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What movie have you seen recently?



  • I am watching The Ramen Girl. Im not sure how I feel about it yet.
    I liked it when I watched it.
  • I am watching The Ramen Girl. Im not sure how I feel about it yet.
    I liked it when I watched it.
    I enjoyed to movie looking back on it... But I feel that she was treating Japan like it was a Zoo. She would see something and be "Aww look at the crazy thing".
  • Also I bet her thumbs are thumbs and not toes sewed onto hands.
  • edited July 2011
    Watched π today due to the recent episode of The GREATEST Movie Ever! Podcast (also, because when I was in high school a class mate recommended it but never watched it). That movie is quite fucked up.

    Also, watched Glengarry Glen Ross today, which was quite awesome. Highly quotable, as all of you probably already know.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I watch "Horrible Bosses" today, it was actually pretty awesome :D
    Isn't is pretty much Strangers on a Train with 3 people?
    That's actually a joke in the movie. It was pretty funny, and Isaiah Mustafa is in it (briefly).
  • Chicken Little is probably the worst animated movie I have ever seen, and I sat through Shark Tale.
    Should watch the Animated Titanic movie. The whole thing can be seen on Youtube. Or at the very least check out the Party Time clip.
  • My friends and I have been doing a film festival get together for a few months now. The rules are we pick two movies that somehow relate to one another. One movie has to be something more than likely already have seen and loved the other has to be a movie that at least one person hasn't seen that we recommend.

    Over the weekend we watched Snatch and Trainspotting.

    I realized that both Snatch and Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels involve Jason Statham NOT driving a car or taking his shirt off. It was refreshing. I also have to greatly disagree again with Jason and say that Snatch was a brilliant movie with witty dialogue and scenes that had my friends and I constantly laughing.

    As for Trainspotting, I've never seen it. It was my first time. It was also the international version and not the US release. Apparently the international version has penises vs the US. It was also a good thing we watched it after Snatch because if we watched it first we would have watched Trainspotting while we were eating and that first part with the bathroom and other poopy scenes were gross. I overall enjoyed the movie, especially the soundtrack. It's crazy to see Ewan McGregor so young and beyond thin.
  • edited July 2011
    Actually, Snatch does involves Jason Statham driving a car and killing people, though this time it's accidental rather than intentional when he tosses the milk out the window.

    Edit: Just remembered another movie involving Jason Statham but not driving a car: Mean Machine. It is basically a british version The Longest Yard with football rather than handegg, also involving Vinnie Jones a.k.a. Bullet-Tooth Tony who used to be a pro football player. It does seem that Jason Statham did kill a lot of people in that film off-screen though, since he is a mass murderer, who becomes the teams goalkeeper.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Jason Statham sat in the passenger's seat while Delroy Lindo drove in The One.
  • I saw the new version of the Karate Kid with Jackie Chan and Will Smith's kid and it was surprisingly not sucky.
  • This post had a pretty sweet comparison of Arrested Development with The Godfather Trilogy. I've seen Arrested Development twice through in recent time, but I didn't remember the Godfather parts II or III.

    So I opened up and popped in my Godfather Blu-Ray trilogy. Wow. There's no way Arrested Development was not heavily influenced by these films.
  • Horrible Bosses is a great movie. Wonderful casting, the jokes were really solid, and it's a mostly original script that has really consistent levels of humor. If you are a big fan of Charlie Day or Jason Bateman, go out and see this.
  • Horrible Bosses is a great movie. Wonderful casting, the jokes were really solid, and it's a mostly original script that has really consistent levels of humor. If you are a big fan of Charlie Day or Jason Bateman, go out and see this.
    Or Kevin Spacey. I loves me some Kevin Spacey.
  • Horrible Bosses is a great movie. Wonderful casting, the jokes were really solid, and it's a mostly original script that has really consistent levels of humor. If you are a big fan of Charlie Day or Jason Bateman, go out and see this.
    Or Kevin Spacey. I loves me some Kevin Spacey.
    If you ever want an asshole boss, or just one of those two characteristics, get Kevin fuckin' Spacy.
  • Battle: Los Angeles was good.
  • Battle: Los Angeles was good.
    Not the one on netflix the one that came out in theater right? I was going to see that but heard it was terrible.... I now want to see it a bit more ^_^
  • Battle: Los Angeles was good.
    My neighbor wrote that.
  • I heard Skyline, another alien invasion move that came out about the same time last year, was horrible. I won't be watching that. Battle: Los Angeles was a good war movie. It's not amzing. Some of the acting is hamfisted, but that's not why I wanted to see it. I wanted to see aliens gettin' blown up, and I got that.

    I watched it on Netflix. I don't know if that makes a difference... The only reason I want to watch the DVD version of Sucker Punch is for another 30 minutes of footage and a R rating. I didn't see it in theaters.
  • edited July 2011

    Although, the way they displayed 40mm grenades was fairly anachronistic. Also, I call bullshit on the AT-4 shot.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I cried. So much.
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I cried. So much.
    I hated that film so much. So much indulgent bull shit. MENTAL NOTE: Never go to a midnight showing of a film you are meh on just because your friends are going.
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I cried, once
    The final reveal for Snape's motivations always gets me. I always knew he wasn't a shallow hate filled human being and reading that all of his motivations, everything he's ever done was because of his undying love for the woman he could never have really touched me.

    I'm a sucker for unrequited love. /shrug
  • I started silently weeping when Fred died, I started crying a little harder when Lupin and Tonks died, but it was Snape's story that made me visibly cry.

    There was a woman in the theatre that started bawling loudly when Snape died and continued for the REST OF THE MOVIE. We started referring to her as Moaning Myrtle.
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I cried. So much.
    This will pretty much be my post later on today.

    From what I've been reading, there are already people lined since 5:30 AM, but that's probably for the 8 AM showing. For the midnight showing the first guy was there since 10 AM yesterday. Hardcore.
  • edited July 2011
    The final reveal for Snape's motivations always gets me.
    I don't know about that - I mean, there was no chance there, no hope, no nothing. And then the object of his affection died, too. All he did was poison himself with self-hatred thanks to his lust for the unattainable - let's face it, considering, they would never have got together, or worked for very long even if they did - to the point where he was sociopathic enough to be able to do what the side his unrequited love died for too, so he could prove himself to a dead woman, and prove himself better than a long dead rival who had already beaten him cold before the competition even began.

    And all of this from a fucking high school crush. Christ, I can't even remember half the people I dated, shagged, or attempted to shag at that age. Even if you don't include the attempted to shag, part, because let's face it, at that age, I'd have tried to root anyone that stood still long enough.

    Snape - Whiny little bitch, using his high school crush as an excuse for why he's such an enormous, sociopathic cunt. He's like a Republican Senator with a Wand and long hair.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2011
    I wanna see super 8, bad bosses, and transformers
    Post edited by woodchuck on
  • edited July 2011
    I don't know about that ...
    I can understand your view on this. I suppose I am being more of a hopeless romantic in this way.

    Yes, Snape is whiny and selfish. He really should have been able to get beyond that and search for another bit of happiness in his life. He made all the wrong choices and cemented himself on his course.

    Where you find him contemptible, I find him pitiable. I find him tragic, in a way.
    Post edited by zehaeva on
  • edited July 2011
    Where you find him contemptible, I find him pitiable. I find him tragic, in a way.
    Oh, I find him tragic and...well, not so much pitiable, since he put himself exactly where he is, but pitiful, certainly. I just think so for different reasons - because he destroyed himself and any chance at being happy by not being able to control his emotions, rather than because he lost his love - Shit, if we pitied everybody who pined over a lost love, we'd have fuck all time for anything but that.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I plan to see the movie version Warhorse and happily pay to cry like a bitch for an hour and a half.
  • I didn't cry during Harry Potter, but now I just feel empty.

    Guess this is what growing up feels like.
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