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Fail of Your Day



  • I made a snarky, half-baked comment on Twitter at a podcast I've been listening to for a long time. They not only saw it, they responded, immediately made some changes, and then addressed it at length and in depth at the beginning of the very next episode, all while politely waiting for a more reasoned, in-depth explanation of my comment that I promised and failed to deliver.

    I feel like an ass. Sorry, Escape Pod.
  • I made a snarky, half-baked comment on Twitter at a podcast I've been listening to for a long time. They not only saw it, they responded, immediately made some changes, and then addressed it at length and in depth at the beginning of the very next episode, all while politely waiting for a more reasoned, in-depth explanation of my comment that I promised and failed to deliver.

    I feel like an ass. Sorry, Escape Pod.
    LOL. Don't worry. Steve is a pretty cool guy. Seriously though, if they did make changes that you appreciate, I'm sure he'd like to hear it from you. The guy worries way too much about what other people think of him, even though he knows he shouldn't. :)
  • LOL. Don't worry. Steve is a pretty cool guy. Seriously though, if they did make changes that you appreciate, I'm sure he'd like to hear it from you. The guy worries way too much about what other people think of him, even though he knows he shouldn't. :)
    I guess you haven't listened to it lately. The changes they've made since Steve left the show several months ago were the subject of my gripe. I had nothing but good things to say about it back when it was still his.
  • It is just as ludicrous that people think these myths and legends in the bible are meant to be a comment on morality at all. They aren't. If anyone ever asks about morality in the bible, either good or bad, ask them about the morality in another ancient text.
    The only reason it comes up is because Christians use it for a guide for moral values all the time, thus prompting atheists to say "hey, your book of morals is broken."
    I don't think anyone uses it for a moral guide. I think they have their own morals, and use certain passages to give their morals more weight. I think we should treat the bible no differently from any other ancient text. As soon as we let the Christians take ownership of it, they're already way ahead in any argument or debate.
    The Bible is an entertaining read
    I actually disagree. It's difficult to follow, confusing, inconsistent, and has little narrative.
    That's what I love about it! If it was all written at one time, by one author (like the Book of Mormon) it would be boring. But there are layers and layers of history, and the history of religion, and the history of thought and philosophy, all hidden away. Teasing those things out is fascinating to me.

    As a single, united whole? zzzzzzz
  • I guess you haven't listened to it lately. The changes they've made since Steve left the show several months ago were the subject of my gripe. I had nothing but good things to say about it back when it was still his.
    Ooooooooh. Well then. Yeah, haven't listened lately. Sad to hear he left. Understandable though, what with the new baby and the psych issues and all... I have been meaning to check in with him. Guess I should do that!
  • Rear ended a truck. My car is pretty much fucked from what I can tell. And I just paid off my car. FML.
  • Oh jesus Ro, that's aweful. I hope you're not too shaken.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh jesus Ro, that's aweful. I hope you're not too shaken.
    I'm ok. It finally hit me and I'm starting to feel really upset about it all. My neck and shoulders are feeling sore. The guy I hit seemed ok but kinda out of it. His car didn't look like it received any damage.

    Jeremy is ok.

    I'm just in a bind now. I need to figure out how I'm going to commute to work. I have a coworker that works the same shift I do and live 5 minutes away from me, so that might work.

    I'm just really strapped for extra money right now, but looks like I'll be putting in for a lot of overtime now. Ugh. This really sucks because I was just shopping for new car insurance and had a really good record.

    It sucks too because one car cut off the guy in front of me and it caused him to brake, but at the same time this happened another car from the center lane tried to cut me off so I looked to the side for a split second and didn't see the guy in front of me come to a complete stop. The van just went around us and didn't even stop. Overall, it's pretty much my fault. I have full coverage. I just paid $180 to get my car towed.

    It's time to really start living cheap.

    I also just realized that my airbags didn't even deploy. I was going probably 30 mph too. I'll have to look into that.

    I'm just going to take a muscle relaxant and drink a glass of wine and deal with this tomorrow.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Sorry to hear that Ro, hope the neck and shoulders is only stress.
  • Oh my god Ro! Thats horrible! I'm just glad you and Jeremy are alright. Just try and relax, okay? Things will work out.
  • That's lousy luck, Ro. Car accidents are scary.
  • Rear ended a truck. My car is pretty much fucked from what I can tell. And I just paid off my car. FML.
    Oh no! Sounds like you are going through the same stages I do when I get in a wreck... get some good cuddles tonight. You will need them. Let us know if there's anything we can do.
  • Shit, Ro. That sucks. Sorry to hear it. I hope you are well asleep by now.
  • You win Nutia. Hell if I was a Jew (and I'm not) I 'd buy that and donate it to a soup kitchen just for the hell of it.
  • How the FUCK am I supposed to build credit if no one will give me credit?
  • How the FUCK am I supposed to build credit if no one will give me credit?
    Open a bank account with a debit card, deposit regularly.
  • edited December 2010
    How the FUCK am I supposed to build credit if no one will give me credit?
    I went through this same exact problem. One way we solved it was when my parents finally decided to get me a car (halfway through college) they put it in my name. That way it looked like I was paying it off (which I am now anyway, grr). My mom had to co-sign because of my non-existent credit score, but it worked.
    Also, if you get one of those pre-approved credit cards in the mail (I currently get about 10/month), see if you can find a non-sketchy one from a non-sketchy bank. Use it only a little bit and pay it off every month, and you should build credit.
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • I went through this same exact problem. One way we solved it was when my parents finally decided to get me a car (halfway through college) they put it in my name. That way it looked like I was paying it off (which I am now anyway, grr).
    Also, if you get one of those pre-approved credit cards in the mail (I currently get about 10/month), see if you can find a non-sketchy one from a non-sketchy bank. Use it only a little bit and pay it off every month, and you should build credit.
    Only one I get is from CaptialOne. Fuck them because of the APR.
  • Only one I get is from CaptialOne. Fuck them because of the APR.
    Yeah its kind of tricky. The one I chose was some bank I'd never heard of, had a really low max (like $250), and STILL, several years later, has a ridiculously high interest rate. I still have it, even though I have a much better one from my real bank. If I canceled it, it would close a good line of credit and possibly lower my score.
    Anyway, the trick is paying it off immediately so you never get charged interest. So spend $20 a month on it and pay it off, something like that.
  • Thanks everyone for the well wishes and concern.

    I'm not that sore anymore. A few minor aches and pains, but I'm stretching to feel better.

    Time to go see if the insurance place is open and take care of all of this.
  • No matter how good an idea $.49 Del Taco burritos sounded like last night, it's never a good decision.
  • edited December 2010
    No matter how good an idea $.49 Del Taco burritosa cigarette sounded like last night, it's never a good decision.
    I hate the stupid things I do after lots of beer. I hate that all my stupid friends are stupid smokers and stupid enablers.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I hate the stupid things I do after lots of beer. I hate that all my stupid friends are stupid smokers and stupid enablers.
    No shit, man. Jesus - worst one I've ever done, was at my 21st, two fourty packs of cigs, plus assorted cigs I cadged off other people. I woke up the next morning sounding like Barry White, and with a mouth-feel roughly like a particularly ill hobo with a fine example of a horribly cirrhotic liver had taken a very large shit on my tongue.
  • edited December 2010
    I hate the stupid things I do after lots of beer. I hate that all my stupid friends are stupid smokers and stupid enablers.
    No shit, man. Jesus - worst one I've ever done, was at my 21st, two fourty packs of cigs, plus assorted cigs I cadged off other people. I woke up the next morning sounding like Barry White, and with a mouth-feel roughly like a particularly ill hobo with a fine example of a horribly cirrhotic liver had taken a very large shit on my tongue.
    See, I only had one. Coughed like a bitch on the first inhale, dropped it, picked it up in spite of myself and kept going. I'm more mad at myself about the germaphobic terror of smoking a fallen cigarette, but I told myself I wouldn't smoke cigarettes and I seem to be breaking that rule more frequently. I could definitely see myself working my way into a similar (though, less than 30) situation under 21st birthday circumstances.

    I need to curb impulses.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • See, I only had one. Coughed like a bitch on the first inhale, dropped it, picked it up in spite of myself and kept going. I'm more mad at myself about the germaphobic terror of smoking a fallen cigarette, but I told myself I wouldn't smoke cigarettes and I seem to be breaking that rule more frequently. I could definitely see myself working my way into a similar (though, less than 30) situation under 21st birthday circumstances.
    Different situation for me, since, well, I smoke anyway. Even smoking just a 40 pack in a night is pretty fucking vicious on the throat, even if you smoke menthols.

    The Way I see it - Having the occasional one, well, whatever. It's fine. Where you have to clamp down and have self control is doing it regularly, and recognising when you're starting to do it TOO frequently.

    Also, Learn to tell a climbing rosebush from a regular garden hedge. Good advice for when you're drunk.
  • edited December 2010
    Also, Learn to tell a climbing rosebush from a regular garden hedge. Good advice for when you're drunk.
    I smoke anyway.
    Thought you decided to quit?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2010
    Also, Learn to tell a climbing rosebush from a regular garden hedge. Good advice for when you're drunk.
    I smoke anyway.
    Thought you decided to quit?
    I still smoke my pipe on occasion, but I've cut way down on the cigs. I'll still have one from time to time, but it's not common, I'd hardly call myself a regular smoker in that sense anymore.

    However, there is a point of alcoholic haze where I will just start cramming just about anything that smokes well into my face until I fucking die of nicotine poisoning. I'm talking the point where I'd roll a joint of cig dregs and fuckin' stems and light it on a policeman's flaming pubic hair, I'm that mad for them.

    Edit - the odd thing is, no matter how infrequently I smoke, I still don't cough or hack having one, no matter how much time in between them.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2010
    four hours of transit total for one hour of dicking around at the mall. Almost got an Xbox 360 but didn't feel like carrying it home on the bus.

    360 also seems to be one of the few things Gamestop has for cheaper than Amazon. Hmm...
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
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