breakups and such I can easily write off and tell them to deal with it themselves. I'm less concerned about those things. I'm more bothered by my mom getting surgery, the fragile state of family affairs (because of my age and situation I am obligated to go home and to be in the middle of it), the misunderstandings in upset friendship, and ultimately also my upset roommate, if for no other reason in the roommate scenario but that she's an absolute pain-in-the-ass when she's going through all this stress, I live with her, and she will get up in my face about menial issues around the house when she's upset.

    I'm making an effort to set the things I can't really do much about aside though. I honestly don't have time for it, no matter how much I care.

    As an addendum: I should have clarified that I don't feel obligated to deal with everything myself necessarily, that I do plan on taking care of my self first. I named off all those problems more to say that it seems like everyone I know is having problems at the same time, and that is making me sort of sad.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • That's understandable. I know what it is like to have certain pressures from your family about what they think you are obligated to do for the family.

    At the same time, your parents should be better than that. They should be the ones who are more responsible, not their child. I can only imagine how much stress is about money and things are causing their relationship, but in the end, they are responsible for it. Not you. You shouldn't be put into the middle of things.

    I hope the best with your mother and her surgery, but damn they need to be the parents.

    As for your roommate, tell her to get the sand out of her va-jay-jay because she doesn't have the balls to do what is right and break up with her boyfriend and just because she's miserable doesn't mean you have to be either.

    Overall, I know these are delicate situations, but fuck people who are selfish and only care about themselves.
  • Forgot to bring my oatmeal to work. :(
  • I've just been sucker punched by the fact that I now have to pay county tax on my car every year. Like $1000, argh.
  • Or you can all come down here to Costa Rica, we have both formal and stabby, and almost all young folk around here speak English as well.
    Costa Rica FTW.
  • My Dad just accused me of causing a power trip on my floor. #BogglesTheMind.
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