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Fail of Your Day



  • I'm 100% on her side.
  • edited August 2011
    Okay, you know what? This is bullshit. He never lied about who he was or that he was the magic world champ (in fact, he answered completely honestly when it came up) and she's acting they had sex and he never told her he had herpes. And then she acts like he's some rapist with this gem:
    I later found out that Jon infiltrated his way into OKCupid dates with at least two other people I sort of know, including one of my co-workers. Mothers, warn your daughters! This could happen to you.
    "Infiltrated"? Really? Honestly? YOU MET HIM ON A DATING SITE. You know, where people go to DATE PEOPLE? Then she goes and tries to justify herself by saying that judging people on surface level things is human nature. Well so is shitting where you stand but that's what intelligence is for, isn't it? You supercede your nature in favor of rational thought. In this case, instead of making snap judgments about a person based on one single thing about them, you try to see the person for their character traits, not their superficial qualities.

    Maybe he was an asshole during the date. I don't know and, frankly, it doesn't seem like she cares. The only things I agree with in the whole damned article are the last four sentences:
    No online dating profile in the world is comprehensive enough to highlight every person's peccadillo, or anticipate the inane biases that each of us lugs around. There's no snapshot in the world that can account for our snap judgments.

    So what did I learn? Google the shit out of your next online date. Like, hardcore.
    Yet another reason to add to the list as to why I prefer Engadget over Gizmodo.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Yet another reason to add to the list as to why I prefer any other site over anything on the Gawker network.
  • Yet another reason to add to the list as to why I prefer any other site over anything on the Gawker network.
    Woah, let's be sure to exclude Lifehacker. Those guys are on the level.
  • Woah, let's be sure to exclude Lifehacker. Those guys are on the level.
    And Kotaku is probably the only good video game news site.
  • And Kotaku is probably the only good video game news site.
    LOL I unsubbed from Kotaku a loooooong time ago.
  • Girl meets former Magic World Champion Jon Finkel on an internet dating site, then posts on Gizmodo about it and how him having a geeky hobby and having met his best friends through it are strikes against him. Subsequently, the internet explodes.
    Wow, what a bitch.
  • Wow, what a bitch.
  • If I went a date with a girl to discover she was a world champion goose juggler, I'd be shocked but I wouldn't hold that against her.
  • Well, this seems entirely reasonable. When her name comes up on somebody else's OKCupid account and they google her name, they'll find out how shallow and judgmental she is, something she really ought to have put on her site profile.
  • If I went a date with a girl to discover she was a world champion goose juggler, I'd be shocked but I wouldn't hold that against her.
    Magic: The Gathering has a stigma associated with it and the implications aren't good.
  • And Kotaku is probably the only good video game news site.
    LOL I unsubbed from Kotaku a loooooong time ago.
    Rock Paper Shotgun usually has some nice blokes talking about videogames. PC only though.
  • edited August 2011
    Magic: The Gathering has a stigma associated with it and the implications aren't good.
    Yeah it does have implications. The implications that this fuckin' baller mades six figures playing a card game! If she'd bothered to Google his name, as she's lamenting that she didn't, she'd have found that he's since moved on from Magic the Gathering to professional blackjack and hedge funds. The subtext is laid on so fucking thick in that article. She's too cool for him, but "OMG YOU GUISE HE'S ACTUALLY KIND OF A CELEBRITY, SO THAT MEANS I'M TOO COOL FOR A CELEBRITY! Also, online dating is something I would NEVER do, but I was drunk. For real you guys, it was just a joke. I wasn't being serious."

    Bitch, please. :D She's almost certainly manufacturing this revulsion to fit into the Gawker snark mentality in order to get hate-clicks (mission accomplished). Real or fake: it's indicative of that pervasive internet combination of low self-esteem and narcissism. So either she really feels that way (and is a pathetic, shallow person) or she's lying to get clicks, in which case she doesn't have the insight to realize how this article makes her sound, or she doesn't care and just wants to get on that sweet, sweet click gravy train for five cents a word.

    Post edited by Dave on
  • edited August 2011
    Also, Jon Finkle isn't "a champion dweeb in a hedge fund suit" or whatever she said. He quit magic and started hustling casinos professionally as a blackjack player. After turning a few million, he started a hedge fund, which he now runs and is apparently quite successful. Then, he was hired by a few casinos as a professional Blackjack team player. The casinos comp him for month-long vacations multiple times per year (the number I heard on reddit was four times annually) to gamble their money and represent them in places like Hawaii, Vegas, and Tokyo. The other eight months per year, he hedge funds and makes millions.

    So yeah, he isn't a stereotypical Magic player. He's basically lived the Geek American Dream.

    EDIT: Totally didn't read all of Dave's post due to being on my iPhone at work, and got ninja'd as a result.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • He's basically lived the Geek American Dream.
  • Girl meets former Magic World Champion Jon Finkel on an internet dating site, then posts on Gizmodo about it and how him having a geeky hobby and having met his best friends through it are strikes against him. Subsequently, the internet explodes.
    Wow, what a bitch.
    Right, so I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Clearly, she is stupid and shallow. By announcing this to the world, she has now saved many people the trouble of thinking she might be an interesting date.

    If someone breaks up with you because of your geeky interests, isn't it better to have dodged that bullet? I say huzzah. Save that man for the girls who appreciate intelligence and personality.
  • I find it annoying that it seems that guys have to live up to the standards of being worthy for women.

    It should go both ways equally. Girls can be just as lame as guys, as we can see from this article.
  • I think the saddest part of this whole thing is that the guy agreed to a second date because he Googled her and found a heartfelt article, about her relationship with her dad, that he really enjoyed. In response, she learns something about his personal life and proceeds to call him out in a hackjob that not even News of the World would consider fit to print.

    The best part is that she's still only a journo grad student, and only an intern at Gawker, if her LinkedIn profile is to be believed. Character assassination is a hell of a resume builder, I guess.
  • edited August 2011
    Gizmodo Australia, subject to policy, published the article on their site, but exercised their editorial power to add an additional note -
    Australian Editor’s Note: We disagree with the US author of this post, more: Alyssa Bereznak Just Reminded Us That Women Can Be Predators Online Too
    Which links back to This article on Kotaku Australia that does a more comprehensive job than most of us could here.
    The best part is that she's still only a journo grad student, and only an intern at Gawker, if her LinkedIn profile is to be believed. Character assassination is a hell of a resume builder, I guess.
    WAS only an intern at Gawker. She Left on friday, apparently because her internship ended, but that's her word on the issue, so grain of salt as always. I know quite a few people have already sent complaints to the NSU journalism department - including some Journalist/academics who are quite respected.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Minor fail: Managed to buy a volume of manga in a store the same day it arrived per mail from Amazon. Thank Poseidon for Amazon's return policy.
  • I got burned. As for details, let's just say I am now an avid supporter of fluorescent light bulbs, but I still don't care about the environment.
  • I still don't care about the environment.
    Whatever dude. You live in it, you should care about it.
  • I still don't care about the environment.
    Whatever dude. You live in it, you should care about it.
    Seriously. Being green isn't a "stupid hippie" thing anymore. Not caring about the earth just makes you a douche.

  • Anyway, I've given up. I used to think that we need to stop pollution, save the polar icecaps, etc. Now I see that the human race has set itself up such that it cannot do that without destroying itself in any number of ways.
  • I find it annoying that it seems that guys have to live up to the standards of being worthy for women.

    It should go both ways equally. Girls can be just as lame as guys, as we can see from this article.
  • edited August 2011
    I find it annoying that it seems that guys have to live up to the standards of being worthy for women.

    It should go both ways equally. Girls can be just as lame as guys, as we can see from this article.
    Yeah, because women never have to live up to social expectations centered around men.
    The original post may have been sarcasim, but I can't tell without green text...
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • No, it wasn't sarcasm. I find it annoying on both sides. It's not fair on either side. I get annoyed with all the standard archetypes when it comes to dating and relationships. This is more than likely because I feel that I am the exact opposite when it comes to those archetypes.
  • I got burned. As for details, let's just say I am now an avid supporter of fluorescent light bulbs, but I still don't care about the environment.
    Don't be so quick to love fluorescent, those compact fluorescents can get wicked hot.
  • I got burned. As for details, let's just say I am now an avid supporter of fluorescent light bulbs, but I still don't care about the environment.
    Don't be so quick to love fluorescent, those compact fluorescents can get wicked hot.
    They give me headaches...
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