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Fail of Your Day



  • My Dad just accused me of causing a power trip on my floor. #BogglesTheMind.
    What do you mean?
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2010
    Grandfather on my mother's side was sent to the hospital today. Haven't gotten a diagnosis yet. I knew the day would come when my grandparents would start going...but why now?

    EDIT: Just learned what the diagnosis is from the doctor. He had a heart attack at his home and his friend came over to pick him up and found him there just in time. Luckily they were able to save him, but they are worried it could happen again since my family line on that side has a history of heart problems. They want to keep him there until he is strong enough to go back home. I'm relieved he is okay for now, but I'm still on pins and needles about what could possibly happen.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • My Dad just accused me of causing a power trip on my floor. #BogglesTheMind.
    What do you mean?
    I walk downstairs and tell the parents that all the sockets on out floor have just gone out and my dad, without any investigation, says that I must have something strange plugged into the wall that caused it. For the reccord: PC with peripherals (Playing Cave Story.), heater, toothbrush, and speakers (On standby at the time.) is all I've got plugged in.

    This is somewhat typical of my dad's thinking.
  • For the reccord: PC with peripherals (Playing Cave Story.), heater, toothbrush, and speakers (On standby at the time.) is all I've got plugged in.
    It probably was your fault, but you didn't do it on purpose.
  • It's theFRCcastle. You have to prove you're worthy before they let you join the tribe.
    How about I chop down the mightiest oak in the forest, with this HERRING?!
  • It probably was your fault, but you didn't do it on purpose.
    I doubt it. It's a small heater and there's quite a lot plugged in on my floor. I'm not saying it's impossible, but making such a jump of logic, unfounded, is what I take issue with.
  • Three people put their lives in my hands today in the 15 minutes it takes to get home from school by stepping into traffic on major roads without so much as looking up from their cellphones. And instead of being distraught that I almost killed someone, I can't help but be angry at how they almost inconvenienced me by way of their sheer stupidity.
  • edited November 2010
    It's theFRCcastle. You have to prove you're worthy before they let you join the tribe.
    How about I chop down the mightiest oak in the forest, with this HERRING?!
    Since this is a community that values intelligence, I'm not sure that's the best way to go...
    Three people put their lives in my hands today in the 15 minutes it takes to get home from school by stepping into traffic on major roads without so much as looking up from their cellphones. And instead of being distraught that I almost killed someone, I can't help but be angry at how they almost inconvenienced me by way of their sheer stupidity.
    Oh, this brings me back to my days as a youth playing Carmegeddon...
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • And instead of being distraught that I almost killed someone, I can't help but be angry at how they almost inconvenienced me by way of their sheer stupidity.
    I almost hit some kids at AnimeUSA who thought it was a brilliant idea to j-walk across Route 1. Yes, Route 1 which is 6 lanes wide. I just laid on the horn out of rage.
  • edited November 2010
    I just laid on the horn out of rage.
    I'm not used enough to this level of stupid for "Lay on the horn" do be part of my default 'oh shit' reaction.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I just laid on the horn out of rage.
    I'm not used enough to this level of stupid for "Lay on the horn" do be part of my default 'oh shit' reaction.
    It'll come with time, don't worry. ~_^
  • j-walk
    I like it! New Yorkers Jaywalk, weeaboos j-walk. They thought it was more authentic that way.
  • I like it! New Yorkers Jaywalk, weeaboos j-walk. They thought it was more authentic that way.
    Japanese people do not jaywalk! I think, at least that's what I've been told. So they're being bad weeaboos. Anyway, this is raging on jaywalking in general, just stupid jaywalkers who do it badly.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm from Chicago, so the usual "Oh Shit" reaction is laying on the horn, flipping the bird, and slamming on the brakes simultaneously, because its a jaywalker's city. There are nearly as many pedestrians jaywalking as there are in the crosswalks.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm from Chicago, so the usual "Oh Shit" reaction is laying on the horn, flipping the bird, and slamming on the brakes simultaneously, because its a jaywalker's city. There are nearly as many pedestrians jaywalking as there are in the crosswalks.
    Good point, my reaction of laying on the horn was authentic NYC. :P
  • Yeah, I get the impression that NYC's sidewalks have as many if not more people, but jaywalking is less common. Would I be wrong?
  • The hell if I know, I live in north Virginia.
  • Jaywalking? I think we don't even have a name for that over here.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm perfectly alright with people jaywalking if they don't inconvenience me. Conversely, if I'm walking in a cross walk legally and a car (or bike) tries to run me over, I will air my grievances in the form of a bird flip.

    EDIT: I can't use "on the flipside," in a serious conversation. Reworded.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • The hell if I know, I live in north Virginia.
    I assumed you experienced NYC traffic from your post.

    DC and the Beltway's traffic is a fucking nightmare. I do not envy you.
  • DC and the Beltway's traffic is a fucking nightmare. I do not envy you.
    Could that even be called traffic? It's more of a parking lot of madness and despair. No, wait. It's Cthulu's Highway.
  • DC and the Beltway's traffic is a fucking nightmare. I do not envy you.
    The Beltway is manageable, you just have to observe the ebb and flow of it. DC always fucking sucks, I never go to DC.
  • DC always fucking sucks, I never go to DC.
    How long were we driving around, quite literally in a circle? It must have been at least half an hour.
  • DC always fucking sucks, I never go to DC.
    I know, right? Fucking super mutants everywhere.
  • edited November 2010
    I don't gamble. Never have, aside from $5 on a slot machine once, just to say I did it.

    So I'm playing Fallout: New Vegas, and I've pumped up my luck stat with a luck implant, and I hit the slot machines to make some quick caps (somehow, I got like 40 hours into the game without actually doing any gambling). I'm doing alright for a while, winning more than I'm losing, when I hit a bad streak for a while. And I know that it's totally random (albeit influenced by the luck stat) and I know that over enough time, it'll tend to even out at a certain win:loss ratio, but I start feeling these thoughts creeping into my head: "I don't like this machine, maybe it's run out of luck, maybe I should try another one, but wait, this one's probably due for a big payout." I KNOW none of that's true; I know it's totally random, and I know that's the kind of illogical, innumerate thinking that causes people to lose their houses gambling. And yet, 5 minutes into playing a slot machine in a video game, I'm thinking all of those things.

    Fuck, gambling can be an insidious thing.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I'm not used enough to this level of stupid for "Lay on the horn" do be part of my default 'oh shit' reaction.
    If my time on the Endeavor Rally(Harry the Hillman from Hell, bitches!) and Banana Bash are any indication, part of mine is to scream "Motherfuckers!" and cackle maniacally.
    So I'm playing Fallout: New Vegas, and I've pumped up my luck stat with a luck implant, and I hit the slot machines to make some quick caps (somehow, I got like 40 hours into the game without actually doing any gambling). I'm doing alright for a while, winning more than I'm losing, when I hit a bad streak for a while. And I know that it's totally random (albeit influenced by the luck stat) and I know that over enough time, it'll tend to even out at a certain win:loss ratio, but I start feeling these thoughts creeping into my head: "I don't like this machine, maybe it's run out of luck, maybe I should try another one, but wait, this one's probably due for a big payout." I KNOW none of that's true; I know it's totally random, and I know that's the kind of illogical, innumerate thinking that causes people to lose their houses gambling. And yet, 5 minutes into playing a slot machine in a video game, I'm thinking all of those things.
    Also, if you win too much in the casino, they kick you the fuck out. Just like Real Vegas.
  • edited November 2010
    Fail: Forgetting about a midterm that I was given far too much notice about.
    Fail: Walking in late to that midterm.
    Fail: Not being able to do one of the questions because I didn't make up my crib-sheet (two sides of size A paper, formulae, no examples).

    Think I did pretty well, all considered!
    Post edited by Wolfin on
  • edited November 2010
    Also, if you win too much in the casino, they kick you the fuck out. Just like Real Vegas.
    Yeah, but you can walk back in. Also, something about the code is flawed so that you can walk in with 10k caps and gamble your way to millions.

    Also, if there's one thing I've ever worried about addiction to, it's gambling. It's like speeding for me; when the stakes are high enough, I start itching to chase that rush. I know I never would get addicted, but I do find betting and blackjack inordinately fun.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010
    I've never really tried gambling, so I don't know how it feels. However, I know quite well that it's almost always a bad idea to gamble for monetary gain alone.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I've never really tried gambling, so I don't know how it feels. However, I know quite well that it's almost always a bad idea to gamble for monetary gain alone.
    Totally. It's fun though.
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