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Fail of Your Day



  • Just read an article about X-men: First Class that essentially said, "OMG, look at the class division, racism, and gender inequality in the movie!"

    Yes. Welcome to the CENTRAL THEME of X-men. Fucking git.
  • Yearbook completed yesterday.
    Principal looks at it again this morning.
    Gives me a giant stack of revisions at 10 am, some of which undo things she had me do or OK'd in the first place.
    Gives me 2 hours to complete revisions...
    While teaching...
  • Just read an article about X-men: First Class that essentially said, "OMG, look at the class division, racism, and gender inequality in the movie!"

    Yes. Welcome to the CENTRAL THEME of X-men. Fucking git.
    Well not everyone's read X-men before so when they get that realization it's the first time for them :-p
  • Just read an article about X-men: First Class that essentially said, "OMG, look at the class division, racism, and gender inequality in the movie!"

    Yes. Welcome to the CENTRAL THEME of X-men. Fucking git.
    Well not everyone's read X-men before so when they get that realization it's the first time for them :-p
    It was a "The movie was good, but there are some concerning undertones here. Look how all the non-white, non-normal mutants ended up with Magneto or Hellfire Club! ZOMG racist casting and directing!" type article. As though the author did not understand that it is an intentional part of the plot rather than an accident.
  • edited June 2011
    The problem is I have a very tall torso and most t-shirts are almost bare mid drifts on me.
    George, you made me snort with that mental image. I don't snort when I laugh. What the hell.

    My fail is that I've been super busy and not coming on the forums, though I have had the pleasure of hanging out with some forumites in the city recently.
    Rochester businesses, argh.
    There are some Xerox reps that hang around my office, and I can make them visibly distressed by simply mentioning that city. It's a shame, since I could rent one of those mansions on Park/East Avenues for the same amount I pay for a single room in Brooklyn. Rochester really needs a techie-startup revolution. If it were only closer to the City...
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Rochester businesses, argh.
    There are some Xerox reps that hang around my office, and I can make them visibly distressed by simply mentioning that city. It's a shame, since I could rent one of those mansions on Park/East Avenues for the same amount I pay for a single room in Brooklyn. Rochester really needs a techie-startup revolution. If it were only closer to the City...
    When I graduate, everyone should come make startup companies with me. It'll be awesome. :D
  • Rochester businesses, argh.
    There are some Xerox reps that hang around my office, and I can make them visibly distressed by simply mentioning that city. It's a shame, since I could rent one of those mansions on Park/East Avenues for the same amount I pay for a single room in Brooklyn. Rochester really needs a techie-startup revolution. If it were only closer to the City...
    When I graduate, everyone should come make startup companies with me. It'll be awesome. :D
    You're only a couple years older than me, right? I'll be there.
  • edited June 2011
    When I graduate, everyone should come make startup companies with me. It'll be awesome. :D
    You know what? Fuck it to bits, I'm up for a giggle. And Anyway, Never know if you're going to win till you start playing the game now, do you?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm going to create a startup that builds weaponized gamma ray lasers.
  • I'm going to create a startup that builds weaponized gamma ray lasers.
    How hard would that be, hypothetically?
  • I'm going to create a startup that builds weaponized gamma ray lasers.
    How hard would that be, hypothetically?
    Not positive. Consult with Timo.
  • Why Wikipedia? Why would you put that picture there? Is this just because I didn't know what bedsores were, so you needed to put the most disgusting picture ever that not only is terrifying in it's own right, but also plays to my fear of holes in skin? Now I can't go to sleep. Thanks a lot.
  • Rochester really needs a techie-startup revolution. If it were only closer to the City...
    If I were starting up with capital, I'd start in New York. If I were starting up without capital, I would seriously consider Rochester. I'd hire a steady stream of RIT co-ops and recent graduates at a pittance and live/work with a the low cost of living.
  • And thus is the dark heart of Moe revealed.
  • I'd definitely want Tohru Honda as my little sister. She's smart! She has opinions! She's rational in the face of insanity! I'd be proud.
  • edited June 2011
    Walked in the kitchen today in order to make a sandwich, only to find that apparently the lord of the flies came down hard on that place today. Spent the next half hour with the flyswatter, chasing after and taking down at least 75 of those little fuckers. Plus cleaning up the mess when those shitstains explode under my wrath. Grrrrrr....

    Thankfully this is not a regular occurrence.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Hairspray. Freezes the lil fuckers mid-air.
  • Hairspray. Freezes the lil fuckers mid-air.
    Cats. Amusing to watch and gets the job done.
  • Netflix is down.

    I'm bored.
  • In Michigan for a little over a week. Compared with Boston, the Detroit suburbs ... ick. Just ick. Can't wait to be back with the public transportation, people who can't drive but try to, geek hubs, nerd hubs, intellectual hubs, and people that know how to get their f'ing groceries ready for checkout with cash/credit in hand. How did I grow up in this place?
  • edited June 2011
    Compared with Boston, every other place that's not Boston ... ick.
    I live in the 'burbs, and I die a little bit every time I have to leave the city.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • I'm sure at least you can navigate Detroit as a grid better then Boston, dear lord.
  • edited June 2011
    Hey, the Back Bay's not... Well, SOMETIMES, you can park in the Back Bay. I've seen it happen, I swear.

    (Note: I say this as someone who's never actually driven a car more than a few hundred feet, lifetime, so I'm quite unqualified)
    Post edited by Neito on
  • I just remembered that I have to get up at 6:45 tomorrow, and it's 1:24 right now.
  • (Note: I say this as someone who's never actually driven a car more than a few hundred feet, lifetime, so I'm quite unqualified)
    Was... Was there some sort of accident? Something that has scarred you against cars?

    Are... Are you alright?
  • I'm sure at least you can navigate Detroit as a grid better then Boston, dear lord.
    Tru dat. There is no such thing as "missed my turn, I'll catch the next one." in Boston. I hear its a New England thing.

    Another sad fact about Boston (less so about Cambridge): oh hey, its like 11pm, let's go to the <insert anything here>, oh wait, it's closed. Most of the midwest had 24/7 stores, even grocery stores were open always. Great for getting the beverage of choice at 3am during a "quick break" from a weekly D&D; marathon.
  • There is no such thing as "missed my turn, I'll catch the next one." in Boston. I hear its a New England thing.
    Yeah, mostly because everything was built around our long standing infrastructure that was mostly put in place before we could really carve the landscape like we can today.
    Another sad fact about Boston (less so about Cambridge): oh hey, its like 11pm, let's go to the , oh wait, it's closed.
  • (Note: I say this as someone who's never actually driven a car more than a few hundred feet, lifetime, so I'm quite unqualified)
    Was... Was there some sort of accident? Something that has scarred you against cars?

    Are... Are you alright?
    No, I'm just scared shitless of the concept of driving. Every so often, my friends try to convince me that I should try to learn, and one time I gave in. Pretty sure I almost left an indention on my friend's steering wheel, I was gripping it so tight.
  • No, I'm just scared shitless of the concept of driving. Every so often, my friends try to convince me that I should try to learn, and one time I gave in. Pretty sure I almost left an indention on my friend's steering wheel, I was gripping it so tight.
    You're scared of something dangerous, you're already a better than most drivers will ever be. Most people have absolutely no respect for how dangerous driving and cars are.
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