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Fail of Your Day



  • I gained 5 lbs from this weekends festivities.
    Did you poop yet?
    Some, but I think I've still got a few more to go. Or I may just be fat now.
  • edited September 2011
    When I realize I can't be with a girl, the attraction fades after a little bit. I care less as time goes on, I get over them. That's how it went for a while, anyway, until I start hanging out with a good friend's significant other.

    I hate my brain, man.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • When I realize I can't be with a girl, the attraction fades after a little bit. I care less as time goes on, I get over them. That's how it went for a while, anyway, until I start hanging out with a good friend's significant other.

    I hate my brain.

    Just, don't let your dick write any checks your ass can't cash.
  • Just, don't let your dick write any checks your ass can't cash.
    Forum quote of the day right here.
  • edited September 2011
    Just, don't let your dick write any checks your ass can't cash.
    The only problem I have - I can, so to speak, cash a hell of a lot of cheques. I prefer the idea of "Having a wank on it" aka "The Decisive wank." If you are going to make a decision involving sex that could get you in trouble, knock out a quick one, and see how you're thinking afterwards. Often, you'll find your opinion is entirely different.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited September 2011
    Just, don't let your dick write any czechs your ass can't cash.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Just, don't let your dick write any czecks your ass can't cash.
    That pun counts as a Fail of Everyone Else's Day.
  • Thanks. I've fixed it now.
  • Magic: the Gathering. Now with grinding.
  • Magic: the Gathering. Now with grinding.
    As I read it, it sounds like a vast improvement over the current system, the only problem there is the fact that older players will always be at an advantage.
  • Magic: the Gathering. Now with grinding.
    Tomorrow, you will only be able to use certain cards based on your level. Soon after, you can unlock extra abilities with your cards and choose summoner talents based on your level. Next, you can buy points with real money directly. Or exchange them on a "points market" with other players.

    Can I take this slippery slope all the way to warhammer 40k grimdark levels? That would be fun.
  • I'm sicker than yesterday and I'm supposed to go to SF tomorrow morning. Goddammit.
  • Magic: the Gathering. Now with grinding.
    As I read it, it sounds like a vast improvement over the current system, the only problem there is the fact that older players will always be at an advantage.
    The old system rewarded you for getting good at the game and beating players who are better than yourself. This new system is based almost entirely on how long you've played and how often you play. Sure, if you are a good player you will get to a higher level faster and probably by playing a lot you will get better at the game. However, now it is also possible to just grind it your rank to no end, and some people definitely will grind simply to get tournament invites and byes in the Grand Prix circuit.
  • edited September 2011
    I'm sicker than yesterday and I'm supposed to go to SF tomorrow morning. Goddammit.
    As someone who frequently can't afford miss classes or shows even if I'm so sick I make a plague ward look like a birthday party, I will give you my coveted "make it through the day" regimen:

    1) Go to your local store. Buy several gallons of Tropicana orange juice. I like mine without pulp, but that's up to you.
    2) Drink orange juice at all times. Drink enough so that you pee clear and regularly; that means that you're well-hydrated and your body is moving stuff through your system as it should. If you need solid food, eat something bland with a ton of complex carbs. I like whole wheat toast. If you need more sustenance, add peanut butter, or regular butter. I don't recommend jam, but it might work for you. Keep orange juice on your person while out of the house.
    3) Whenever possible, be in a bed (or, failing that, a comfy couch). Do anything that is absolutely necessary online from a laptop, if possible.
    4) This is very important. If you think you have something you could be doing, sleep is more important. Homework? Sleep. Watching anime? Sleep. Catching up on emails/blogs/video gaming? Sleep.
    5) Before leaving home, take a couple of your chosen pain reliever and a bit of your favorite decongestant or cough syrup. Follow dosing instructions. Do not mix medicines that contain acetominophen.

    If you do this, you should be able to hack it. I've gone to classes and parties, as well as performed onstage, all while being really ill. This tends to get me through it. Just remember to CONSTANTLY be taking in fluids and getting sleep whenever you have more than a half-hour of downtime.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I am going to do exactly what you tell me, but my only concern is getting my friends sick if I'm not feeling better by tomorrow, since I'm staying at their apartment in SF. I'd rather just skip out on my trip than let that happen. But we'll see how it goes.
  • How long have you been sick and what are your symptoms?
  • Started with a sore throat Sunday night that continued through yesterday, then last night I had congestion, coughing, and I'm pretty sure a fever though I didn't take my temperature. I was unable to fall asleep until about 5am this morning, mostly due to breathing problems and general delirium, and even then I only got a few hours. Currently: coughing, congestion, sore throat.
  • I was going to say that if it was something more localized like a really bad strep, you wouldn't have to worry so much about contagion, but that sounds both pretty awful as well as easily spread. Feel better, man, and consider seeing a doctor if it doesn't start getting better by tomorrow. "Breathing problems and general delirium" are a bit worrying.

    Note, though, that if it is just a really awful cold, the period of maximum contagion will probably have ended by tonight.
  • I am without power, and that "63%" on my laptop battery meter is staring me down.

    Come back, electricity! I need to write a lab report!
  • I am without power, and that "63%" on my laptop battery meter is staring me down.

    Come back, electricity! I need to write a lab report!
    You mean you DONT have a stationary bike generator?
  • I can't seem to host a game of Borderlands for a reasons that elude me. I've forwarded all the ports and yet it still gives me trouble.
  • I'm supposed to be on a pseudo-vacation this week (meaning I just do a little work each day when I feel like it, just doing small bug fixes and such to unwind from a lot of crunch for the last couple months). Today I ended up working for 11 hours. -_-
  • I had to skip out on my non-refundable flight this morning. Mega-ultra fail. And I still feel like total crap.
  • Turns out I didn't get a Pell Grant for whatever reason. Ima have to go hassle the office tomorrow.
  • So my school won't let me take AP Comp Sci as an independent study (I can't take it as a regular course because it conflicts with Chinese). I'm still probably going to do all the work to prepare for the AP test, but now I'm not going to get any class credit for it. Which sucks even more because t would be my third AP, which at which point my school gives an "AP study period", which means that they average all your AP's and give you that as another grade. Nevermind that they were going to let me take the course before the conflict. Apperently that Studio Arts class I picked up since then will be a big time constraint.

  • This cold I've had for 3 days has completely and utterly ruined my voice, I can't speak at all in an understandable tone or volume. Feels weird.
  • edited September 2011
    My web design professor: "A hangover is dead brain cells." Um, not really. Its mainly just dehydration and a lack of glucose in the brain caused by alcohol inhibiting gluconeogenesis. Brain cell loss from alcohol is mainly only in alcoholics and is more indirect. I mean I know binge drinking is bad, but at least get your shit straight.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • My web design professor: "A hangover is Dead brain cells." Um, not really. Its mainly just dehydration and a lack of glucose in the brain caused by alcohol inhibiting gluconeogenesis. Brain cell loss from alcohol is mainly only in alcoholics and is more indirect. I mean I know binge drinking is bad, but at least get your shit straight.
    Reminds me of the time when my geography professor tried to claim that the earth was rotating from east to west, when it's the other way around.
  • My web design professor: "A hangover is Dead brain cells." Um, not really. Its mainly just dehydration and a lack of glucose in the brain caused by alcohol inhibiting gluconeogenesis. Brain cell loss from alcohol is mainly only in alcoholics and is more indirect. I mean I know binge drinking is bad, but at least get your shit straight.
    Reminds me of the time when my geography professor tried to claim that the earth was rotating from east to west, when it's the other way around.
    I once had a history teacher who claimed that Europeans had discovered horses in America and brought them over to Europe. This naturally led to many jokes about Roman chariots being pulled by velociraptors.
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